14 year old Harry Potter groaned as he slowly woke up.
His uncle had beaten him pretty bad last night for burning Dudley's dinner and was sent to his cupboard without any dinner.
Groaning again, he pulled himself up to check the time. 11.56 pm.
4 more minutes until my birthday, he thought glumly. He was looking forward to seeing more of Sirius and Ron and Hermione. He would be going to Grimmuald place tomorrow.
He sat back and slowly breathed out. Harry knew he would have to hide the bruises before anyone saw them.
He got up and began to pack his stuff. Sirius and the others would be there for him before breakfast.
Scratch, scratch.
Harry quickly turned around and saw an owl outside, waiting to be let in.
"Hey there, girl. You have a letter for me?" The owl hooted softly and stuck her leg out. Harry opened the letter, curious at who had written him a letter at this time.
Opening the letter, he started reading.
'My dearest Harry,
I'm writing this as we are in hiding. James thinks it's silly, but I can't help but write this note just in case. As you probably know, Voldemort is after you. There is a big chance that James and I may die. I had hoped that we get a chance to tell you this in person but if you are reading this then we are dead. However, you need to know that I love you more than anything in the world.
Harry, James and I are not your real parents.
Your biological parents are Tobias and Eileen Snape.
I know that this may come as a big shock to you, but you must understand that James and I love you like you are our own.
I couldn't get pregnant and when Eileen showed up on our doorstep, it was like a blessing.
Tobias doesn't know of your existence, Eileen made us swear not to tell him.
I won't lie to you; Eileen wasn't the best women around. She didn't tell Tobias of your existence because it would of meant that she would have had to stay and look after you. After you were born, we preformed the necessary charms and she was off. We got the news that she died a week later.
This note is supposed to be sent on your fifteenth birthday, which means that the charms will soon start to wear off and you will regain your real appearance. Your personality will likely change to. Don't worry; it won't be anything too drastic.
As you probably know, Severus and I were pretty close during our school years. Eventually we drifted apart. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter used to bully him, which was one of the main reasons he turned dark.
However, he was disgusted with what he did and offered to spy. Albus agreed and we found out about the prophecy.
Severus planned to take the potions job at the school, so I assume he's still there. I sent him a letter, which he should be receiving now, as well as Albus.
James and I told no-one of this, not even the rest of the Marauders.
You're our son in all but blood. You now also have full access to the Potter vaults, but you can talk to Albus about that, who will probably explain it better than I can.
Tobias, Severus and Albus will all be reading this now, so I wish you the best of luck my son.
Lots of love,
Lilly and James Potter
Harry stared at the letter, not sure what to do or say. Finally, he found two words that summed up all his emotions and feelings.
"Well, fuck."
Harry had finally finished packing his things, his mind on the letter.
Snape! Him a Snape!! Harry couldn't believe it.
He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he almost didn't notice the doorbell.
Sighing, Harry slowly got up and walked downstairs.
His whole body was sore, but he had hidden the bruises and scares.
His uncle sneered at him as he walked by.
"Listen here boy, you tell those freaks that we don't want you back, ok?"
"Yes sir," Harry replied dully before moving to the door. Standing outside was Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape.
"Hello there, young Harry. I assume you're ready to go?"
Harry nodded and Dumbledore pulled out a banana.
Noticing Harry's confused look, Dumbledore smiled.
He, Snape and Harry all touched it and shortly found themselves in the Headmasters office.
"Sit down, sit down. We have much to discuss. Harry, I assume you know what I am talking about?"
Harry nodded. What else could it be?
Declining the Headmaster's offer of sweets, Snape and Harry both sat down. It was only then that Harry noticed one more person was in the room.
He looked a lot like Snape, only broader and stronger.
Noticing Harry's stare, he introduced himself.
"Hello there, Harry. I'm Tobias Snape."
He was about to reply when Dumbledore cleared his throat.
"Now, we've all read our letters and the only way to make sure this is the truth is for Harry and Tobias to add their blood to the potion that Severus has prepared."
"Sir," Harry began. "What happens if it is true?"
Dumbledore smiled. "Then I will explain what will happen after."
Snape withdrew a small vial from his pocket, filled with what appeared to be clear liquid. Handing his father a knife, Tobias cut himself and dropped his blood into the vial. Harry copied.
The potion suddenly turned a bright green.
Tobias and Dumbledore looked liked they hadn't expected anything else, while Snape looked disappointed.
"What does it mean?" Harry ventured to ask.
"Stupid boy. Don't you remember this potion from last year?" Snape looked so bitter and angry that Harry shrank back.
"Severus," Dumbledore said in a warning voice. He turned to Harry.
"It means that the letter is, in fact, correct."
"Well then. If you don't mind Albus, I'm going to take my son to Prince Manor and we will talk about what to do now there."
Dumbledore just nodded. "Is that okay with you Harry?"
Harry nodded numbly. Severus and then Tobias stepped into the fireplace and shouted Prince Manor.
Harry soon followed and got a first glimpse of his new home.