Power Impersonate

I am plain, that is what has always been said about me but they don't know the real me. I want to be plain, i want to be ignorable, so i am. I wish it and i am. It is how it has always been for as long as i can remember.

My name is Bella Swan; i lived in Phoenix Arizona with my mother and Phil. They thought i was normal too, but what did they know. My mother, hair brained as she is, never notices much. I have fended for myself since i was small, i didn't mind i always knew more than i appeared to know and i wanted it that way. I did not like relying on another.

I learnt the hard way to keep what i know to myself, what i am to myself. On my fifth birthday my teacher took me to a councillor as i said something unbelievable, I saw her death, all of it, nothing removed, it was gory and too much for me to stand at the time. No-one believed me, and two weeks later she was hit by a truck. All the students knew what i had predicted and said i made it happen, that i wanted it to happen. Since that day i have had no friends and i always kept my visions to myself. This was my first gift, though it did not seem like it at the time, it seemed more like a curse, to watch someone's death at the age of five.

My abilities increased over time, every year on my birthday i gained a new ability. When i was six i learnt that i could change the way i looked, shape shifting, it helped to avoid the bullies in the corridors, they did not recognise me. I did not use my ability to look prettier, it was no use, it would not help me gain friends. I was bullied since the prediction of my teacher's death, i was a freak to them, and maybe they thought I was dangerous or they would die if they were in contact with me. I continued to see deaths but no longer tried to stop them, there was nothing that i could do. I was quiet to begin with but now i hardly spoke. I worked hard but my skills were never shown for fear of standing out any further. My grades would have been outstanding but they were just average.

When i was seven i learnt to change into animals and found a love for the great outdoors, i became a recluse, always outside, but my mother never noticed me anyway so it did not worry anyone much, i was alone in the world. My favourite form was of a white wolf. I had long silky white fur and glowing blue eyes that struck fear into anyone who came near me while in this form. However white wolves were not native to Arizona, so it was dangerous to use this form too often. I tended to take the form of a bird, as it allowed me the freedom i did not have a school, or a squirrel, as the family community in the forest around my house offered me comfort and love that i was not offered by my own mother. I loved to scamper around the trees; my friends in the forest would always be there for me, i would never be a freak to them.

When i was eight my hearing heightened, i could hear through walls, ceilings, even things happening down the street. This was extremely helpful as my mother started drinking heavily after Phil left and took out any upset on me; she blamed me for his leaving. She believed that it was my fault that he left, that he did not want a woman with a child. The truth was he had fallen in love with a woman on the women's baseball team that he coached, and had gone to travel with her and the team. I had liked Phil, but i grew to resent his leaving as mother started to hit me when she came back from the pub drunk. This is when i realised that she did not love me and came to believe that no-one ever would. From then on i always called her Renee, never mother or mum. She did not notice, but it made me feel better, like i had got one over on her.

When i was nine i could speak, write and understand any language. Our new neighbour was Chinese and i enjoyed speaking to him, he had many stories to tell of China and would often tell me a bedtime story before i headed back to my own home for the night. I trusted him, he knew i could speak Chinese but would never tell anyone as he was mentally unstable. Unfortunately he started to see Renee as a threat when he saw her hit me once, his condition led to him killing her, it was gruesome and there was nothing i could do, so that day i played in the forest in my wolf form for comfort and to distract myself from what i knew was happening. When she died i was sent to live with my father Charlie in Forks, Washington. He insisted that i called him Daddy, but even at my young age i would go no further that calling him dad and even then i called him Charlie behind his back. I loved Forks, everything was so green and there was so much space, but Charlie was very protective and i could not go out as much in my animal forms for fear of discovery and punishment.

When i was ten i lost any clumsiness i had and gained agility, speed, the knowledge of martial arts and other fighting skills, including weaponry. At this age i was allowed to wander Forks alone, i was deemed old enough and wise enough. So i trained everyday no matter the weather. I taught myself every martial art, how to use a sword (with a wooden stick, swords were hard to come by at my age) and how to shoot a gun, i snuck out at night with Charlie's (he was/is Chief of Police). I am skilled in all but there were many accidents during my training and i had to use my shape shifting abilities to hide any wounds. I knew something would come and i would have to protect myself from it.

When i was eleven a man came to me, he told me that i was ready to gain the knowledge of why i had these abilities. He was tall with dark hair and bottomless, undeterminable coloured eyes, he had a mysterious, powerful air. His name was Dula. He had a visible aura, he was neither beautiful nor ugly there was only power. He granted me the knowledge of all the creatures in our world (unknown to human kind), their weaknesses, and their strengths and for a year he taught me to use my skills. My fighting skills specifically as you can never be perfect unless you have faced an opponent. He also taught me to hone my hearing and to focus my shape-shifting abilities on others and on objects, this way i could hide things of importance. When i was perfect with all my gifts he left until my next birthday.

When i was twelve he asked me what i wanted most in the world. I wanted to find a friend as i had been lacking in that department for a long while, i never knew how much it could impact on my future but would not know this for years to come. He gave me a sword. It had a green swirling precious stone handle and a silver blade of a metal i had never encountered anywhere else and never would, it was invisible to everyone but me except in a battle situation. Also he gave me a selection of other weapons, none as intricate as the sword, for my own use. He said that next year he would return to see my improvements and give me my next gift.

When i was thirteen i could read minds, any mind animal and human, no limits and protect my own and others from intrusion. I heard many interesting things, things that i wasn't meant to hear and things i wished that i would never have heard. Many hours were spent with severe headaches as Dula taught me to control my mind reading to stop unwanted thoughts, but eventually i got there. He left until the next year.

When i was fourteen i grew, grew to be beautiful, but i hid this, the attention from my younger years was enough to put me off showing my abilities. I knew that bad things could happen and my own insecurities would not allow me to be put in the spotlight. But it was not hard to hide this new found beauty, i had gained control over my shape shifting abilities years ago. I did not understand why i became so beautiful all my other gifts had a purpose, on one occasion i asked Dula why, he replied that one day i would understand when i was older. It was frustrating to say the least and the only time i have ever shouted at him. I asked him to take it back but he refused.

When i was fifteen i grew more beautiful with age, though it was still hidden, and i learnt that i could heal after falling down the stairs and breaking my arm. It was agonising and as i held my arm, i wished to myself that it would heal and it did. A golden glow originated from my hand and spread out along the injury, healing quickly and painlessly. I taught myself to heal others by healing the animals inside the forest. This was my easiest gift to accept as i am a naturally compassionate person and could not bear to see another living creature in pain.

When i was sixteen i was given my final gift, the powers of other creatures, i could hide among them or act human, they would never know. It would keep me safe from vampires, werewolves, veelas, witches, wizards and all the other creatures. By this time i was the smartest in the school (but no-one would know), the most beautiful (i was too shy and scared to let it show) and the most powerful (which one day everyone would know).

Other that learning to deal with my new gifts, life in Forks is rather normal and repetitive with no friends, but i am content with my lot but never truly happy.

Everything is soon to change. I don't know how, but i have a feeling, an undeniable feeling.