I've recently gotten obsessed with Keroro Gunso, and when I had this idea, I had to finish it right away. I've been working on this fic for about a week, and it's already completed. I'm going to post a chapter a day, so you won't have to wait long for updates. There are seven chapters in total.
Warning: This contains Giroro/Dororo. Also contains some moments that could or could not be taken as Keroro/Dororo hints. (This fic was originally going to be Keroro/Dororo, so there are a couple of things left over. Nothing major.) Some semi-sexual content. Again, nothing major.
Disclaimer: Keroro Gunso/Sergeant Frog belongs to Mine Yoshizaki. I own nothing.
I hope you enjoy the story!
The place in which he found himself was dark and unfamiliar. Dororo didn't know how he'd gotten there, but he knew he didn't want to be there any longer.
The first steps off of the floor were shaky, his legs weak and his body weary. His mind was a haze, and he found himself with no recollection of what had happened the night before, let alone his current location. With a groan, he staggered forward, his feet dragging past some unknown object on the floor. He collided with a solid surface that he presumed to be the wall. He slid his hands along it, hoping to find a light switch or a door.
His fingers collided with a small down-turned switch, and he quickly flicked it up. The room was illuminated with a blinding flash that forced him to shield his eyes.
When the light no longer burned, he lowered his hands and took in his surroundings.
He was in Keroro's room, and it was a wreck.
Every single piece of furniture was either overturned or completely destroyed. The past contents of Keroro's shelves now littered his floor, Gundam models and books on psychology forming a second carpet. On the walls were various splatters of unknown substances, bright colors such as orange and red that decorated the normally pristine walls in arbitrary splatters. The air smelt of alcohol.
Dororo's comrades lay in various spots around the room. Tamama slept in a corner, curled up with Giroro, both of them most likely thinking (or dreaming) that the other was someone else. Kururu had ended up underneath the table, someone's panties worn over his hat. Keroro dozed in the center of the room, a white handkerchief in his hand.
A white handkerchief?
Dororo's hands flew to his face, and his eyes widened in horror.
His mask was gone!
And if Keroro had it…
Then his face had been seen!
No need to panic, he told himself. If I don't remember what happened, then they probably don't either. I can put the mask back on before anyone wakes up and no one will remember what I look like.
With that thought in his mind, he slid soundlessly across the room to Keroro, using his ninja skills to avoid waking the others. When he reached Keroro, he noticed with despair that his mask was tightly clenched in the other's hand.
Still no need to panic, thought Dororo. You know Keroro-kun. He's a very heavy sleeper. If you gently pull away your mask, there's no way he'll wake up.
And so, grabbing onto one end of the mask, Dororo pulled. It took a bit of struggle, but he succeeded in retrieving it without waking his superior up.
But as soon as the mask was out of his hold, Keroro gave a loud whine, grabbing out to try and retrieve his missing security blanket. Dororo quickly put on his mask, in case Keroro woke one of the others and he was seen. Once it was on, he gave a small sigh of relief.
Unfortunately, Keroro was still grabbing around, and still whining. Dororo kneeled down to comfort his friend, rubbing his shoulder. "Be still, Keroro-kun…"
Instead of being still, Keroro's hand clamped down on the fabric of Dororo's mask. He pulled, and Dororo fell with a small cry.
Dororo barely stopped it from being the headbutt of the century by putting his arms out on either side of Keroro's head, causing his fall to cease with a jerky halt. Keroro finally calmed, letting go of Dororo's mask and letting his hand fall to the side. Dororo gave another sigh of relief.
Or he was about to, until the camera flash went off.
The blue ninja's gaze snapped to the table, underneath which Kururu laid, one hand to his lips and the other lowering his camera.
"Ku ku ku ku," Kururu chuckled, his laughter as dark and taunting as ever. "Good show, Dororo-senpai. Ku ku ku!"
"Kururu," gasped Dororo, "Did… did you just take a photo?"
