December 20th, 1957

A more perfect winter could not have been had for a wedding in Central. Chilly, but much less snowy than some recent previous years, warmer and a little more what some people who could remember far enough back would have called normal. The day dawned sunny and it was only the fact that he had barely slept anyway that kept Will from leaping out of bed. The party had lasted late, until Ethan had driven Mao and Aldon back to his folks' place, and then he and Franz ended up crashing in Will's room on the floor so that Franz would not have to put up with the girls at his place, and he and Ethan would be there to help Will get ready in the morning.

This was not entirely Will's idea of help.

"Come on, cousin," Ethan chuckled from somewhere above him and the pillow connected once more with Will's head. "If you're late Ren will never forgive either of us."

Will wondered what had possessed him to agree to a morning wedding. If they had gone for later in the day it wouldn't matter that he had crawled into bed after eight hours of water balloon wars, pigging out, jokes and tales and playful banter, and mildly inebriated. At least I'm not hung over. That in itself was a blessing. He would not have wanted to suffer through his own wedding. "All right," he grumbled into his pillow before holding up one hand to block Ethan's next pounding blow. "I'm up!"

Ethan diverted his swing midway to Will's face. "Good. Cause we need to be over there in less than two hours."

"How can you be so cheerful on three hours of sleep?" Will asked as he sat up and stretched.

"Youth?" Franz suggested with a laugh from where he was still curled up in a blanket on the floor. "Or maybe because he was the only one last night who didn't drink anything but soda."

"Practice," Ethan countered both arguments with a chuckle. "Now get moving. I can smell breakfast downstairs."

So could Will. His mother and grandmother were likely already awake given he could smell sweet rolls and bacon. After last night though, and given what was coming, he wasn't feeling particularly hungry this morning. "So head on down. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Franz and Ethan left him alone without any argument. Will was glad for it. What he really wanted right now was just a few minutes by himself to deal with the nervousness he had forgotten last night and the reality that in just a couple of hours Ren would be his wife.

He got up, stretched, pulled on pants and a collared shirt, and went into the bathroom. After using the restroom and running a brush through his hair he felt at least a little better. Shaving could wait until after breakfast.

The meal turned out to be a pleasantly low-key affair, and neither his mother nor Grandma seemed insulted or concerned when Will only took one roll and a couple of slices of bacon. As soon as they were finished he got hugs from both of them and his father, headed upstairs and shaved, and then he, Ethan, and Franz headed on over to the wedding site.

From there everything seemed to blur. Within another hour Will was dressed in a deep cream colored suit, red tie, and trying to look more relaxed than he felt as he made final adjustments looking in the mirror. For the moment he was alone again. Franz had gone to find Sara, and Ethan had just ducked out to find out when they wanted Will.

This was it! Half an hour till the wedding was supposed to start. Will pulled a handkerchief out and wiped his hands, trying not to sweat on his suit. He was ready for this! Heck it was what he wanted more than anything. Despite being wrapped up in research he had never forgotten that the beautiful woman at his side during his travels would be his. Ren was the person who held his whole world together and balanced. It was funny how easily she had stepped in and filled a space in his life he hadn't really realized was empty. Now, it never would be again.

"Mind if I join you?" A soft knock and his father's voice came from just out of sight.

Will turned away from the mirror and smiled as he spotted his father standing in the doorway in a nice beige suit a little darker than Will's. "Of course not, Dad. I was wondering when you'd get here."
"Your mother and Gracia are doing what they do best," Alphonse grinned as they hugged briefly. "Playing host and having a lovely time out there with Mei. I figured now was a good time to slip away."

"I'm glad you did," Will chuckled.

"Nervous?" Al asked with a knowing expression.

Will nodded. "More about getting through the ceremony than actually getting married I think," he admitted with a weak smile. "But… I'm scared too when I think about it too long; I love Ren, and I want her to be happy more than anything else, and I never want to be the one who makes her unhappy."

