Short Summary: After a fateful kiss between two in front of everybody on the BOCD Soccer Field, Cam and Derrick's life changes for the better and worse. Cam Fisher has been shunned by his family altogether and is constantly taunted and bullied at school. He lost all of his friends and the ones he held dearly in a split second. Derrick Harrington, on the other hand, still has the respect of his family and friends because of a nasty rumor he had spread around about the incident. But, his life isn't the same without the infamous Cam Fisher beside him. Will their lives change again for the better? Or will things never go back to the way it was?

Couples: DerrickxCam CamxDempsey CamxHarris CamxClaire MassiexDempsey AliciaxJosh DerrickxOlivia DerrickxDylan (some of these couples are one-sided, or very brief. The first couple pair is the biggest one)

Disclaimer: I don't own The Clique, Yaddah, Yaddah, Yaddah...

Briarwood-Octavian Country Day School


6:45 P.M.


Cam Fisher always knew he had the perfect romance with Claire. They've been through a lot of heartbreak and tears, but now, facing her with a big grin on his face, he felt that their relationship would last forever. He was more than excited when Claire accepted to going to the 8th grade dance with him. He knew it would be the perfect moment to go straight for tongue for their 8th kiss. It was kind of ironic; they were in the 8th grade and are now having their 8th kiss. Ironic, yet romantic, and Cam loved romance. His friends, especially Derrick Harrington, would probably make fun of him for being the romantic type of guy. They'd probably think it was gay, but Cam knew it was the opposite of gay. Claire thought so, anyway, and that's all what mattered to him at the moment.

"Shouldn't we go in and dance?" Claire Lyons giggled nervously, her bouncy blowout (thanks to Massie Block and Jakkob, her hair stylist) bobbed with her moving head. Her short French bangs grew out, just touching her blonde eyelashes, and made her look even more adorable.

Cam turned to face her and held both of her hands with his. His blue and green eye gazed into hers lovingly and his red lips curled into a eager smile. "We will. It's almost the end of the night, anyway."

This was the moment, Cam thought. The moment where there was nothing left to say. The moment that I will kiss Claire. The perfect moment...

Cam slowly moved towards his beloved girlfriend, his eyes slowly closing and his eyelashes fluttering with a trace of nervousness. He had to do this. The moment was now. And he was going to grasp it and use it to his best abilities. When he felt Claire's rhythmic breathing against his upper lip and the body heat from her glossy lips he knew there was nothing stopping him now. His lips brushed against hers and he quickly moved forward, pressing his lips against hers. His eyes were now fully closed and he poked his wet muscle between her sticky lips and into the heated wet cavern that was hidden behind them.

Claire stood still for a moment, and then quickly moved back just as they began to get more into it. Her eyes were glassy and her cheeks were red. It looked as if she were about to cry. She lowered her blue eyes and sighed sadly. "Cam... I..."

Cam gazed at her with a confused and rejected face. He felt as if he were slapped in the face with her Jimmy Choo gold gladiator sandals. What was going on? Why did she look so sad? Why did the night winds suddenly feel harsh against his cream skin? Why was his vision blurring?

"I can't..." Claire started to sob lightly. "With you... Anymore... I can't..." She pulled away from his grip and backed up slightly, stopping a few feet in front of the gym doors, where "Beautiful "by Akon was playing, the beat seeping through the thick walls and filling their ears.

"W-What?" Cam's body went into shock mode. "Why!? Claire?"

Claire grabbed the silver doorknob. "I can't explain. I just can't be with you anymore." A silver charm bracelet around her tiny wrist jiggled, the gold letters PCF clanging together harshly.

"Claire! Please explain! Claire!" Cam ran towards Claire, desperation thick in his voice and on his face, but Claire rushed inside the gym, attempting to get away from him so she wouldn't burst into tears.

