CH-1: La Freaking Push

Edited: 1/4/14: This story is being edited for grammatical errors and formatting. The story line and plot will not change.

The flight was boring, just like every other year.

I was getting sent to La Push for the summer by my jerk of a dad to stay with my uncle Jerry, or Jay as I call him. I've been sent every summer since I was 3 and now I'm 17 and I still never enjoy being sent away. The reason I go to La Push every summer is because my dad needs time away from his "stupid child." I honestly don't think that my dad ever wanted kids, or maybe he just thought he would always have a boy. It's just been me and my dad since I was 3 and my mom got hit by a drunk driver on her way home from work, she died instantly.

So my dad, Kyle Taylor, was left with a daughter that he never wanted and had to raise, so he sends me to Uncle Jay's house every summer. Uncle Jay is my mom's brother, he doesn't like my dad all that much but he absolutely adores me, says I'm just like my mother. He loves having me there in the summer, even though he works a lot of it he still makes time for me. I used to help out at his office during the summer depending on if I was bored enough, I'm still not totally sure what he does, he never really told me, I just organized files while I was there.

This year might be different, though, he got married a couple months back, so I'm a little nervous to meet her. My dad didn't let me go to the wedding said "my sorry little ass didn't deserve the right to go after all I put him through." Let's just say that when my dad showed up without me Jay was pissed, but said that they recorded it for me to watch. All I know about my new aunt is that her name is Haley. Jay never told me much, wanting me to get to know her by myself.

One thing I am excited to go to La push about is my friend Kim, we've known each other since we were five and met at a park that Jay took me to. We talk all the time on the phone and e-mail, but I can't wait to see her. I've heard a lot about her boyfriend, Jared, I feel like I practically know him. I find it funny that they're dating, because Kim has had this huge crush on Jared for a while now, and almost every conversation we've had for the past five years has had him in it. '

As you have probably figured out Kim's my best friend, I don't have any really good friend where I live in Monterey, California, just acquaintances, people I talk to at school. Kim and Uncle Jay are the only good things about La push. Oh, and the beach I love the beach, I usually go for a run in the sand every morning at home so I've always loved that I was able to keep that routine while I'm out of state.

"All passengers please buckle your seat belts and turn off your electronics we're preparing to land." The intercom on the plane announced.

I was finally feeling excited, the dread getting washed away by thoughts of landing and seeing Kim. Kim and Jared where picking me up from the airport, Jay had to work and didn't want me to meet Haley without him, so he had asked Kim to get me, and she had asked Jared to tag along so we could officially meet. And when I say officially its cause I've talked to him before.

A couple summers ago, when Kim was in her Jared stalking faze and she dragged me with her, we kind of got caught, well I got caught. Kim ditched me as he was turning around and later said that if she got caught she'd be scarred for life and that I didn't live here so I won't have to deal with it again. I had made some lame excuse he probably didn't believe and went on with my day. After that we never stalked anyone ever again, at least I didn't.

Finally the plane lands and I was looking around the airport terminal for Kim, because I don't actually remember what Jared looks like, but apparently he is really hot, according to Kim anyways. I don't see her because there is a big crowd so I pull out my phone and send a text "Where R U?" To which she responded "Do u see the huge tan guy? Walk that way." I look up and a little ways away is guy much like what she described, so I start walking that way when I can finally see that the guy had his arms around my best friend smiling like an imbecile. They haven't seen me yet because they can't stop staring at each other. I keep standing there seeing if they will notice me, they don't. I swear I'm standing right in front of them for five minutes. So I decide to text her to get to the attention I wanted "You two are making me sick. P.S. look up! " I heard her phone chime in her hand, she looked at the text then her head snapped in my direction and she ran out of Jared's arms and tackled me into a hug.

We were both jumping around hugging and squealing like little kids. After a few minutes and some stares from strangers, we stopped and calmed our selves. We stepped away to get a good look at each other. Kim was shorter than me maybe 5'5 with russet colored skin and shoulder length black curly hair. She was always the pretty one, with me being 5'8 with tanned colored skin and long brown curly hair that goes to my shoulder blades. Nothing too special.

"Megan Taylor, you look great, I love your long hair."

"Me? What are you talking about, look at you, can you smile any bigger? I like your new accessory, a guy who would have thought?"

Kim blushed at that statement and laughed when I called Jared her accessory.

"Well let me introduce you. Jared- Meg, Meg- Jared." He held out his hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Kim hasn't stop talking about you."

"You, too. Yeah, Kimmy over there hasn't shut up about you either." I said, shooting her a look saying how serious I was, she really needs to find something else to talk about sometimes.

When I turned back to Jared, I was going to say more on that subject, but Kim stopped me probably sensing which direction I was headed with this conversation.

"Come on lets go get your bags and head to your house. Jay wants you there by six." Kim said, pushing me toward baggage claim.

With a two hour drive ahead of us, we'd just barely make it. We got my things and went out to Kim's car; I sat in the back because Jared really is huge and can't fit back there. Kim and I talked about everything on the way home, just catching up; Jared had put his ear buds in giving us privacy, or trying to drown us out. Before we knew it, we had pulled into my Uncle's drive way. After saying goodbyes and telling her I'd call her tonight I got out with my bags and made my way to the front door, the feeling of dread coming back.






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