"Which is exactly what I'm confident this is going to be a good marriage," Al grinned, placing his hands on Will's shoulders briefly. "I'm proud of you, Will. You've already accomplished so much, and you know what you want to do with your life. More importantly, you're a kind, loyal, responsible person. Ren's a great girl and I know you'll be happy together."

Will was trying very hard not to choke up as his father spoke, and he could see Al was doing the same. "Thanks," he managed a husky reply. "I needed that."

"I did too," his father chuckled and they hugged again.

Will stepped back as they separated "And if Mom asks…"

"We didn't cry," his father grinned back.

There was another knock on the door. This time it was Ethan. "All right. It's show time!"

From the moment Ren appeared at the head of the aisle, Will forgot everything else. The dress – like the wedding – was a mix of two world's traditions, in a beautiful champagne-cream Xingese brocaded silk, with off-the-shoulder sleeves, a fitted wrapped bodice, full skirt, and yet a proper Xingese belt and bow in the back in her family's gold and deep red. The beading along the edges of the dress was in gold with tiny red flowers made of folded silk, and her luxurious dark hair was gathered up with golden sticks and red blossoms.

Despite the vision of beauty it was her eyes that held him, locked to his as she walked to join him with all the elegance and poise of an Imperial princess. In those big, dark eyes was calm, joy, love. There were no doubts and they left no room in Will for any. The large crowd in the chairs around them might as well not have existed.

Xingese weddings did not have the larger wedding parties Amestrians always seemed to, but for practicality of purpose and sentimentality, they had chosen one person to stand with each of them and it had taken very little thought for them to choose the people who had introduced them – Ethan and Lia.
Lia took the bouquet of red, white, and cream flowers from Ren as she reached them, allowing Ren and Will to take hands.

Will was sure he had a goofy smile on his face, but he couldn't have cared less. "You look perfect," he whispered.

Ren smiled up at him. "You look like a prince," she replied.

"Are you ready?" the Officiant asked softly with a kind smile.

"Yes," Ren replied immediately.

Will nodded, tearing his eyes from Ren only because he needed to pay attention.
The rest of the ceremony could not have gone more smoothly. To subtle background musical accompaniment traditional Xingese songs of joining were sung – prosperity, peace, and wealth to the new couple – and the vows were short and heartfelt. As long as Will looked into Ren's eyes he felt he could do anything.

In the end, with an exchange of rings and a kiss, it was done. The most beautiful sound he had ever heard rung in his ears as he heard the announcement of Mrs. Renxiang Elric.

It was almost assuredly the most tastefully opulent wedding reception Edward had ever attended – though he suspected the Armstrong wedding might have come decently close if he had been living in Amestris to attend. There was a full lunch banquet, and dancing and music well into the afternoon and early evening when a light dinner was served to accommodate so many international guests who were close family members or friends, and anyone who just wasn't finished enjoying the party.

Will and Ren stayed through dinner, though Ed suspected it was partially because it took that long for them to make the rounds of all the guests! He felt mildly special to get a hug from them both very early on in the day! After that he just determined to enjoy himself. This was a family celebration after all.

Ed and Winry danced – several times – making good use of the lessons they had taken a couple of years before, and he danced with Elicia, Sara, even Mei – though only at Winry's smirking insistence! After that he danced with the other women he knew who were there; Gracia, and Sciezka, Riza, Cassie, some family some friends. At least until he was tired. He found he enjoyed it more when he no longer got tired out in five minutes!

When he got bored with dancing and chit-chat, Ed found a glass of sparkling cider and watched. It was fun to see the chaos of the swarm of small children that darted in and out of the party, and then the older kids – he was not getting old damn it! – enjoying themselves as well. Sara and Franz were arm in arm most of the afternoon, as were Aldon and Cassie. Ed rarely saw his son out just having fun, and it was nice to see them enjoying themselves.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ed found himself drawn to watching the other couple that had actually been in the wedding party. Ethan looked good in a suit only a few shades darker than Will's had been, and Lia wore a sleeveless knee-length soft, flowy dress in a matching golden silk. Ethan was not much of a dancer; not bad, but it wasn't something he enjoyed anymore than Ed had at that age, yet he watched the two of them take the floor more than once when they weren't wrapped up in conversations or over in a corner somewhere briefly on their own.