Cam stopped in front of the slowly closing heavy gym doors, watching with heart break as his love ran to Massie Block, Alicia Rivera, Dylan Marvil, and Kristen Gregory. Massie pulled Claire into a hug and rocked her slightly, a silver keychain with gold letters PCF banging together as she did so. The difference with her key chain was that a gold crown with diamonds encrusted into it was beside the letters.

The thickening crowd slowly devoured the 5 girls, blocking Cam's perfect view. The gym door finally closed with a loud bang, the song becoming hardly audible again. He turned around and wiped the tears from his cream cheeks, loneliness and depression hitting him like a ton of bricks. He couldn't believe this was happening. This was supposed to be his perfect night. The night he was supposed to share with Claire, the one he loved greatly. But now, a devil with chestnut brown hair and amber eyes took her away from him. He knew it had to be her. It was always her.

Cam fished through his black dress pants and pulled out a tiny box that had JAREDS onto it. He opened the box, revealing a diamond ring inside. The ring that took him 2 years to earn up enough money for. The ring that he wanted to give to his love on this perfect night. He snapped the tiny box shut and in frustration and heart break, tossed the box on the pavement as hard as he could. The box broke in half immediately, the diamond ring inside bouncing a few times before rolling to Cam's black dress shoes. Cam gazed down with his different colored eyes at it, and then sighed heavily.

He slowly bent over and picked up the cracked diamond ring, stuffing it back into his pitch black pocket, showing the gift how his heart felt right now. Cam looked back at the gym doors, and then turned around and began his walk across the Great Lawn of BOCD, feeling as lonely as ever.

Briarwood-Octavian Day School


7:23 P.M.


Massie Block couldn't believe how easy it was to separate Claire and Cam. All she had to do was pull up a bull shit excuse about how her friends couldn't date boys for the season aaannnddd... Ta-da! Her job was done. She finally got Claire to stop crying and made Dylan Marvil tell her a few jokes to loosen her up a bit. After that, they all danced together in the center of the dance floor, dateless and happy. She could feel all the LBR's (Loser Beyond Repair) envy glares as she danced in her new Jimmy Choo halter dress. She felt on top of the world... Almost. Deep inside, she was a great mess. Even worse than the trailer parks in the run down parts of New York. Ever since Derrick left her because of some reason she couldn't understand, jealousy struck her like she was the tallest tree in a field of wheat. It all went down about a week ago after the BOCD soccer championships.

"You were guh-reat!" Massie had said the day as she rushed down the metal bleachers to meet the star goalie, Derrick Harrington, or Derringtion, as she liked to call him. He was sweaty and his blonde-brown bangs were sticking to his forehead. But, she noticed something different about him. Checking over his outfit with a quick once over, she noticed that the M pin she had given him quite a while ago wasn't where it normally was-on his chest.

She attempted to not push her Jimmy Choo ankle boots up his nose, but instead attempted to look confused instead. Luckily her friends were nowhere in sight to see that he didn't appreciate Massie's gift. Massie squinted her amber eyes, cocked her head the right slightly, and opened her glossy lips.

"Where's the M pin I gave to you?" She asked, trying her hardest to sound more confused than angry, but it came out sounding forced.

"Can we talk about this later?" Derrington said, catching a towel that one of the nameless soccer boys tossed to him with a quick, "Good work." Derrington nodded towards the boy, showing his appreciation, and then used the towel to wipe his sweaty forehead. Cam and Josh walked by with Gatorade, patting his back as they shuffled past, panting like dogs in the hot Sun.

"Talk about this later?" Massie hissed as she placed her hands on her hips, looked around, and then began to talk in a hushed voice. "You promised to wear it all the time!"

"I know, but I didn't want to wear it today, okay?" Derrington snapped. He tossed his towel to another nameless soccer boy, and the boy caught it, passing it over to the towel boy.

Massie squinted hatefully at Derrington, her heart cracking like the cackle of a witch, and then grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind the boy locker rooms. Once she got him alone, having to pull him hard to get him to obey, she turned to face him, her amber eyes glassy with tears.

