A/N: This is the LAST chapter of Silent Attraction II! I am very thankful for everyone that has stuck with this for all the years! There were some rough times were I didn't think that I would make it, but I did with everyone's help! I truly hope that everyone enjoys this chapter!

Chapter 21

Silent Attraction II

- Now –

[Mother in Heaven, I have come to learn the hardships in life… the good and the bad.]

"Are you nervous, Satoshi?" Haruhi asked softly as she smoothed out his suit gently while doing her best to calm him. "Only family and friends are outside, and no one will judge whether you go through this."

"What if I screw up?" He watched as she fixed his tie. "You have everything, the second best husband—because I would be better, two awesome kids that take after their awesome uncle—of course, and you have Mom being your surrogate!" Satoshi glanced at himself in the mirror. "I don't any of that…"

"Did you forget how many years it took me to get everything I wanted?" She smiled as she gently brushed his black jacket from lint. "Don't forget that it's because of you that I was able to finally marry Takashi, but to not let it go to your head." For a safety measure, she flicked his head. "Everyone is absolutely proud of you, especially a certain awesome sister-in-law that you have. Just saying."


[The Morinozuka family is surprisingly large. There are so many cousins and relatives that they could unite to form a small country if they wanted to whereas Dad and I were still a troublesome duo.]

There was a knock on the door, and they turned to watch as it opened. Her husband of three months and her mischievous teenagers entered the room to congratulate the nervous wreck happily so that he would know that he had support from them. It helped Satoshi a lot, but he was still nervous about everything: the ceremony, the speech, all his family and friends waiting for him. Another man came in, it was their half-brother, now proudly renamed as Morinozuka Itoyama Hiroshi. Akira was accepting to another son despite not being the biological father as Masayo was making new efforts for her family.

"Hey, I thought the party was after the speech?" He grinned sheepishly. "Your father is already doing the ceremony, you can't be late today—it's all about you today!" His arms crossed. "If you don't, I'll do it!"

Satoshi puffed his chest up defiantly at the suggestion. "No way! You're just a newbie! This is my time to shine! I'm completely ready for this!" That said, he started to storm off, but paused at the door to look at his siblings, niece, and nephew. "…will you go up there with me though?" He started to shed a tear.

Takashi sighed at the pathetic attempt to get what he wanted. "No—"
"Of course," Haruhi interrupted. "We would all be happy to support you."
His eyes rolled at her statement. "He was just baiting us to get his way."
"I wasn't baited, I want him to get through this without problems."

Hiroshi shook his head. "You two can bicker later, he needs to make his appearance!"

[It seems like I might have to start believing in fate because everyone is together… happy and healthy.]

Haruhi nudged everyone out of the room, telling Hiroshi that he would go first after Satoshi since he was the eldest son, followed by Choko who was the oldest of the new generation, and then herself. Making their appearance for Satoshi and the rest of the family was a big deal for them—for everyone. After her was Takeshi, which led Takashi to be at the end of their little line of support, and it was a good timing…

"…I am very proud of my youngest son for taking this enormous step into the world of responsibility." Akira sounded very proud as they caught some of the ending to the opening ceremony. "Everyone, please give your attention to the new successor of the Morinozuka Family." He motioned to the side.

Satoshi walked forth with his head held high as the five walked up on the stage behind him, standing two meters back so they would not crowd him. Over fifty close friends and hundreds of family members were present, making him feel very nervous about the situation. However, he was confident because his brothers believed in him, and so did Haruhi and the kids… he was ready. The moment Takashi asked him to take his place in line as the heir of their family when they were rejoicing to Haruhi waking up in the hospital, he knew that there was a lot of faith riding on his shoulders. It was because of everything, the good and the bad, that he was ready to take his big brother's place as Head of the Morinozuka Clan.

Everyone applauded his appearance on the stage, making him feel more confident about being the center of attention. "Thank you, everyone." He paused to think of the speech that fled his mind. "I never expected a day like this to come… a day that I would take my brother's position that he had trained his entire life for. I understand why he stepped down and asked me to take his place, and I'm thankful for this chance to finally step out of his shadow as the second born." His attention turned to the married man behind him, "so thank you, Taka-nii." Said brother bowed his head in respect. Satoshi turned to everyone again. "I want to be a man that the family can look up to as I did my brother, so I ask that everyone helps and supports my reign as the new Head of this family!" All stood and cheered him on.

Haruhi was the first of the five standing behind the happy young man to clap in his honor. "Little brat."

[With Satoshi taking over the family with Akira-otousama's guidance, Takashi was no longer bound by the rules of the Morinozuka family. Hiroshi decided to stay at the main house to learn all that he could about the history of his biological mother's family, and he was making great progress on learning everything that he could the moment he was accepted into their lives. Masayo wanted to learn more about him and what he did to survive in the world without the means of wealth. Akira-otousama had his hands full no matter what, so I'm thankful that he doesn't have to worry about Takashi and me.]

