
Eien: This is a new story.

Amu: OOO they're gonna be mad at youuu

Eien: Yes, I am fully aware of that! I just wanna say, that the idea I had for No One Walks At Midnight, doesn't give me much interest anymore. Yes, I know, you've heard me say that about a million times and I'm really, truly sorry. So I will tell you what I had planned. For what Easter stole, her body. Her real body. Ikuto and Amu were gonna go to Easter, sneak in and all that, and then as they made their way to the lab where her body was they get attacked. Amu uses her ninja/assassin skills whatever you wanna call em, breaks the thing that holds her real body, goes back into it; she looks more beautiful, yada yada. They already fall in love, they live happily ever after. So yeah.

Ikuto: …

Eien: I know, that would've taken at least 20 chapters and I'm not up for that. It might be that I just don't know how to end stories, or I just lose interest in the ideas quickly. So I have to tell you not to get your hopes up too high for this story as well. I really am, sincerely, from the bottom of my broken ice cold heart.

Ikuto: That makes NO SENSE!

Eien: I can't expect any forgiveness, and I really do understand. I feel like I've let you down so much, and I'm sorry. My One-shots will remain and always will. I'm so, so, so, so, SO sorry.

Amu: I think we get it Eien! Tell us what the story is about!

Eien: Okay! Jeez… well, everyone is the same age for starters. All in junior year of high school. This is really OOC, Amu, I'm doing changes to you including voice, act, etc. so readers, don't complain about this being OOC cuz guess what? I planned it that way! That's all I'm going to say for now.

Ikuto: Sounds interesting -smirk- Amuto right?

Eien: What else? I don't own Shugo Chara. I'm not even going to say Enjoy…


"Here she comes!" A boy shouted

All the guys and girls gasped, frantically running around to find a seat.

The door opened, the boys had hearts in their eyes and the girl's eyes of inspiration. In she walked. In walked, Hinamori Amu.

Hinamori Amu, high school heart throb, wanted by every single man, boy, in school. She was all the girls' idol. Her shoulder length pink hair, honey golden eyes that shined ever so brightly, smooth crème colored skin, nice slick thighs, long crème colored legs, size C breasts, plump pink lips, and curves that seemed to never end. Her voice was ever so Seductive; her voice was low and sexy. Her laughs were like your favorite song, never getting tired of listening to it. She was single, and I know what you're thinking, how can someone this fine this sexy be single? Well, we're bound to find out someday.

Amu walked into the classroom. Wearing an ever so sexy white miniskirt, black tube top, and black 3 inch heels. The boys swooned, cooed, complimented, and just ogled over her. She smiled "Now boys," her seductive voice caught the attention of the boys "no need to swoon over just plain old me," she put a hand to her chest "when you have these beautiful ladies right here" she said, gesturing towards all the girls. The girls gasped "Ehh?! Hinamori Amu just called us beautiful! Kya!!" they squealed

Amu blew a kiss at the boys and winked at the girls.

I can tell you right now, that some of the girls thought about becoming lesbian just because of her.

Amu walked out of the classroom and into the halls, capturing the guy's gazes once more. One guy dropped a book, she bent down to pick it up and as she did, her skirt hiked up and revealed her black panties. She gasped "Oh dear," she looked at the rest of the guys who just had hearts in their eyes "I'm terribly sorry about that" she said the guys shook their heads "its fine" they said. She smiled and handed the man the book "here you go" she smiled. His face had a huge blush on it and her nervously thanked her "T-Thank y-you".

She was such an angel. Everyone thought that she'd want a good guy, an innocent one, a cute one, someone like Hotori Tadase.

Hotori Tadase, the high school cutie. Almost every girl wanted a piece of those cute pink eyes, golden blonde hair, and not to mention his princely smile. Every girl might want a piece of him, but not as much as they wanted the high school bad boy. Tadase, himself, was the high school prince.

"H-Hello Hinamori-san" he greeted

She smiled "Hello" and continued walking

But that wasn't the case. Oh no, Hinamori Amu, was a sucker for a bad boy. A bad boy, like Tsukiyomi Ikuto.

Tsukiyomi Ikuto, the high school hottie. Every girl wanted a piece of him. He was hot, sexy, whatever you wanted to call him. Girls fell to their feet for him; guys worshipped him like a god. He was wanted by every girl in the whole school. His soft Midnight blue hair cascaded slightly over his mysterious indigo blue eyes. He was indeed, the high school bad boy.