It was a rare moment when he managed to catch his youngest alone, watching Lia, Alyse, and a couple of the other girls deep in conversation. "Some party," Ed commented with a chuckle, stepped up beside Ethan.

Ethan took a moment to respond, then turned and chuckled. "Yeah, it is isn't it?"

"Did I distract you?" Ed smirked, sipping from his glass.

Ethan shrugged. "Admiring the flowers," he replied, nodding towards the three women and sipping from his own glass of sparkling juice.

"Hard not to," Ed admitted. "Especially not this time of year." In the winter, all the women in their colored dresses really were the flowers of Central. He had noticed the same thing at many holiday parties over the years. "Though everyone has their favorites."

"Digging for information, Dad?" Ethan looked sideways at him.

Ed shrugged. "Am I that transparent?"

Ethan nodded. "You and Aldon and Sara. Though I think this week has been worse than the last couple of years put together. Not in a bad way," he hastened to assure him! "It's just kind of tiresome after a while."

Ed felt suddenly ashamed. "Sorry," he replied. "I think it's just because with this it's been on everyone's minds more lately." It was hard not to think about the other unmarried couples people knew when it came to weddings. "You know we don't want to pressure you. There's no rush."

"I know," Ethan chuckled, "And I'm glad." He looked back up at the girls, and a wistful expression briefly touched Ed's youngest son's face. "Cause we're not ready. I mean, we're happy, and I think Lia will be ready before I am. I can see it in her eyes, even though she hasn't pushed the subject." He paused, but Ed stifled his urge to interrupt. It was the most he had ever heard out of Ethan on the subject. "She's great like that. I just don't want to disappoint her, and I won't ask until I'm sure I can make that commitment and do it right without my work getting in the way of that."

Ed laid a hand on his son's shoulder, and Ethan looked back over at him. "You do it the way you think it should be," Ed smiled. "No matter what anyone else says, only you know yourself well enough to be the judge of that, but trust that you can do that too."

Ethan smiled. "Thanks, Dad."

"Though you know," Ed chuckled, looking over at Lia. "That's something else we have in common. Unlike your brother and sister, you and I both prefer blondes."

Ethan blinked, caught a little off guard by the comment, then looked back at his girlfriend. "Yeah," he chuckled. "She does look a little like Mom I guess, doesn't she?"

"A little," Ed agreed with an amused nod. It was something he had noticed the first time he had seen Lia as an adult. Hard to miss really, especially since they had been in Resembool at the time. "She's a pretty girl. I'll bet all the guys at ECU are dying of jealousy."

Ethan flashed him a cocky grin Ed knew was only partly feigned. The rest was just full Elric. "You'd better believe it."

"Speaking of pretty girls and their guys," Ed smirked, "Any idea when Ren and Will ducked out? I haven't seen them in a while." Not that he was surprised that the couple had finally left.

Ethan's grin broadened. "Almost an hour ago. They should be at the hotel by now."

"All right," Ed sipped his drink and tried not to look too smug. "Well I hope they enjoy themselves."

"It's one of the best rooms in the entire city," Ethan pointed out, though Ed noticed his son's ears turning slightly pink as he understood what his father meant.

Ed chuckled. "Somehow I'm fairly certain neither of them is really going to notice the room before tomorrow."

Will pulled Ren tight against him as the hotel room door closed behind them, kissing her with heated elation. As much as he appreciated all the well wishes and the celebration that was entirely in his honor, this was what he had really wanted all day; time alone with his wife! A thrill went through him just thinking those two little words. When they finally parted lips, he couldn't keep from grinning. "Good evening, Mrs. Elric."

