Well, here we are folks, the last chapter in Everything in its Place. This has been one hell of a ride and I am grateful for everyone who stayed with me and helped me with all of this. But do not worry, this is not the end of the story, just the end of this arc. So now, sit back and enjoy.
Sadly I do not own Black Lagoon.
Chapter 8
As soon as she heard her name, her head whipped up, and met Rock's eyes starring right back at her. She didn't know whether she should slap him for getting himself shot, of to start fucking the life out of him. She chose to give him a brake for now considering the condition that he was in; wrapping her arms around him she buried her face into his neck.
"Revy…why-" she immediately covered his mouth with her hand.
"Just, shut for once Rock. And let me talk this time."
She waited for him to give a slight nod before she removed her hand. "Make this…quick…not sure ho…w long I…be awake."
She got up, gently straddled him, and ran her hand over his face. "Then I will make this short Rock. I was fucked up for the longest time, and I still am fucked up Rock, that is the one thing you have to understand above anything else. But Rock, I know this now. I love you."
By the end of her speech she had lowered her head, fighting from any moisture from entering her eyes. When she looked up again, Rock's eyes were closed. "You little fucker."
After a week of Rock in the hospital, he was finally able to stay awake for most of the day. His chest still hurt like hell, but that was to be expected he guessed. For the first two days that he was awake, the doctors ran perhaps every test in the book on him. They told him that he was not out of the woods until just yesterday. Luckily for him, as the doctors told him, the bullets were both a through and through. This meant that the doctors did not have to dig into his chest in order to dig them out.
But the one thing that had him the most curious was Revy. She said very few words to him while he was out. But the doctors told him that she was always by his side. She was even in the room at night. She had even threatened to shoot some of the nurses who told her she had to leave during the night.
Speaking of which. He turned his head to the side and took in Revy's sleeping form. She was hunched over in a chair, with one of his hands cradled in hers. She must have fallen asleep waiting for him to wake up again.
Her attitude for him was almost to the point of unnerving. The last time they spoke, she damn near tore his head off, and he left in a blind rage, which ended up with him getting shot. He did not know what had happened to her, but he had hoped that this change did not come around just because he almost died. That would have been a change due to guilt, and that kind of thing never worked out well.
Deciding that know was as good as time as any to talk to her about it; he gently shook her, trying to wake her gently.
She opened her eyes slowly, and looked up to him, rubbing the last remnants of sleep from her eyes. "Rock, you're awake."
"Yeah, hey Revy. We need to talk about this."
"Talk about what you dumbass. It's too fuckin early for me to listen to your fuckin cryptic language bullshit."
"What happened Revy? One moment you hate me, then I almost die, and now I wake up to find you all over me. I am glad for this Revy. But I want to know what brought on this change in you."
She lowered her face, and Rock was afraid of what she would do once she raised it again. She was quiet for a long time, enough time to make him start to sweat anyway, and then she raised her head. It could have been a trick of the light, but he could've sworn that there were fresh tears starting to form in her eyes.
As quick as it came though, it went away to be replaced by the rock hard face she always wore. "You want to know if I only feel like this because you almost died. Don't you?"
He lowered his head in shame. "Yes."
"I will not lie to you, and say that had nothing to do with this. But I came to realize something shortly after you left. Of course it took Dutch to help me realize it."
She climbed up onto the bed and straddled him, being very careful to not put any pressure onto his chest. Taking a deep breath she began her story. "After you left me, I can honestly say that I have never felt more alone in my entire life. It was exactly what I feared would happen. I would grow attached to you, and then you would leave me alone just like everyone else has in my life.
"Now, going back to your original question, my feelings for you became clear before we found you shot."
She snorted. "I had some help in figuring it out. Dutch told me a story about something that happened to him in the past, and also I figured that I have never been afraid of anything before, so why should I be afraid of a little thing like this?"
She leaned in really close to him, right to the point where their lips almost touched. "Now Rock, say it one more time."
It took him a moment to realize what she wanted, but once he did a smile spread on his face. "I love you Revy. I do not know how much time we will have together, but I want to make the best of it, and I want you to be by my side for all of it."
Her lips pressed hard against his, taking his breath away. Good god, he had forgotten how it felt to kiss her like this. She pulled back slightly, her lips moving against his. "I love you too, you fucking office prick."
She never could say anything nice without adding an insult to it at some point and time. And that was something that he loved about her. Man, this city really had fucked him up bad. "So, what happens now? And what happened to that damn Mr. Smith?"
She leaned back. "That is one hell of a long story Rock. Let's just say that fucker is dead, and it turns out he was betraying the people who hired him for some other people. But now we have a target, and Balalaika is looking forward to going out and destroying all those mother fuckers. She is taking this situation and twisting it to give her a chance to flex her muscles again."
