The tension in the lab was undeniably thick the minute you got out of the elevator. There was no denying how far the team seem to be splitting up.

Ryan Wolfe decided that he should ask some of his friends to go out for drinks after the shift. So,he decided Eric would be his first try.

"Hey Eric,"said Ryan walking in to QD.

"Hey man,"said Eric not wanting to spill the beans to much. After they found out Ryan held onto the casing(when he was kidnapped) he lost a lot of trust in him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a beer after work tonight,"he asked placing his hands on the glass table.

"I already got plans,sorry man,maybe some other time,"replied Eric. He wasn't lying,but he wasn't telling the truth.

He did have plans but that consisted of going home,eating supper,taking a shower,and going to bed.

"That's cool,have fun,"said Ryan walking out the door in pursuit of Calleigh.

Of course,he found her where he expected,in ballistics. He opened the door and she spun around,kinda startled.

"Oh Ryan,you scared me,"said Calleigh with that bid old smile on her face.

"Sorry 'bout that,do you wanna hang out after work tonight,"he asked.

She was not expecting this and so she bit her bottom lip trying to think of an excuse.

"Sorry,can't,dog died."

"I didn't know you had a dog,"he responded.

"She was a yorkie and she stayed at my mom's house."

"I thought your mom lived in Kentucky,"he said with his arms folded across his chest. What did people think he was..stupid.

"She did,then she moved down here,she couldn't stand being far from me,"said Calleigh thinking of the rest of the story.

"Why don't you let me visit her then,we get along great,"

"She doesn't like company,now,if you'll excuse me,I have to get these results to Horatio,"she said walking out the door.

I guess they do think I'm stupid he thought.

He went into DNA and was glad he found Natalia.

"Hey Natalia,how are you,"he asked walking through the door.

"Oh hey Ryan,I'm fine,there's just a lot of DNA to process,"she responded only looking up once to see who came in.

"Do you think you wanna hang out tonight?"

"Um,Ryan,I'm kinda busy tonight,plus,I really don't feel like going out anywhere tonight."

"Alright,see ya,"and with that he left the room. He really didn't want to ask Horatio,but he needed to go to the locker room to get his phone that he realized he left in his locker.

AS he was about to turn the corner seeing that the door was already open,he heard voices talking.

"I don't trust him Calleigh,ever since he held that casing for the day,my trust in him kinda went down. Okay,a lot went down,"said Eric leaning against a locker.

"Well,I'm supposed to go to an imaginary dog funeral for a yorkie who lived at my mom's fake house in Miami,"said Calleigh her back to the entry way.

"He's tearing this team apart,"he said.

"Eric,that was uncalled for. People may be disconnected more,but you can't blame that on him. It's been a slow fade."

Eric sighed and said "When Speed was here nobody was disconnected. We were a close knit family,no look at us."

"Eric,don't blame it all on him. He had nothing to do with." Then Eric interrupted her. "Calleigh,shut up and listen,all this bad stuff started happening when he came on board. For example,he got shot in the eye,I got shot in the head,Alexx left,and much more,you wanna know why,because he's caused all of this."

Ryan had enough he turned and left in a hurry and left for the back of the building.

When he reached the back,he just stood there and though about what they said,I guess I really did cause all of this he thought.

He looked down at his badge and knew what he should do.