"Home at least!" Takeshi cheered happily as they went home to their estate in China. "I want my bed!"

"I want you to do your homework before you even think about going to sleep." Haruhi called as she entered before her husband as he motioned her to. "Just because we're back in the mainland doesn't mean you can slack off. If you want any chance of going back to Ouran Academy, both you and your sister have to earn it for yourselves with discipline and hard work. Choko, no more easy routes, okay?"

"No problem, I'll be graduating before you know it." The cocky female teen began walking away to her room that she had gotten used to since before the tournaments. "I'm going to go study then, see ya!"

"Wait for me Jie-Jie!" Takeshi hurried after his sister before they could feel their mother's wrath.

Takashi closed the front door and wrapped his arms around his wife happily; gratefully that he was able to do this again after over a decade of its absence. He nuzzled into her neck to shift away her hair so that he could kiss her skin to the point where she reeled away at the ticklish sensation. The teenagers had only fled to their rooms so that they would not seem them get so mushy in front of them—they were happy that their parents were finally together, but no one could ever separate them it seemed! Haruhi grabbed Takashi's room and led him up the stairs to their bedroom down the opposite so they would not scar their children for life. She was grateful for everything now; her negativity was out the window the day she woke up in that hospital bed. It was thanks to Kyouya who was still at an expensive psychiatric ward, getting the best attention that money could buy.

They walked into their room and locked the door behind them.

"You're a little frisky, aren't you?" Haruhi mused as he picked her up to take her to the king-sized bed.
"Mm," he was glad they left Japan in order to get alone time with her. "I don't want to leave this room."
He was like Velcro, only it was a lot harder to pry him off. Maybe he was like glue?" "For the night?"
"For a month—no, a year." Takashi set her on the bed and cuddled with her, kissing her tenderly.
"I can't stay here for a month, I have a company to run, and I have to be there for the appointments."

"…a week?"

His fruitful hope made her crack a smile. The determination was nostalgic; always trying to find some way for them to be together as a couple should. It was impossible to pull them apart anymore—to the point where she had to lock the doors to the bathroom if she wanted to bathe in peace. Their lovey-dovey attitude outside the bedroom was lighter for the sake of their children surviving the day without nausea… even though Choko had a boyfriend in Japan, which Haruhi kept as a secret from Takashi. If he knew that their daughter had a boyfriend that she was dating, he would probably hog tie him and throw him in a basement until he found a way to kill someone without leaving any traces behind.

Choko, the big bad Demon of Martial Arts, had started to turn into a softy thanks to her brother, allowing her to date her Vice Captain of the Martial Arts Club. Her brother loved to poke fun at her since she would turn bright red if she was caught holding her boyfriend's hands or kissing him. No doubt that the Morinozuka-Fujioka girls were as tough as nails, though. Takeshi had girls lined up at the door waiting for him and his good looks; making his parents fear that he would open up the Host Club again.

[Everything is in a good place now, Mom. I finally have a family that I can love and cherish limitlessly.]

Haruhi shifted around and sat on Takashi's waist. "Let's see how far your stamina goes now."

"What's the matter, Tamaki?" Yuzuru asked curious as he entered his son's office to see him staring upward at the ceiling as if he were waiting for something miraculous to happen. "Is it about Haruhi?"

"…she went back to China." He mumbled quietly. "I know she has a home there… but I like it when she's close by." His attention dropped down to the desk to look at an old picture where the Host Club still existed. "It was nice having her back after she disappeared for almost thirteen years. Now she's gone."

"She's not gone. You have multiple ways of contacting her, and you know where she lives so you can surprise her whenever you want to. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?" His son looked at him curiously.

"But I can't do that… she's married! He would surely kill me if I came unannounced!" Tears started to form. "I can't handle that kind of pressure!" His arms flapped around and sobbed at the thought of being choked to death if he hugged Haruhi, and his chair flipped backward, making him fall over. "See! I knew the world was against me! I need back up if I ever go visit them! I'll have to call everyone for help!"

[Tamaki is still an idiot even though he's been working hard at becoming good enough for the hotel companies. Right now, he is utterly focused on taking Ojii-san's position as Chairman. I know that he's doing it so that he can spend time with Choko and Lì, but I don't mind… neither does Takashi.]

"Hikaru! Kaoru! I have great news for you! You're going to have a baby sister!" Yuzuha cheered.

The twins looked at her with raised brows; the thought of having a sister around thirty years younger than them sounded creepy. Although it was creepier that their parents were still doing vigorous activities that would probably hurt their old man's back. However, the thought of having someone new to share their life with made them feel a little excited—they could teach her all their tricks and have her torment Tamaki when she goes to school. Oh yes, the mother they thought about it, the more interested they became. Their little sister would carry on their legacy in forever terrorizing Suoh Tamaki.