Ren chuckled, flushing with pleasure. "Ren Elric; it fits so nicely doesn't it?"

"Perfectly," Will agreed, arms still tight around her, despite the fact that he was crushing parts of her dress. "Just like you fit right here."

"Barely," Ren giggled, gesturing downward with her eyes to the yards of fabric. "Perhaps we should get into something more conducive to being close?"

"I think that's a fantastic idea," Will grinned, though he felt a slight flutter of nerves at the anticipation of seeing the view of Ren he had not dared voice his longing to see for fear of sounding crude or pathetic.

Ren smiled and turned around, presenting the back of the dress to him. "Help me out of this?" she asked softly.

Will felt his face flush warm even as he chuckled. "Do you know how long I've waited to hear that?" he asked as he reached for the intricately tied bow and began to work it out.

Ren smiled. "At least as long as we've been paying for separate hotel rooms while traveling?"

"Fair enough," Will smiled. It only took a minute to take off the bow and belt. Underneath the dress was buttoned and it took another minute to undo the line of buttons carefully so he wouldn't damage the dress. As soon as he finished Ren stepped away. "Hey, wait..."

Ren paused and smiled over her shoulder."I can get the rest."

"Tease," Will shook his head.

Ren giggled as she slipped into the bathroom. "Only because I know you'll appreciate it later."

"What makes you say that?" He stopped when he saw the playful amused look in her eyes. "Oh." His stomach flipped again and he was glad he had only nibbled at dinner. As the door closed he realized he should probably change too. He took his suit off and hung it up, but then he had a moment of difficulty in deciding what to do next. Should he put on his shorts? Would it be presumptuous to simply undress? What the heck was the proper thing to do now?

He opted to go ahead and pull on his dark blue silk shorts. It wasn't as if he couldn't take them off again! That done, he took a little time to look around the room – he was glad that someone had already brought their bags up here, Ethan and Lia he was willing to bet – and take stock. Sitting on the little bar in the room was a bottle with a note. Will picked it up and chuckled. It was a bottle of sparkling plum cider – Xingese, non-alcoholic, and one he happened to know was a favorite of Ren's.

A little something to enjoy just the two of you. Congratulations and have fun!

It wasn't signed, but Will recognized Ethan's handwriting.

"What's that?" Ren asked behind him.

"A little gift from Ethan," he smiled and turned around –

– And froze, eyes wide as he took in the sight of Ren in nothing but a sheer dark green silk nightgown that clung to and accentuated her petite but very lovely curves. Ren smiled, meeting his eyes. "You like it?"

Will swallowed and regained his tongue. "I love it," he set down the bottle and closed the distance between them in two steps. "You look incredible."

"So do you," Ren giggled, looking up the several inch difference between them and eyeing him with a playful little smile. "Very dashing."

Will bent down and kissed her, pulling her in more tenderly this time, aware of nothing other than that there was only a very thin layer of silk between him and his wife, and more aware than ever of the size difference between them. "I'm glad you approve."

"That's one word for it," Ren blushed even as she spoke more boldly than Will had expected. It eased a little of the awkwardness though. "So what do want to do…now…?"

Will cut her off with another kiss; letting his hand run down her back, from exposed skin to silk till it rested in the small of her back, buried in the long luxury of her hair. Now that they could have what he wanted, he found he didn't need to say it in words.

Ren broke the kiss and smiled, turning towards the bed.

Will followed and then hesitated as a thought occurred to him that hadn't before. "So… which side of the bed do you want?" he asked.

Ren chuckled softly as she laid one hand on his bare chest, letting it run down his stomach. "Why don't we just leave that to chance and see what happens?

Author's Note: Finis on another one! Back to more of the main cast next story. :) Hope you enjoyed our brief foray into pleasant fluffy happy before it's back to business as usual in the FMA universe. ;)