"So, who hired this guy in the first place?"
"He was hired originally by a branch of the American Mafia. Then later by the Cartel. It was one fucked up situation. But now Balalaika has info on both the Cartel and Mafia, and she intends to go to the states and fuck the both of them up. Oh yeah, and as an added bonus, she has hired us, Dutch and Benny included, to go with her to the states when you get better."
He dropped his head back against the pillow. Just great, another fucking war, just like in Tokyo. It should be noted that Revy always had this uncanny ability to read his mind, and she was proving her ability with her next statement.
"Do not give me that fucking look you dipshit. This is nothing like Tokyo. This is a mission of revenge. We are not going to be getting close to anyone on their side. And if you do I might just end you myself this time."
He had to laugh at this. It seemed as if the right to end his life resided with her alone. No one else was allowed to even try.
Three weeks later, the doctors had finally cleared Rock to leave the hospital. Revy had stayed with him almost the entire time, leaving only really to go out and do the odd job or two. The doctors stopped trying to get her to leave after she threatened to perform a little surgery of her own, with her cutlass. The doctor damn near turned white as a sheet, but left her alone after that incident.
Now here he was, with Revy next to him, leaving this god damn building. Hell fresh air had never smelled so good in his entire life. He would rather be held hostage again then have to spend another fucking day in this place.
Walking past the sliding glass doors, and into the sun, he saw that Dutch and Benny were both outside, waiting for the two. "Hey Rock," Dutch called out.
Rock gave a nod to his employer. "Hey Dutch, did I miss anything?"
Dutch shook his head, "Nah, you didn't miss much. By the way, your luckily Balalaika likes you. She flipped the bill for your stay, if she hadn't it would've been coming out of your pay."
"What, no medical for this job?"
Dutch threw his head back and laughed. "Well, it is good to see that you have not lost your sense of humor Rock. Get in."
Walking up to the back door, he opened it, and always being the gentlemen, held it open for Revy to enter first. Revy slipped into the back seat and slid over to allow Rock room to get in. Once the whole crew was settled into the car, Rock took up the roll as business man again. "So Dutch, what type of jobs have we been doing while I was out? And what's this I hear about Balalaika wanting to hire us for job in the US?"
Dutch pressed down the cigarette lighter in the car dash. "She'll give us a call when she's ready. As for other jobs, we've pulled in about forty grand while you were out. Spent about half on ship repairs, engine decided to take a shit on us a week ago."
Rock was running the numbers through his head while Dutch was giving them. Even though he was hurt, he was still part of this crew, and he knew that he needed to pull hi weight. Also, the way these three handled money, Rock was surprised that they were not living on the streets.
A slap to the side of his head brought him back to the present. "Stop that shit Rock. You just got out of the hospital, so quit fucking going off into space all the time. You ain't on those fuckin drugs anymore."
Rock rubbed the side of his head. She did not hit him too hard, but even her weak hits still hurt like hell. Even though he was just out of the hospital, it appeared that he still was not immune to her torment. "You would hit someone who was just released from the hospital?" He asked in a joking manner.
Revy just grunted as she lit a cigarette of her own. After it was lit she leaned back. "It was your chest that was hurt, not your fuckin head. Unless of course you hit it against something. But then of course, you have such a hard fuckin head that I would be surprised if anything could hurt you."
Rock did a double take. Did she just make a joke there? "You better be careful Revy," he said reaching for the cigarette that Dutch was offering, "you keep this up I might just get you a dress to wear."
Revy flicked him off. "Sit down and rotate on this ya ass hole."
All the men in the car laughed at the gesture. It was atmosphere in the car almost suggested that the last month had never happened. Soon enough the group was outside of the apartment, but only Revy and Rock got out of the car.
"Benny and I are going to go and get some things we need. Try not to destroy the place while were gone." And with that the duo left, leaving Revy and Rock standing on the street.
Rock turned to talk to Revy, but she did not give him the chance. As soon as the car was out of sight, she grabbed his tie and pulled him into the apartment. Once in the apartment, she threw him against the wall in the hallway, knocking the breath out of him.
Before he could recover, she pressed her body against his. Reaching behind him, she wrapped her hands behind his head, and pulled his mouth down to hers. The pain in his chest quickly left him, as it was replaced by something else.
Loping his arms around her, he pulled her closer to him, pressing her tightly against him. She released a small moan into his mouth. This only fueled his longing for her. Apparently, it also fueled her longing also. She let go of his neck, leaned back, brought her hands to his chest, and ripped his shirt open, spraying buttons everywhere.
Reaching down, Rock cupped her ass in his hands and lifted her up, forcing her against the wall opposite them. Revy moaned louder at this action and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Moving away from the wall, he walked down the hallway towards their bedroom. "Fuck that Rock," Revy said breaking their kiss.