He smacked her butt "Hey Sexy" he smirked

"Hey Ikuto" she blew him a kiss and winked

He wrapped his arms around her "So how you doin?" he asked

"Good," she giggled "you?"

"Just perfect" he smirked and indulged himself into her sweet lips.

She giggled against his lips as they kissed, no they were not boyfriend and girlfriend, and they actually didn't know what they were. Amu and Ikuto have known each other ever since they were little kids. They watched each other grow up, develop, grow their facades, etc. they never wanted to leave each other's side. When they were little, they had sworn to get married when they got older, to love each other, to stay by each other's side. But with their bodies, school popularities, and almost everyone wanting them, would they keep that promise? Deep down, they both loved each other, the other not knowing. They both secretly really wanted to get married to one another, love one another, and stay by each other's side, but they didn't know that. But some people did. Fujisaki Nagihiko, Mashiro Rima, Souma Kukai, and Tsukiyomi Utau, they knew. They knew each other's feelings but kept it a secret, they were planning to make them fall madly in love with each other and become girlfriend and boyfriend. They knew who was allowed and who they had to watch out for, for example, Hotori Tadase. He was someone they had to watch out for, with his princely looks Amu might, just might, fall for him but with them that would never happen.

Ikuto was very protective over Amu and everyone was aware of that. If someone harmed her in any way, he would snap and get so pissed off he scared the teachers and principle. Everyone made sure to stay clear and aware of that. The only cure for that was Amu. She was his only cure, his only source of life, his own little adrenaline rush. She could calm him down, she could save everyone from the horrid rampage he went on if he had heard or seen that she had been harmed. He was VERY protective over her.

Amu was protective over Ikuto, just not overly. If someone hurt him, she'd go on a slight rampage, whether it was a man, woman, girl, or boy, she cleared things straight without having to harm anyone. But if a girl was to break his heart, then she'd snap. She'd find that little slut and beat the shit out of her. She cared for Ikuto, she didn't want him hurt in any way, and like Ikuto, and the only cure was him. They were much alike and also much different, but to them, it didn't matter.

Ikuto didn't like it when guys gave her the look. He just didn't like it when guys looked at her. It made his blood boil in anger and jealousy. Especially of how she dressed. Mini skirts, tube tops, heels, they were just too sexy. He really did hate it when she dressed like this; it made him have more protection over her.

As Amu rested in Ikuto's arms, and he nipped at her neck, 8 pairs of eyes were secretly watching.

"Yo, Ikuto, Amu" a voice said, lazily

Amu looked over and flashed her gorgeous smile "Hey Eien!"

Eien grinned, the red streaks streamed down her black mid-back hair. Her right eye covered with her side bangs. She was wearing a pair of boy basketball shorts and a black beater, if she didn't have long hair and size C breasts, you'd actually think she was a guy. Her feet were covered with her usual black and white converses laced up and ready. She was one of my best friends.

As if sensing something Eien moved to the left about a foot and just as she moved, a baseball flew towards where she was standing. Eien picked it up and chucked it back to wherever it came from.


"S-Sorry Kurai-san!" they cried back

"Stupid idiots" she muttered

Amu giggled "Eien, Eien, you need to calm down"

Eien ran her delicate fingers through her hair "I can't. I have two guys fighting over me! It's so stressful!" Eien sighed

"Kai and Haru are still fighting over you?" Amu chuckled

"Didn't I just say that?" Eien asked

"Sheesh! It's been like a year already and their still fighting!" Amu sighed

Eien glared at the floor "The worst part is," she kicked a rock "I don't know which one I'll choose" she sighed

Amu put a hand on her shoulder "When the time comes, you'll know" Amu smiled

Eien shook her head "Easy enough for you to say" she grinned and nodded towards Ikuto, who was still kissing Amu's neck.

Amu blushed "Oh hush!"

Eien winked "Ikuto, chill, she ain't goin no where" Eien chuckled

"But she might" he said, against Amu's skin

Eien sighed "Boys, I'll never get them"

Amu giggled

Once again, as if sensing it, Eien put her hand out, catching the baseball in her hand, just missing Amu's head.


"Eien! Calm down!!" Amu hushed

"YOU SON OF A!!" she threw the baseball back, hitting a person in the with it. "TAKE THAT!" she shouted, triumphantly.

