Yuki- And we are back on America's most popular game show...Torture...That...Victim! ;)
Yaya- Yaya isn't looking forward to this...
Yuki-Oh don't worry..you'll be fine.. :)
Yaya- Really?..
Yuki- Um yea *So lying* Now do the disclaimer and just sign this waiver saying that if anything happens to you I'm not responsible :)
Yaya- Ok *signs form* Yuki doesn't own me or Shugo Chara! :D
Note: Remember please read my new story! :D Title is This is Not a Diary! :D
Yaya came sprinting into the empty candy store. "Where's the free candy!" Yaya shouts excited for the free candy.
Know your stars...Know your stars...Know your stars...
"Candy? Yaya wants her candy!" yells Yaya.
Yuiki Yaya...loves cheese...
"Cheese? No Yaya loves Candy!" shouts an excited Yaya. "Strange voice where did you hide the candy!" asks Yaya.
We don't have any candy...would you like some cheese?
"But I just said I don't like cheese!" says Yaya whining.
Yuiki Yaya...stole that dress she's wearing...
"Yaya does not steal! That's a no no!" yells Yaya shaking her head. "My mommy bought me this dress for my birthday." answers Yaya.
Do you have the receipt?...
"Well no..why would Yaya have the receipt with her?..asks Yaya confused
I don't know..why would you steal a dress..?...
"You're upsetting Yaya with your lies! I just want candy!" shouts Yaya about to cry.
I have cheese...would you like that...?
" I don't want any cheese!" screams Yaya her eyes beginning to tear up.
Are you sure..it's cheddar...
"I WANT CANDY!" shouts Yaya.
Yuiki Yaya...is a big cry baby..
"WAAAAAA I WANT MY MOMMY!" shouts Yaya now crying on the floor.
Yuiki Yaya...is hated by her parents..
"My-my parent's hate me?" asks Yaya big crocodile tears streaming down her face.
No..no I was just kidding...
"You are just a bi-big meanie!" yells Yaya sniffling, tears running down her face.
I'm not a meanie...I offered you cheese didn't I...
"Well your a big meanie liar and no one likes you! So let me go!" Yaya shouts.
"..Voice..are you there?" asks Yaya who stopped crying but was still sniffling.
Yes..you hurt my feelings...
"I'm sorry...why don't we go get ice-cream!" asks Yaya excited again.
Ok..can I get strawberry...?
"Of course! Yaya loves strawberry!" says Yaya with a smile.
Ok..let's go get some ice-cream!
"Yay!" screams Yaya as she skips off to go get some ice-cream.
Well know you know Yaya...a nice little girl who really loves sweet..and-
"Come on strange voice! Let's get the ice cream before it get's dark!" shouts Yaya from a distance.
Oh well..I don't have time to go on, I'm getting ice-cream...I've gone soft... Oh well...until next time on Know your stars...Know your stars...Know your stars...
Yuki- Only Yaya can use tears to escape torment! :D LOL! So please review and thanks to all who reviewed! Also please check out my new kutau story! :D Thanks guys!
1. Friendly Kitty
2. crossdresserxevilchibi
4. DarkDia
5. mew luchia
6. anon
7. XxxSticky Sweet Honey PawsxxX
8. Yaya tan