A little teaser for the second story of Betrayed, called "Breakup and Makeup"! I'm debating whether to continue it or not, so please review and tell me whether a new story for Betrayed will be good or not. Thanks! Love y'all!

Briarwood-Octavian Country Day School

Social Studies

10:20 P.M.

March 5th, 2009

Massie Block's heart was beating in time with the click-clacking of her tanned Jimmy Choo wedge heels. She kept her gray-lined amber eyes staring straight ahead as she shoved past students rushing to get to their classes. She spent so much time talking to Cam Fisher underneath her favorite oak tree that she was almost late for class.


Being late for class was totally alpha, and she needed all the attention she could get. After being humiliated by the Ex-PC (Including Kuh-Laire), she teamed up with Cam Fisher to completely destroy them. Cam had his own problems, too, though; Derrick made the whole school think that Cam kissed him during their soccer game, even though Derrick was the one who did it.

"I heard what happened at Skye's party, Massie," Krystal Jones said from the comforts of her LBR clique.

"What a loser," Her brace-face BFF, Destiny Cat, whispered. They all busted out laughing.

Massie stared straight at Destiny with her amber eyes. No one calls Massie Block a loser, even as a joke.

"At least I was invited to the biggest party of the year," Massie called as she sauntered past them. "Where were you guys? At your trailer park homes watching me have a blast on Merri-Lee's show?"

The girls immediately became quiet, and Massie knew she won. Even as a friendless LBR, the alpha knew she was still better than them.

Continuing her slow sauntering, Massie suddenly became a bundle of nerves. People were staring at her, half-smiling at her misery and lack of friends. And the closer she got to Social Studies class (which she shared with Claire Lyons and Alicia Rivera), the more she began to sweat. And her purple cashmere V-neck picked up sweat so easily it wasn't funny.

"Ms. Block," a sharp, hawk-like voice screeched.

Massie's heart sped up to unhealthy proportions as she spun around and slapped her hand against her heart. Beady, dark brown eyes and gray, frizzy hair looked back at her.

Principal Burns.

"Ehmagawd; you scared me!" Massie sighed, lowering her hand again. She hooked the straps of her purple Prada hobo bag and shook her head slowly side to side, her glossy chestnut tresses bouncing.

"Why aren't you in class?" Principal Burns asked, crossing her arms across her saggy C-cups and dirt brown Dress Barn cardigan.

"Bad sushi," Massie said almost on instinct, and then was about to turn around and giggle with Alicia, but realized she was no longer with her. No one was. She was as lonely as the last season True Religion jeans in the back of her closet. Tears began to sting her eyeballs as the confession hit her like a bag of bricks.

"I doubt you had any 'bad sushi' for breakfast, Ms. Block," Principal Burns narrowed her eyes and frowned, her chapped pink lips curling downwards. "Now get to class or else I'll give you detention!"

I can't have detention! I have to plan a payback attack with Cam after school! Massie was about to say it all, but stopped herself. Instead, she muttered a quick, "Yes'm," and rushed down the hallways.

As soon as she reached the front door of her Social Studies class, she immediately halted in place. Massie pulled out her Glossip Girl Chocolate Crêpe lip gloss and slathered a sticky layer on her pouty lips. She needed as much of an alpha booster as possible, which was exactly why she brought a carry-on bottle of her favorite perfume, Chanel no. 9. The scent of sandalwood and ylang-ylang calmed her knotting stomach and sped up breathing almost instantly.

Spraying a big cloud of it around her, Massie took a deep, refreshing breath. Wow, did she need that. Now, back to work. Her amber eyes stared confidently at the door as she returned her lip gloss and perfume bottle to her purse. It was time to show OCD that she was still on top, even without the Ex-PC with her. Now she was apart of MAC (Massie and Cam), and everybody knows that MAC is better than PC any day.

You're a confident diva with the ah-dorable Cam Fisher with you in 5...4...3...2...aannddd-

Massie pumped the silver handle and pushed open the door. Her eyes were stuck staring ahead in a sexy model way as she sauntered in, placing one Jimmy Choo wedge in front of the other. Mrs. Heckler and the whole Social Studies class just stared as she made her way down the isle and straight to he-

Suddenly, Alicia's Ralph Lauren boot-covered foot stuck out, intersecting Massie's model walk in one, swift movement. Luckily, Massie saw it coming and quickly caught herself as she collided with the designer boots. On her way to her seat, Massie purposely stabbed the heel of her wedges onto the toes of Alicia's shoes.

"Ow!" Alicia gasped, quickly pulling her foot back to inspect the damage. Massie forced herself not to smile as she gracefully took her seat, dropping her purse to the floor.