Amu sweat dropped "E-Eien…"

Eien shook her head "That was suppose to be Ikuto's job"

Amu's eyes widened and she put her finger to her mouth for Eien not to say more… too late.

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! SOMEONE HURT YOU?! WHO!? THEY ARE SO DEAD!" Ikuto shouted, glaring at everything insight, except for Amu and Eien.

Amu slapped a hand to her head "Oh jeez…"

Eien tugged at Ikuto's hair "If you don't shut. Up. I WILL hurt you" she said, scaring Amu a bit

Ikuto stopped yelling

"Good" Eien smiled

Amu chuckled "Eien, oh Eien, you are such a good friend"

"I know" she stuck her tongue out

"You know, you're like a girl type of Ikuto when it comes to protecting me" Amu smirked

"When it comes to my best friend, of course I gotta protect ya!" Eien put her arm around Amu's shoulder and grinned

"Ikuto-sempai!" squealed some girls

Eien rubbed her temples "oh god"

Ikuto smirked "Why, hello ladies"

The girls squealed and some fainted

"What can I do for you?" he asked

"Can we get a picture with you and your girlfriend?!" they shouted, gesturing towards Amu

Amu's eyes widened girlfriend?! "I'm not his gir--"

"Of course" he smirked

Amu gaped "Ikuto!"

He cupped her face and kissed her on the lips

Click! Flash!

The girls squealed "Ahh!! They're so hot together!" then they sauntered off

"Ikuto! What the hell!?" Amu shouted

"What?" he pouted

"I'm not your girlfriend!" Amu said

"I wish you were…" he whispered, barely audible

"What was that?" Amu asked

"Nothing" he muttered

Only Eien heard. She smirked; she too, knew both of their feelings.

"Amu, stop screaming, your gonna hurt your voice" Eien scolded lazily

Amu pouted and crossed her arms "It's not my fault"

Ikuto sighed. He loved her, he really, really did. When she shouted at him, saying that she wasn't his girlfriend, he felt his heart crack. He wanted her to be his and his only, but he guessed that she'd forgotten about the promise they made so many years ago. Should he really continue to love her, and hope that she'd return his feelings? Or should he just give up and try to move on? He was clueless.

"Oh come on, Amu! You can't be mad at Ikuto" Eien rolled her eyes

"Yes I can!" Amu snapped back

Eien smirked "Prove it," she looked towards Ikuto "say you hate him"

Amu's eyes widened "I…I!…I," she looked at Ikuto "I can't hate him…" she said

Eien smirked "Told yah"

Amu pouted

Ikuto sighed and began to walk away

"W-Wait! Ikuto!!" Amu whined

He stopped "What?"

"I'm sorry" she whispered

Ikuto turned around to face her, his eyes widened. Amu had her head down, her pink locks hiding her beautiful honey golden eyes. He walked over to her and lifted her chin, planting a soft kiss on her lips he spoke

"No, I'm sorry"

Amu blushed and hugged him

Eien sighed in relief "You guys are one tough cookie"

Ikuto chuckled "I can't be mad at her either"

Amu smirked at him "Cuz I'm too cute"

Ikuto smirked back "You're sexy" he kissed her lips once more

Eien gagged "I gotta get outta here!"

Amu giggled and stood on her tip toes, planting another kiss on Ikuto's lips.

Then, someone wolf whistled.

"Nice panties Amu" a voice said

Ikuto glared towards the voice, Yakuza Ryuu. Crisp black hair, light red eyes, and almost as wanted as Ikuto. Ryuu was number 2 as the most wanted boy in the school.

"Back off Ryuu, she's mine" Ikuto said, tightening his grasp around Amu

"Oh really?" Ryuu smirked

"Yeah, really" Ikuto glared

"Then let's see you two smooch" he smirked

Ikuto grinned "Of course"

He tilted Amu's chin up and kissed her, her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer.

Ryuu stood surprised.

They broke apart panting

"Enough proof?" Ikuto smirked

Ryuu clenched his fists "Just you watch Tsukiyomi. I'll take her right out of your arms." he smirked devilishly and walked off.

Ikuto's smirk dropped and he stared into space, horrified.

"Ikuto? Ikuto??" Amu waved her hand in front of his face

"I'll take her right out of your arms"


Eien: How was it?

Ikuto: …

Amu: Oo I'm sexy :3

Ikuto: I already knew that

Eien: -.- R&R?