This is a song that goes through Edward's head while he is leaving Bella but she is begging him to stay. It can also be read as a poem.
You're my angel
Oh, angel please
You're my angel
Oh, yes baby
You're my angel
The light of my life
You're my angel
The moon in the night
You're my angel
The sun in the sky
You're my angel
Fly angel, fly
You're my angel
The love of my life
You're my angel
Angel take flight
You're my angel
Fly angel, fly
Into the night you will fly
So very high
Now say goodbye to my angel, my love
The hand that fits me like a glove
The one that keeps me me
That keeps my monster at bay
Say goodbye to that angel today
Goodbye angel
I'll love you forever
Never give that a doubt
If you need me just shout
Now I say goodbye to my angel, my love
My own fallen angel from above
I say goodnight
I say good morning
I say hello
I say goodbye
I say I wish that I could fly
With you
But I can't
Not even for true romance
Now fly angel, fly
Don't make me say goodbye
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