"Ku ku ku! Why?" asked Kururu, waving the camera teasingly, "Do you want a copy?"
"Why would you…?" Dororo then realized the position he was in, and yelped, flying away from Keroro. He looked between his sergeant and Kururu, flustered. "You took a picture of that? Why? I wasn't doing anything, I was just… I just… What are you going to do with that photo?!"
"Calm down, Dororo-senpai," said Kururu, his constant grin growing wider. "After all, if you weren't doing anything… Why worry about a little photo? Ku ku ku ku…"
Dororo thought it over. Why worry?
Because if the others saw that photo, they would freak out and be disgusted and not listen to any of my explanations and Keroro-kun would hate me and Giroro-kun would hate me and Tamama-dono would probably kill me and they'd ignore me even more and I would die sad and alone!
As he began to hyperventilate, tears streaming from his eyes and dampening his mask, Dororo heard Kururu speak to him in a sly, scheming tone.
"You don't need to cry, Dororo-senpai… I won't show anyone this photo."
Dororo glanced back at him, confused. "You… you won't?"
"Of course not," said Kururu, "Just as long as you do everything I say…"
"Gero… That was some party last night," Keroro mumbled, peeling himself off of the floor. "I don't even remember what we were celebrating…"
"I think it was something to do with that singing competition on Keron," said Giroro, who was currently sitting as far away from Tamama as possible. "But for the life of me, I can't remember who won or why we were celebrating it."
"The winner was Himumu-chan," said Kururu, grinning, "And I placed a bet on her… I'm rich. Ku ku ku ku!"
"Oh! That is reason to celebrate! Himumu-chan is the greatest!" Keroro exclaimed happily, wincing when the sound of his own voice pierced his brain. "Ouch… headache… Not to mention, with those winnings, we'll have enough money to propel the invasion into victory!"
"I said I'm rich… ku ku ku…"
"Gero… that's just not nice."
The room fell into comfortable silence as the platoon took in their chaotic surroundings.
Tamama laughed nervously. "What a mess…"
"I can clean it all up with the Kero ball," said Keroro, shrugging. Looking around again, he asked, "Hey… where's Dororo?"
Dororo was waiting in Kururu's lab, pacing around the room anxiously.
What is Kururu-dono going to have me do? he wondered. Make him curry? Steal materials for inventions? Murder his enemies?
"Hello, Dororo-senpai," came a voice from the doorway. "Take a seat… ku ku ku ku…"
Dororo did as he was told, sitting on his knees on the floor. "Kururu-dono, what do you need me to do?"
"All in good time." Kururu sat in his swivel chair, turning away so Dororo couldn't see his face. "So… Tell me, Dororo-senpai… Are you willing to do… anything to keep this photo away from the others? Ku ku…" As though to remind Dororo of which photo he was talking about, he raised it into the air, printed and high-quality, and waved it tauntingly.
Something in his laugh and the way he said 'anything' told Dororo that Kururu would have him do literally anything. "Um… That depends."
"Leaving it to a case-by-case basis… I see. Ku ku ku…" Kururu glanced back at Dororo, looking him up and down. "I know how stubborn you are, Dororo-senpai… Let's hope, for your sake, that you can put that stubbornness aside." Kururu turned his chair around, raising his hand to his lips as he uttered another dark chuckle. "I can make this a lot worse than it already is… ku ku ku."
Dororo swallowed. "What do you mean?"
"Let's just say I have the ability to make this photo a little more… risqué," said Kururu. "And how would you be able to deny the photographic evidence? Ku ku ku ku!"
Dororo sighed, feeling a pit of despair and hopelessness grow in the pit of his stomach. "What do you want me to do, Kururu-dono?"
"Just a few… simple tasks…. Dororo-senpai."
Author's Notes: End of chapter one! Kururu sure laughs a lot... I sometimes felt like I was overdoing it, but without it, it just doesn't sound like Kururu...
Heh heh. Kururu doesn't have an 'ability'... he has Photoshop. XD
Please review!