Written for comment_fic on livejournal (a multi-fandom prompt fic community)

Prompt was for Dean or Sam find out something about the other from the Supernatural books

"Dude." Dean whistled as he read on the shabby motel bed.

"What did you find out, Dean?"

"I found out that Chuck likes to include ALL the details."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Only you would get off on reading about you having sex."

"Yeah, you're right Sammy. I'm a real egomaniac," Dean said as he continued reading intently.

Sam worriedly pointed out, "Why did you agree so fast Dean?"


"You are reading about YOU, right Dean?"

"Well, actually... I'm reading about you and your girlfriend on prom night."


"Damn, Sammy, this is good stuff. You are an animal in bed! I'm feeling very proud of you right now."

Sam leaped over to Dean's bed and tried to grab the book away, but Dean held it out of reach by putting a hand on Sam's forehead to hold him at bay.

"Give me the book, Dean."

"No. This is my copy. And I don't intend to share."

"How about you give me a little privacy, Dean?"

"I am enjoying a work of literature before I go to bed. What's the problem, Sammy?"

Sam's nostrils flared. "I'm not kidding, Dean."

"Damn, this is hot stuff, Sammy. Who knew you were such a little dynamo? Well, not little."

"I mean it, Dean. Shut up. And give me the book."

"No can do, Sammy. I want to see how it ends. I bet you're spectacular."

Sam glared at Dean and walked out slamming the door. Dean was just about to go after him when Sam walked back in with a boxful of several of Chuck's books that they had been keeping in the car. He rifled through the books until he found one full of pages marked with Post-its.

"Got something good there, Sammy?"

Sam read aloud: "'I'm sorry Cassie,' Dean whimpered, 'I swear this has never happened to me before. No seriously, usually I'm like a machine.' "

Dean's face went pale. He threw his book at Sam and said, "Fine, you big whiner. Truce."

"Too late, Dean. I'm totally into this now, and I really want to finish. Much like Cassie, I imagine."