Angle of life or death CH 8
By ncalkins I don't own Harry Potter
The months passed in pretty much the same way. Harry would find people who did wrong and serve them there punishment, though sometimes he would find the rare few who walked the line. But in the month of November it all changed. Harry jerked awake at the sound of screams. "THE CASTLE IS ON FIRE!" Harry jumped out of bed and ran to the common room. Finding it on fire the normally cozy room was up in flames. Harry spread his wings and flew around the common room and up to the dormitories to see if any one was there. "Good no one is here" he whispered to himself. Flying back down to the common room he tried to put out the flames with a water spell. But quickly discovered that the magical fire could not be put out. Finding the fire coming closer, and no way out He shot out of the window behind him. Glass breaking and slicing into his skin. He few up and looked out to the once beautiful castle and castle grounds. The castle quickly becoming ruins and the ground scorched with fire marks and dead and wounded littered the ground. Screams of pain, rage, and mourning filled the air. Looking up Harry saw what made his heart stop the dark mark up over Hogwarts. The final battle has began. Angling himself to were he could fly down. He let his wings fold in slightly. Diving down he waited until he reached the windows of the grate halls. Flapping his wings once, twice until he was level and know that he wound not plummet to the ground. Harry gently opened the window in front of him slipping inside. Turning only to find thousands of wands pointed at him. "Mr. Potter! Wha-" Harry turning to the voice looked at professor McGonagall. "No time to explain Professor. I know of a place where we can place the younger students." he said in a rush, she looked at him and nodded "Fine lead the way Potter." Harry marching to the front of the room raised his voice to be heard."NOW LISTEN EVERYONE. I KNOW OF A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN GO AND FLOO HOME TO YOUR PARENTS OR WHERE EVER IS SAFE! WE ARE GOING OUT OF THIS ROOM KEEP YOUR WANDS AT THE READY! AND COVER EACH OTHER IN TIME LIKE THIS WE NEED TO WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER NO MATTER WHAT HOUSE, OR IF WE ARE FRIENDS OR FOES! LETS GO!" he yelled taking the lead he marched all the students and a few teachers out of the great hall. Their destination the fifth floor. They only had one run in with a death eater and Harry tried something he never done before he willed the shadows to come to life. The shadows began to move and swallowed the death eaters hole. There was no screams, no blood but every one knew that they were dead. One of the first years screamed "WHAT ARE YOU!" Harry turned to look at the young girl. "Well if your bad your worst nightmare." he said then turning on his heel the started forward. But heard no foot steps behind him. Turning his head slightly to he left he said in a calm voice. "Look right now I'm your best bet at staying alive, so either stay here and die or MOVE YOUR ASS!" he finished in a yell he started forward again and heard them running to catch up to him. Finally they reached the fifth floor passing in front of the wall three times thinking ' I need a place for these kids to go so they can be safe.' The room of requirement's door appeared Opening the door he told them that the door in there well get them to safety. Filing in one by one until all that was left was McGonagall. "GO professor watch over the kids." she nodded and walked though the door. Harry began to run down the hall way and on the seconded floor he ran into Draco Malfoy. Harry stared at Draco who had his back turned 'He is walking the line, well its time for him to choose' thought Harry. "Malfoy!" he yelled Draco turning around raised his wand ready to fight. But Harry was to quick he flew right in front of him and grabbed Draco's wand arm forcing him to let go. Harry letting his wings spread out looked Draco right in the eye and said. "Look Draco if you don't stop this and abandon Voldemort then you will die! Do you want to die?!" Draco shook his head -no-. Harry let him go and nodded behind him "There is a way out and away from here. Leave." he said Draco scrambled passed him not looking back. Harry ran the rest of the way until he got outside. When he got there he slipped. Dazed he raised his arm and looked the ground was slick with blood. Shakily getting up he put one goal in mind and one only 'Find Voldemort and kill him.' Taking to the sky he spotted he worst enemy diving toward he shouting "VOLDEMORT! IT'S TIME TO DIE!" Voldemort looked at Harry and began to do a really boring and stupid monologue. But never got the chance because Harry blood tears running down his face, his wings spread out looking every bit a angel of death. Raised his hand and whispered "Die." Voldemort froze tears of blood running down his pale face he began to cough up blood. Harry looking at him raised both hands and flames began to dance on his fingers letting lose a fury of flames Voldemort screamed in agony and the screams of his followers raised with his as the all busted into flam. Harry smirked and said " I'm a angle of death not evil." Later he found out that Ron, and Hermione were dead along with several friends and enemies. Sirius and Remus almost died but being tied to Harry by bond they wound not die until he did. So the battle won things returned to normal, Hogwarts was fixed and the Wizarding world returned to normal. And for 600 years Harry and his godfathers lived until the anniversary of the day Harry turned into a angle of death did they die. And at the same time another Angle Of Life Or Death was chosen.
Review and favorite sorry it was not longer. But IF any one wants to use my idea of ANGLE OF LFE OR DEATH you can just GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DO.