"Look, Massie," Derrington said, looking around in case anybody invited themselves to listen to their conversation. "I don't want us to... Kinda hang out anymore." He looked at his white Puma's, and then back at Massie's surprised/crushed face.

"What!?" Massie almost shouted, her eyes bulging out of her eye sockets. "Why?" She couldn't believe her ears. She was the most popular girl at school, she had the best style, the best hair, the best spray tan, the best friends... What could possibly be wrong!?

"You're just to bossy and most of the boys at BOCD thinks you're..." Derrington held his breath for a brief moment, collecting himself to say it, and then exhaled. "They think you're too... lame."

Massie's heart stopped for a split moment. The boys at BOCD thought the most popular girl was lame!? She grabbed her chest where her heart was located and wished she could just rip it out. Or maybe she should move to Canada and change her name to Sally.

"Why?" Massie widened her eyes, wiping her clammy hands on her green minidress. She held back her tears as long as she could, trying not to cry in front of the most popular guy in BOCD. That would be more humiliating than Derrington breaking up with her.

"So many questions." Derrington smirked at his Puma's, and then looked off in the distance as he spoke. Massie noticed that the features she thought were so beautiful now looked harsh and sharp. It made her feel like she was suddenly talking to a stranger. She didn't like the feeling in the pit of her stomach at awl.

Derrington stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked back into her glassy amber eyes. "They don't exactly think you're lame, they just... They just think you're way too controlling. You've made some of their girlfriends cry, so their pissed off." He looked at Massie. "I can't hang out with someone like that."

Massie remembered making Catherine Celine cry last Wednesday, but she was never going to admit that. Instead she grabbed the tangles of necklaces around her neck and glared into Derrington's eyes. "I was going to break up with you soon, anyway. Your style is cheaper than Goodwill."

"Alright. Whatever. See you never." Derrington rolled his eyes and stormed off to the Tomahawks, who were chanting and cheering for their success in the championships. Massie watched him leave as she tugged on her tangled necklaces, the life being sucked out of her with each angry stomp Derrington made. Her heart was just pulled out of her chest and thrown on the ground, leaving her cold and more lonely than ever.

How could she explain to her friends that she lost Derrick ah-gain? Making excuses were now out of the question. They would become suspicious, and that meant jeopardizing her status as alpha. Instead she searched her mind for a genius idea as she stood there alone. At least no one could see her like that, looking like a total LBR in a heart stopping lime green minidress with cap sleeves, a grey long sleeved T-shirt underneath, gray tights, a black belt on top of her minidress, and ankle leather black Jimmy Choo boots.

Massie took out Glossip Girl Cinnamon Bun lip gloss from her minidress stitched pocket and applied it onto her lips, adding on to the sticky layer just applied a few moments ago. Since her Chanel No. 19 carry on perfume was in her purse, which was still sitting on the bleachers, she had to settle for her favorite lip gloss to help her think up a plan on how to prove to her friends and BOCD that she wasn't slipping.

First of awl, she had to let everybody in BOCD know that she broke up with Derrington because she found someone else better (Dempsey, of cuh-orse, but she isn't going to let anybody but the PC know that until she actually gets him). Second of awl, she had to dress her absolute best everyday and think up a plan on how to let the girls know she was still in control. That meant if she didn't have a date, AGAIN, then the PC won't either. And she suddenly knew exactly how she was going to do that.

Massie Block, as always, though up a magnificent plan, but she thought it was nasty times ten, even for her and decided against it. But, during a soccer game (that she came to only for Dempsey), she caught Dylan twisting her red hair and snapping her gum... Looking straight at DERRINGTON. Massie could nawt believe her amber eyes. That was the flirty move she taught the girls and now Dylan was betraying her and using it on Derrington!? No way! That was when Massie confirmed her plan. It had to be done or else she'd lose these girls for real.