"Massie," Mrs. Heckler said as she picked up a black Expo marker. "Glad you could join us. Now please open your World History notebook to page 425." She turned her back to the class and began scribbling away at the white board.

Massie quietly took out her notebook and turned to the designated page, not paying Ew-Licia or Claire any attention. They didn't deserve it. Not after the incident from when a hotdog was thrown at her in the lunch room.

Massie paused.

Speaking of the lunch room, table 18 is still taken over by the Ew Crew. She needed to figure out how to get it back, and quick.

"Massie!" A boy-ish voice whispered as she scanned the iPhone in her hand.

Her amber eyes quickly scanned the room for the source of the voice, and she met eyes with Cam Fisher. Since when was he in this class! And why hadn't she noticed him before!

Oh. Yeah. Because she hated him just one week ago. But, she was a different Massie Block now. She was changed, and ready for payback.

Massie smiled a flirty smile at him when she felt Claire's eyes burn the side of her face. Claire was probably wondering why Massie and Cam were talking, and she loved to keep her wondering.

"Ehmagawd, hey, Cam!" Massie whispered back. She raised her iPhone and wagged it around, signaling him to text her.

Cam nodded, understanding, and looked down at his lap, secretly taking out his phone from his dark wash jeans pocket. It looked cuh-yoot on him, and matched his dark blue American Eagle polo.

Claire was still staring as Massie waited for Cam's text. She bit her glossy bottom lip to prevent smiling. This was almost too good!

Suddenly, her phone buzzed. Taking a deep, confident breath, she tapped the screen, and then read the text.

Briarwood-Octavian Country Day School

Social Studies

10:42 P.M.

March 5th, 2009

Alicia Rivera felt like she drank five cups of fat-free mocha with whip cream and chocolate shavings. Her heart was pulsing, her mind was racing, and her body was jittery. Maybe is was because it was the first official day of being Massie-free. Or maybe it was because she was finally the rightful alpha of the NPC.

Either way, Alicia knew her outfit was perfect for this day; a RL navy blue mini-dress, gold braided belt, and gold Miu Miu wedges screamed I'm in control and ready for action! And what better way to show her freedom than to host the biggest party of the year? Probably even bigger than Skye Hamilton's!

Alicia fished her compact mirror out of her RL blue hobo sack and flipped it open. She tilted it just enough to watch Massie in despair. Was she choking back tears? Is the reason she came to class late was because she was crying her makeup off in the bathroom stalls? A smile cracked out of the corner of her glossy lips.

"Kuh-laire! Psst! Kuh-laire!" Alicia whisper-hissed. She narrowed her chocolate brown eyes at Claire when she caught her staring at Massie like she was the sour gummies in her plastic baggie.

Claire finally snapped out of it and peeked over at Alicia, who was glare-staring back. She widened her baby blue eyes in a silent apology. Alicia shook her head side to side as if not caring.

"Remember that we're meeting by my oak tree!" She muttered.

"Yours?" Claire asked, in disbelief. "It's Ma-"

Alicia kicked the chair leg, warning her not to say Ma-her name anymore. "My tree," she repeated, sending warning glares Claire's way. Claire rolled her eyes in response and looked away.

"So, my tree, during lunch. We have a lot to discuss," Alicia said, taking out her phone and speed-texting Kristen and Dylan about the news. She was so excited about it she decided to forget all about Massie and Cam whisper-giggling across the room like a couple of lovesick newlyweds.

Her plan was going to be so big, everyone in BOCD will start to praise her as ultimate alpha, and not Assie. And that sounded so wonderful to her ears.

Since Alicia was so hyped about it, she took out a clean piece of paper from her purple (covered in pictures of the old PC, thanks to Massie), and placed it on her desk. She, then, took out her favorite glittery pen and began scribbling away.

Alicia Rivera's party of the year planning

Hosted by: Alicia Rivera


Alicia Rivera's estate, front yard, and backyard.


Posh party.


Runway Show: This runway show will feature me and the NPC wearing all the posh dresses and outfits. We will auction these clothes off at the end for a big price!

Talent Contest: All of us can show off our talents on stage! The judges will be me and the NPC, of course! The winner gets a iPod Touch! (Special guest performance by Lady Gaga!)

Movies!: We all go up into my theatre room and watch scary movies and comedies!

Gaming room: For all the boys! (Consoles in room will be: Xbox 360, Playstation 2, PSP, Wii). Will include zombie games, shooting games, etc.

Alicia decided to wait until lunch time so all of her beta's (how great did it feel to think that!) can help throw in some ideas. She knew this party was going to be perfect! She could just feel it. And that meant all of BOCD would praise her and nawt Assie, or whatever her name is.