"I need you right the fuck now Rock. Fuck the god damn bed."
Releasing her death grip on his waist, she pulled him down with her to the floor, never once breaking the contact between their lips. All thought had left his head by this point. He had no pain in his chest; his only thought was on the beauty under him.
Her fingers expertly undid his belt and began tugging on his paints. Smirking he got the hint. Kneeling up enough he pulled his pants and boxers off in one pull. Her hands were working on undoing her own belt. Once the belt was off, Rock pulled off both her cut offs and panties in one motion.
Lying down on her his face hovered just above hers. Revy griped his head in her hands. "Fucking do it now Rock."
He couldn't deny her wish any longer. He needed this as much as she did.
Dutch and Benny were sitting outside the apartment an hour after they had dropped Revy and Rock off. They had finished what they needed to do in almost record time. Unfortunately. Now they were both sitting outside the apartment debating whether or not to go inside.
"Well Dutch," Benny said rubbing the back of his head, "what do ya think. Should we risk going inside?"
Dutch rubbed his head. When he said that he wanted Rock and Revy to get along way back when, he did not necessarily mean that they get along to the point where he and Benny were nervous about entering the apartment. If they walked in on something, they were both liable to get shot upon entering. But there was always the chance that they were done by now. Right?
"Well Benny boy, do you wanna take a look. Last time we did this I had to go and almost got my ass shot off by Two Hands."
"Tell ya what Dutch," Benny said rifling thru his pockets and pulling out a coin, "we'll flip for it. Call it in the air."
Benny placed the coin in his hand and flicked it up. "Heads." Dutch said calmly.
Benny caught the coin. Opening his hand slowly the dup looked down at the coin. It was heads.
"Aww damn it. Well, send my will to Jane will ya?" Benny said as he walked up to the door.
Dutch leaned back against the car and waited for Benny to return. He had to admit, these past two months were an absolute hell, but through it all, he felt as if everything was finally starting to go right. And that gave him a bad feeling. Nothing good last forever in this world. But best to enjoy the times when they did.
Soon he saw Benny hauling ass back towards him. Well, no gun shots, that means Revy ain't up. Wonder what's got him so spooked to run away like this?
Benny placed his hands on the hood of the car, bent over trying to catch his breath. "I see your still alive Benny boy, and I did not hear any shots. What happened?"
Benny looked like he had just seen a ghost. "They did not make it back to their room Dutch."
Dutch leaned back and looked up at the stars. "Well, I guess that means we're sleepin at the office tonight eh."
Rock woke quite a few hours after Benny had made his mad dash out of the apartment. Revy had wore him down to almost nothing, then quiet literally rode him some more. Feeling the beauty stir against his chest he wrapped his arm more around her. They never made it back to the bedroom that night, but Rock sure as hell did not have any complaints. This definitely counted as one of the best nights of his life. The first one of course being the first time they were together, sober that is.
Deciding that the floor was no place for them to sleep, Rock gently got up and took the sleep goddess into his arms. He was just glad that her room was not too far away. He did just get out of the hospital, and not to mention Revy had left him completely drained.
Lucky for him, her door was not closed all the way. Bumping it open with his shoulder he walked her over to her bed. After lying her down on it, he gathered her sheets and threw it over her. Getting under the sheets behind her, he resumed the position they were in back in the hallway. Curled up against her back he looped his arm around her middle and pulled her close to him.
If someone had told him back when he was still a 9 to 5 man, that he would one day be sleeping next to one of the most dangerous woman in the world, and also that he would be a pirate himself, he would have told that person they were crazy. Hell, if someone told him he would be sleeping with Two Hands even after he met her, he would have told them they were crazy.
He often had doubts about his staying here, and Revy was sure to point those doubts out to him. But now he knew for sure that this is where he wanted to be. This is where he should be. He knew that this trip to the United States would be another trip through hell, but there was one thing he was sure about. He would always be beside Revy, and she would always be beside him. They say that everything in this world has its place. Well Rokuro Okajima, also known as Rock by his friends, had finally found his place. It was right here, with Dutch, Benny, and the woman he loved. Two Hands Revy.
Well everyone, there you have it. This is officially my first completed multi-chapter story here on fan fiction. If ya'll enjoyed this story, I encourage you to take a look at the other's I have posted so far. Once again please review.
The next story will be focusing on the war between the Cartel, Mafia, and Hotel Moscow in the US. I have decided on a city, but I ain't tellin ya'll which one it is just yet. Also the next story will be titled, 'Everything Eventually Dies'. Unfortunately I will not have any internet for the next week and a half, so you can all expect the first chapter of that story to come out the second week of March at the latest. Well, see ya'll later.