Substitution and Submission (AKA The Most Screwed Up Merlin/Arthur Fic Ever)

Spoilers: Up to Episode 7 - The Gates of Avalon. That's all I have watched.

Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Uther/Arthur (implied past dub-con)

Warnings: SLASH. Non-con, dub-con, fucked up role-playing, incest, abuse of magic, violence, character death, suicide, self-harm/cutting, generally disturbing themes. I am no stranger to kink but this is basically as fucked up a fic as I could make it and definitely the most screwed up thing I've ever written. NOT FOR THOSE EASILY OFFENDED.

Summary: Merlin only wants to protect Arthur. Response to kinkme_merlin prompt: "Arthur and Merlin have a really dark, creepy, fucked up disturbing relationship. In exactly what way it's fucked up I will leave up to you but the darker the better. I'm a fan of dark!Merlin in particular so would be happy if he made an appearance but if you want do something different that's fine."

Uther is dying and he knows it. It is a much slower process than he would like and it is painful. He is slowly losing control of himself. He needs help with every little thing now. His fingers, once curled proudly around a sword's handle can now barely lift a spoon to his mouth without spilling most of the broth. His sight, once sharp and judgemental, was now blurred. Occasionally, he could not see at all. He would have never thought himself a coward but right now, he forgives himself for wishing for death.

At Gaius' passing some years back, he had the old man's apprentice, Merlin, appointed as the court physician. He finds it ironic that the stupid manservant he dressed down for years is this capable and gentle towards him.

Uther can feel the weight of death on his chest. Every breath he draws now is a struggle. "It's not long," he slurs, trying to tilt his face towards the quiet shuffling at his right.

"No, it isn't, Your Majesty," Merlin agrees easily. "It'll soon be over." Feeling some pity for the King, Merlin holds Uther's worn hand in his. This is the hand of a king. The hand of a murderer. The hand of a father.

"Tell...Arthur...I loved...sorry..." Uther coughs weakly, trying to force the words out. He closes his eyes, he is so very tired. "Proud"

"I'm sure he knows," Merlin smiles. Oh how, the King has fallen he thought. Merlin has been waiting for this very moment, nursing the ailing King at his bedside for months. The warlock had made sure that Arthur would be sent away to a border dispute because only duty would be able to tear him away from his dying father. He is Arthur's manservant and he has to protect the prince and future King from the pain of watching his father die. "He will understand," Merlin says kindly. He looks into Uther's face then his eyes flash gold. He probes deeply into Uther's mind and when Merlin finds what he has been looking for, he tears the memories out with the burn of vengeful magic.

"Mer-" The King twitches, pain stealing his voice away.

Merlin keeps hold of Uther's mind and forces him to view the memories as he rips it from him. The King's mouth is open in a soundless scream.

When Uther is dead, Merlin releases him. "For Arthur," Merlin pats the King's hand gently as if he had not just ripped Uther's mind apart while Merlin's name died on his lips.


Arthur has been regent king for several months now, no one ever questioned Merlin's place with Arthur not after the last Lord had been publicly rebuked for insulting his former manservant. The way Arthur emphasised that Merlin was "his" so plainly made Merlin's ears turn red as a tomato. The announcement is merely a formality, no one is surprised. Even the peasants had grown used to seeing Merlin as Arthur's shadow.

On the very first day of Arthur's official reign, he repeals the laws against magic.

"With the repeal of magic, I would like to introduce you to Merlin Emrys: the current Court Physician and now Court Magician. He has been in service of me for many years as my manservant and now I am proud to name him as my closest confidante and advisor. I am sure that-" Arthur stumbled slightly. "That my father would have been grateful to his service particularly in his final hours."

Coming out of Arthur's mouth so soon after the king's death, the people gathered that this is the equivalent of an engagement. Merlin had finally been acknowledged as Arthur's consort, his equal in power. A polite smattering of applause concludes the gathering, with a feast announced for the following night. Merlin only smiles throughout this display, not revealing the extent of his magical prowess.