That Friday night, during Massie's weekly sleepover, Massie called an emergency conversation after they chomped down their butter free popcorn and vanilla ice cream with Cap'n crunch sprinkles. They all sat on their sleeping bags, that was-as always-formed like a star with their heads facing inwards. Massie was holding a purple bag in her hand filled with gifts that she hoped would win them over. After the boy fast happened, she hoped to the Gawds above that this would somehow go through with them.

"Alright, you guys know that every 10 years Teen Vogue releases their own line of clothes that are fabulous and limited edition. They started it 10 years ago and now it is that time again." Massie fluffed her chestnut brown hair and smiled confidently, her white teeth looking whiter with the background of her bronze skin. All of the girls cheered and snapped their fingers, excitement in their eyes.

"And you guys also know that the boys from the old Briarwood are slowly taking over and pushing us down to LBR status." Massie pouted with slight sarcasm oozing from her voice. The girls pouted along with her, except Claire, who was texting away to Cam. Massie slapped the Dial L for Loser gift phone from Claire's clammy hands and glared at her. Claire sighed and closed the phone.

"Kuh-laire." Massie said with fake kindness. Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen giggled into their palms with anticipation.

"Are you an astronaut?" Massie asked.

"No," Claire picked at her cuticles, knowing what was coming next.

"Then why are you so spaced out?" Massie replied, getting a round of high fives and cackles of laughter from her best friends. Massie loved having those moments where everybody loved her. She felt more on top of the world after her break up with Derrington. The break up her friends didn't know about... Yet.

"And, are you on anger management?" Massie widened her amber eyes with fake confusion and tilted her head slightly to the right. The PC giggled in their palms again.

"Noooo." Claire sighed, peeking up through her overgrown bangs at her.

"Then why are you so pissed off?" Massie hissed. "Relax, Kuh-laire you see him every day. It's PC time." She glared at Claire.

Claire pulled at her bangs and sighed. "Right. Sorry."

"Anyway." Massie looked back at her friends. "We have to keep ourselves back on top, and that means we have to pay full attention to taking care of the PC. That means full time PC time EVERYDAY." Massie looked at Claire, who looked away immediately.

"So, we're going to go after those Teen Vogue clothes?" Alicia asked, gathering her shiny dark hair and placing them over her shoulders.

"Yeah. No matter what it takes." Massie nodded towards Alicia. Alicia sat up straighter and grinned confidently.

Kristen widened her eyes. "Do you know how much they cost and how long that going to take!?"

"It costs about $35,000 only for the denim miniskirt." Dylan said to her Palm Pilot. "My Mom has some, but of course they won't fit me."

"Ehma-perfect!" Massie tapped her heart. "If I go to school in a cuh-yoot Teen Vogue denim miniskirt with the matching purse, the LBRs would envy me more than ever."

"True, but I don't have that kind of money." Kristen said sadly, reminding the PC of her PP, or poor problem. Massie rolled her eyes, so over that little problem of hers.

"I do." Alicia smiled, and then frowned. "But, should I spend all of that just for a simple skirt?"

"It's nawt just a skirt, it's the Teen Vogue skirt." Dylan tapped her Palm Pilot with her stylus and showed the Teen Vogue official site. "They sent only 500 of each clothing to New York."

Claire widened her eyes. "$50,000 for a camisole that thin!? I can get the same looking one at GAP for $19.99!"

Massie glared at Claire. "Kuh-laire, that's what you call a knockoff, and the PC is nawt a bunch of knockoffs." Claire looked away and grumbled. What was wrong with Claire lately? Massie had to put her in her place.

"Anyway," Massie sighed. "We have to spend as much time as possible getting those clothes before anybody else in BOCD. Okay?"

"Right," The PC replied at slightly different times.

"Good," Massie grinned a toothy grin. "That means no distractions, and the biggest distraction right now is boys."

The PC gasped, thinking about their dates and how much time they actually spend with them.

"I don't even have a date, so I'm good." Dylan said with a smile, even though she sounded bitter. Massie bit her tongue, not trying to confess she saw her flirting with her ex-boyfriend.

"Are we having another boyfast?" Claire asked angrily. She tossed her phone down in frustration and looked away.

