everyone! Here's my new Harry Judd fiction! Just a little fact for
everyone: this story is going to be slightly fast paced - as in a lot
will be happening in a short period of time... Also, there
won't be TOO many chapters. I think I've got a rough 18-19
sketched out and that's about it.
After this, I'll start working on sequels to my other McFly fictions! Wohoo!! But maybe I should focus on this one, seeing as it's just started? Yeah.
I stared in complete bewilderment at the stranger in front of me. I'd known him better then I knew myself – why did it suddenly feel like the first time we'd met? Everything about his normally familiar demeanor was foreign, just like moving into a brand new house and trying to call it home. It couldn't possibly be the same, could it?
He spoke, his arms around me in the same embrace that I'd come to know and need – yet it felt cold and hard in this new situation. His words floated through my brain as I tried to focus on what was going on and figure out my feelings. How could I be so close to someone I barely knew? It felt forced – awkward. Where was the familiarity? The friendship? Good old times?
I met my stranger's gaze, trying to find the same comfort that I'd always known to be there, hidden deep inside the blue irises. My heart screamed as my eyes searched and searched, trying to convey its need for my old friend. His eyes stared back at me, curious but still very strange. Where was he? I couldn't find him even though he said he'd always be there. How could I lose him?
But yet… This new stranger… I was able to connect with him. This new stranger was my old friend… and more. He had the same hair and facial features, same arrogant tone of voice and sarcastic attitude, and same protective personality. How could this person not be the same as the old version? I knew him. He knew me. We just needed to learn more about ourselves, that was all. It was me that I'd lost contact with. I was new! I was the one that was changing!
I could grow to know this new stranger. I could grow to love him.
Was that what my heart was screaming all along?