Though later some would gossip quietly about Merlin's great power over the king, they could not dispute that the kingdom now worked more efficiently, peacefully than ever. Under the new reign, Camelot prospered.


After the feast, Merlin lay next to Arthur in the King's chambers, giggling.

"Merlin! You are such a girl!"

Merlin gives his lover a fond smile. He knows Arthur's teasing has no bite. "Am not," he mumbles before shifting his position so he could look at his Prince, no his King. "Not used to this bed."

"A bed is a bed. What's the difference!"

An evil grin crosses Merlin's face and he says, "You know, this could be the bed where you know." Merlin wriggled his eyebrows for effect.

Arthur frowned then and groans. "Merlin. Way to ruin the mood. I do not want to be thinking about...about that." The new King reaches over to whack his former manservant on the arm but Merlin evades him deftly.

They tussle around on the bed, struggling for dominance until Merlin uses his magic with a mischievous golden glint in his eyes.

"Show off," Arthur mutters but it is clear from the erection pressing against Merlin's hip that he is turned on by the display of power. "I love you," he mumbles in his daze. He would have given the kingdom to Merlin there and then if he had asked for it even though his loyalty to Camelot is unquestionable.

Merlin stares deep into Arthur's blue orbs with a pensive look and then the mood suddenly turns serious. "I want you to tell me the truth. Have you ever loved anyone else?"

Arthur smiles at his lover, reaching upwards to brush unruly chocolate bangs from Merlin's face. "Of course not. I've only ever loved you and you know that."

"Don't lie to me. I know you're lying."

"I'm not," Arthur insists.

"Your father."

Arthur rolls his eyes. "He was my father, of course I loved him," Arthur says in exasperation. He notes the possessive glint in the warlock's eyes and tries to placate him as he feels the magical grip on him tighten. "Merlin-"

"I'm not as stupid as you think. You did it with him, didn't you?"

Arthur pales. Even though his former manservant does not say what it is that he did with his father, he recognises the tone and he knows that somehow his lover knows his deepest and darkest secret.

"What? No..." Arthur says lamely. He feels the cold air punish him as Merlin climbs off him, pacing in front of the bed.

"You know it's not the lying that bothers me, Arthur. I even pretended that I couldn't see the marks he left on you. I pretended not to notice some nights when you weren't with me – your secret conferences. I pretended that I couldn't smell his scent on you. Or that I didn't find his cloak in your chambers. Even now, now that he's- you don't even trust me enough to tell me you cheated on me again and again. Tell me, what am I supposed to think?"

"It wasn't like that. I didn't start it. I didn't...want to, you have to understand," Arthur rambles, exhaling loudly in frustration.

"I know you didn't. What he did to you wasn't right," Merlin agrees. "I've seen it," he says suddenly and Arthur doesn't even question how, when, where or why. The golden-haired King has never doubted Merlin's powers. Merlin stops pacing and his hands are clenching into fists. "But what I hate, what I absolutely hate, is that, you never ever said no."

"Merlin!" Arthur reaches out for his lover with a broken look. His voice is higher, slightly hysterical. "God, I...I couldn't refuse my father. Don't. Don't do this. You have to understand, I'd do anything for you. I...dammit...I love you."

"You loved him more," Merlin says accusingly.

Arthur looks pained at the hurt look on his lover's face. "Please, Merlin. I'll prove it to you." Arthur would think back with perfect clarity, he had known then that anything would be worth it.

"Show me." Merlin's eyes are a startling mix of gold and glue that Arthur had never seen before. They are bright emerald.

"Now?" Arthur faces his former manservant confidently. He has nothing to his from Merlin, nothing to fear. He feels his heart flutter when Merlin returns his tentative smile.

"Later." The warlock takes Arthur's hand and lies with the King he loves, he reminds Arthur of his promise to him.

All criticism welcome.