They came over and hugged her in excitement. "Congratulations Mom!"

[Hikaru and Kaoru are still devils, too. Hikaru's in the gaming business—Lì and Choko were promised the latest models of 3DS, whatever that is. Kaoru was focused on fashion and carrying on the traditions of the Hitachiin family… but he still finds time to harass me about staying up-to-date in the clothing department. Honestly, there is never a chance that they will give me a break!]

"Nii-san… you said you would stop eating sweets again." Yasuchika deadpanned at his brother.

"But I'm depressed! Haru-chan, Take-chan, Cho-chan and Takashi all left for China without so much as a goodbye party!" Mitsukuni gobbled his chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. "It's not fair Chika-chan!"

"…and you call yourself an adult?" His head shook. "You're girlfriend is waiting for you—"


Mitsukuni inhaled his desserts and ran out the dining room to greet his girlfriend, he was delighted to see her, and it was always cute to watch how shy she was. He took her hand and they ran off for their date around the town. Yasuchika sighed softly at the trouble his brother always caused, but he looked at the wall of the foyer to see pictures hanging up where everyone is as happy as can be. It was a lot of hard work, but he knew that their families were growing stronger and doing their best to build on their relationship in order to create happy memories that could be told for generations…

[Mitsukuni is being as careless as ever, but I know he plans to marry his girlfriend some day. He would be shocked to learn that she was in the Black Magic Club when we were in high school. Yasuchika is also giving it his all by challenging Mitsukuni to be the Head of the Haninozuka family, but he has a long way to go when it came to having the strength that Yorihisa desired for the heir. I'm rooting for him!]

"Kyouya-sama, Haruhi-sama has returned to China." A female nurse stated softly.


[Kyouya is still upset with me. He told me never to contact him so that he can recover from his obsession over me. I feel bad that this is my entire fault that he was put in this position. All I can do is pray and hope that he can make a speedy recovery. Takashi's wary though, he doesn't want Kyouya near me.]

Haruhi nuzzled against Takashi's chest in content after a long hour of fun. Her partner in crime was already out cold in a deep sleep as his reward for keeping up with his active wife. She smiled happily, tracing his muscles with a fingertip as he twitched every now and then at a ticklish spot. Her lips cracked into a smile at his chest hairs that he did his best to shave so he would seem young and in tiptop shape for her. It was obvious that he was trying to do his best to prove that he was good enough to be her husband, but after everything that they had been through… she could not think of anyone any better.

'Maybe I can make some dinner before he gets a chance to wake up.' The thought of surprising him with one of his favorite oriental foods made her a little giddy. She slowly moved out of his hold to crawl out of bed. '…almost …there…' Just as she was almost at the edge of the bed, he grabbed her leg and reeled her back to cuddle with her. 'You startled me, would you like something to eat? I'm a little hungry."

"I'm going to feed off you." He grumbled against her back tiredly. "For an entire week…"

"If you do that, I need to eat in order to feed you." Haruhi wiggled in his grasp with no luck. "Takashi," she turned in his arms to frown at him innocently. "Unless you know how you cook, you better let me go." He got the idea and released her to stay out of trouble. "I need to take a shower before that."

"Can I—"

"Ugh." He rolled over and stared at the ceiling in dismay.

She smiled as she walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind her to keep the pervert out in order to take a shower in peace. When she came out, Takashi was nowhere in sight. It was suspicious, but she came to her dresser, got dressed, and went downstairs. Voices of her family members were heard in the dining room, so she turned in that direction after reaching the bottom of the stairs. Choko and Takeshi were harassing each other at the dining table while Takashi enjoyed the moment watching them fool around as most siblings would. The sight of her family getting along so well with barely a year to get to know each other, she was grateful indeed.

"…I really do have the best family there is." Haruhi smiled and joined them.

Takeshi grinned widely. "Can't say that yet! We got a sibling on the way!"
Choko sneered at her little brother. "I hope it's a girl so we can kick your butt."
"I hope it's a boy so we can torture you all we want!" He stuck his tongue out at her.

As the two bickered, Takashi looked to Haruhi. "What do you want, a boy or girl?"
"It doesn't matter, it would be loved all the same, and it'll be my favorite child." She answered.
The siblings panicked. "No! I'm your favorite!" They paused and glared at each other. "No! I am!"
They began slapping at each other like toddlers, laughing all the while. Haruhi smiled. "You all are."

The chefs brought out their lunch, and they began to dig in.

[Mother in Heaven, I have come to learn the hardships in life… the good and the bad… and I wouldn't change it for the world.]

The End.

A/N: If ANYONE is interesting in being a Beta for my Ouran fanfics (Which there are 105 of them!) Please PM me! I might need like... FIVE or something!


- Good with Grammar.
- Able to throw ideas everywhere!