"Calm the hell down, Kuh-laire, or else I'll hang you outside my bedroom window by your bangs with my cinnamon lip gloss so the birds can eat you!" Massie snapped, over Claire's attitude. "We're the PC all the way, if you have a problem with that then I guess you want our friendship to end!"

Claire looked down at her Hello Kitty sleeping bag with sadness and guilt. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Good." Massie sighed, becoming frustrated. She began to massage her temples. She couldn't believe how hard this was. "Anyway, in order to pay attention to the limited edition Teen Vogue we need to let go of our crushes for this season only. Meaning, we'll no longer go to soccer games; we'll be here every night counting our clothes and saving up money for people who can nawt afford them." Her amber eyes went straight to Claire and Kristen. They both looked down.

"And those who attempt to hang out with their BF's during this TV season will be expelled from the PC. Got it?" Massie confirmed, reaching into her purple bag, getting ready to present the gifts she bought.

"Got it!" They all repeated, trying to look cheery. Alicia tugged on her long dark hair, and blinked nervously, Dylan stuffed popcorn into her mouth by the handfuls, Kristen opened her book on 10th grade math, and Claire picked at her cuticles. Massie couldn't care one bit, though. If this'll get her friends to pay more attention to her then screw their feelings.

"Alright, to help up become closer together, I bought charm bracelets." Massie smiled at the nervous faces. "But, these are better than the last ones. So... Here they are!" She passed out small purple Tiffany boxes.

The girl quickly grabbed them and opened them, smiling proudly at the heavy-looking silver charm bracelet with the gold charm letters PCF. They quickly took them out of their box and slipped them on their tiny wrists.

"Ehma-beautiful!" Massie looked at all the girls wrists, the charms clanging together loudly with each small movement they did. "It looks guh-reat on you guys!"

"I luh-v them!" Alicia looked at her charm bracelet proudly and hugged it close to her C cups.

"Seriously." Dylan gushed. She flicked at the P charm and watched it shake.

"What does PCF stand for?" Claire asked, and then blushed. "I mean, I know PC means Pretty Committee, but what about F?"

"It stands for Pretty Committee First. We can take these off after the boyfast is completed. And Massie knew by that time she'd find someone for her. And that person was Dempsey.

"Cool." Kristen eyed the charm bracelet carefully, and then placed her hand back onto her thighs.

After that fateful day, Massie knew that they had to be with her no matter what. And that made her feel less lonely. Dancing with them in the center of the dance floor, being loved and envied by all of the LBRs nearby made her feel on top of the freakin' world. She loved that feeling and she wanted to hold onto it for as long as she could. Yet, she felt hollow, like the life was sucked out of her. It always felt that way ever since Derrington-Derrick-dumped her after the BOCD championships. The feeling brought tears to her amber eyes, and she suddenly didn't feel like dancing any longer. Not until she found that perfect person.

Massie searched the crowd of dancing LBRs for that special person. The person who left her and now she wanted to see him more than ever. The crowd slowly thinned, and she caught eye of Derrick. He was talking to Josh, Alicia's boyfriend, his eyes wide with concern. His eyes searched the crowd, and she immediately fluffed her chestnut hair, assuming he was looking for her. When his eyes went right onto her, her heart immediately stopped. She held her breath and looked back at him with a small smile and a wave. Just like that, his eyes tore away from her and onto the gym doors where a lame LBR crew stood.

Massie watched in slow motion as her crush ran towards the doors and pushed it opening, rushing into the cold night air. She quickly checked out his outfit before the gym doors closed. He was wearing shorts, as always, and a white Tomahawks soccer shirt with a blue tie. She wanted to giggle at his outfit, but she couldn't bring herself to. Instead she sobbed lightly, her vision blurring.

She quickly looked for her friends. They were all either dancing or mingling with girls with popular potential. Massie snuck out of the crowd and looked for the nearest bathroom to cry her heart out in. That was her only way to release her pain, anyway.