A/N: So, what's up you guys? It's been so long since I wrote Chapter 2, eh? Kinda missed writing as well. Focused on my guitar and adjusting to the new environment, really. Anyway, here's my third chapter.


" It's my turn to ask the questions, right? " Jan Di and Ga Eul nodded. " So Yi Jeong! You're the only one who hasn't been asked yet so I'm picking you! " she said as if she was a little girl. Yi Jeong didn't say anything and just nodded. " Hmm... " Jae Kyung pondered.

" Ah!... So Yi Jeong, I've been noticing how you look at Ga Eul and I heard a little of your secret conversation with Woo Bin-ah. So this is my question...Do you like Ga Eul-dongsaeng? " the always straightforward, clueless Jae Kyung asked.

And of course, when it comes to questions such as that... silence usually fills the room.

Chapter 3 – Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

"Yah! Yi Jeooong!" Jae Kyung incessantly clapped in front of Yi Jeong's face in an attempt to break him out of his trance. Jun Pyo, exasperated and embarrassed, pulled Jae Kyung by the arm and told her to remain still, "…if you don't want me to give you to a circus. There are clowns there."

"Shut up, I can find insects anywhere and I can fill your room up with them." Jae Kyung retorted.

"Not if I have professional clowns guard my…"

"All right, all right! I'll talk if you two learn to be quiet." Yi Jeong suddenly burst. This is too much for even him to handle. No, this is crazy. Just crazy. I CAN'T be nervous like this all because of HER, can I? No, this is unacceptable. I have to do some damage control. He looked at Ga Eul's sweet face; the face of the first girl who told him to step off and learn his place in her life. She was animatedly talking secretly to Jan Di about something, apparently. She emotionally (and physically) forbid him to penetrate her walls. That never was his goal, he never intended to have a bond with Ga Eul. But it's far too late to turn back now, and they both know it.

"Well? Are you going to satisfy us with an answer or not?" Ji Hu said with a smirk. Yi Jeong looked back at him with an unreadable expression in his face, straightened up, and finally answered after what seemed like an eternity.

"Of course, I like Ga Eul-ah…" he started. Ga Eul's eyes widened. "…we've been spending so much time with Jan Di, and they're a package, aren't they? We're all good friends." Ga Eul and Jan Di both relaxed, a little disappointed. Damn. I thought for sure Yi Jeong-sunbae liked Ga Eul. They DATED before. And… agh, didn't they… didn't they have sex, as well? Jan Di, as well as everyone else, didn't know that Woo Bin elbowed Yi Jeong quite hard by the side after he heard the Casanova's answer.

"Araso, araso. Enough of this. It's getting really boring. I want to play something else." Woo Bin declared, an evil grin creeping upon his face.

Ji Hu, Yi Jeong, and Jan Di looked at him and sighed in unison. Jae Kyung looked excited and said, "What are we going to play next?"

"Seven minutes in heaven."

"Aniyo!" Jan Di and Jun Pyo both exclaimed.

"Oh, will you two buzzkills get over yourselves and just play along?" Woo Bin teased playfully. Jan Di, in response, crossed her arms in tenacity while Jun Pyo rubbed his temples as if attacked by a sudden headache.

"Woo Bin-sunbae. Since you thought of the game, you should explain the rules." Ga Eul spoke up and smiled politely. Yi Jeong looked at her in bewilderment. He didn't think Ga Eul would agree to playing this game. Sure, it was a pretty immature game, but she still wouldn't agree to make out with someone. He averted his eyes and fixed them with anger on Woo Bin. No, I won't let him mess with Ga Eul. If she's kissing anyone, it's going to be me.

"All right! This is how the game goes. Since we already have a bottle, that will be no problem. I will be the first to spin—" Yi Jeong elbowed him "—okay, Yi Jung will be the first to spin. And whoever the bottle points to, will have to go with him to a closet and stay there unless they've kissed. Now, you can't cheat because I know how people look after they've kissed. After they get out of the closet, the person who GOT kissed will spin the bottle and the game goes on."

"Wait, wait. Woo Bin-sunbae, there's one problem. There's no closet here that's big enough to fit two people." Jan Di pointed out. "Ah, Jan Di. Komoawoyo. Glad to see you're getting into the spirit of the game. It's okay. It doesn't have to be a closet. Even though it isn't as romantic, we're just going to have to use the bathroom."

"Let's start! Yi Jeong, bro. Spin it."

Yi Jeong reached over, gripped the bottle tight, and spun it. It stopped abruptly and pointed at a stunned Gu Jun Pyo, eyes staring down on the green bottle.

"Y-Ya! I'm—I'm not kissing you!" Jun Pyo backed against the door. Ji Hu chuckled silently when Yi Jeong raised an eyebrow at him. "If it's with someone of the same gender, I don't think we need to do it, stupid. I get to spin again." Yi Jeong reached for the bottle for the second time when, "Ya! Can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here. What are you doing?" Kang San drowsily got up and questioned them.

"Mianhaeyo, dongsaeng." Ga Eul replied.

"Ya, Kang San. If you want to have a peaceful sleep, you're not going to get it with these four here."

"Yeah, I guess so. So what are you guys playing?"

"Seven minutes in heaven."

"Mwo? Really? Can I play?"

"Ya! Aniyo! No, you can't! You're too young for us! Aish, this kid." Jan Di spat.

"Fine, noona. I'll just watch then." Kang San smiled and sat down next to Jae Kyung who gave him a hug.

"So, can I spin now?" Yi Jeong looked at everyone for confirmation. When everyone nodded, he spun it again.

And once it stopped, it pointed to her. She looked at the bottle in the same shock Jun Pyo did and she looked up at Yi Jeong.

"Oh. M-Me?"

"Yes, you. You can see that it's pointed at you, isn't it? Come with me." Yi Jeong said. Wow, what luck.

She blinked and stood up dumbfounded. She never thought she was going to be the one to kiss someone else first. She let the Casanova hold her hand and he dragged her to the bathroom.

He closed the door behind them and looked at her and commanded, "Sit on the toilet."

"I'm not—"

"Put the seat down and sit on it." Yi Jeong interrupted her. "It's only going to be sixty seconds, so I guess you can handle that." He continued in nonchalance. She watched him as he walked in front of her and leaned on the bathroom wall. "We don't have to do it right away. We still have six minutes left."

"Okay." She looked around the bathroom as they were waiting. It was a small bathroom, but definitely bigger than she expected. There was enough room for four people, but they would have to squish to fit. The toilet's at the opposite side of the bathroom door, but not facing it. She sighed and put her head in her hands and hummed a lullaby while waiting.

Yi Jeong sighed and looked at his watch. "Do you want to just do this now to get it over with?"

"I don't know. It's up to you, I guess."

"Okay then. Stand up."

"Why should I have to stand up? Why don't you squat down?" she asked inquisitively.

"Just stand up." Yi Jeong held her arm and tugged it lightly. She sighed and stood up in front of him.

"Well? Lean." In response, Yi Jeong awkwardly held her by her shoulders and leaned in for the kiss.

Yeah, not so long either. Sorry, it's just better if I keep you guys in suspense.

Actually, I think this was much shorter than my last chapter. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it. More coming soon. :)
