Disclaimer: All canon-based characters, situations, and plotlines are copyright to their original owners, creators, and designers. I make no profit, nor want any.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Title: Course of True Love: 100:100: Bindings and Beginnings
Word Count: 100
Romance: Yuuki Juudai x Johan Andersen
Genre: Romance, Friendship
Challenge: ficlets100: Claim: Yuuki Juudai x Johan Andersen: prompt 100: author's choice (tentacles)
Rated: PG-13
Notes: These ficlets do not relate to each other in any kind of a way except for the fact that they're all about Juudai and Johan.
Universe: Canon-ish.
Summary: A hundred drabbles concerning the relationship of Yuuki Juudai x Johan Andersen.

Slender threads of dark shadows held Johan to the wall, while Juudai slid the sharp-edged dagger down the seams of his captive's clothes, removing them piece by piece. Another strip of darkness kept Johan from speaking, but Juudai didn't need to hear anything. Johan's body made it plain that he was enjoying this.

Another tendril danced slowly and carefully up Johan's legs, caressing inch by inch. If Johan could have, he would have moaned in raw pleasure.

Juudai leaned in to kiss his way down Johan's neck, then slowly down the rest of his body.

This was only the beginning.

The End

Note: Wow. I'm at the end. Well, for this, anyway. I have other fics with them in the works, and maybe some more drabble or ficlet sets. I think I'll rest a while first, though. Hope that you enjoyed all of these!