This was written as something of a parody (yeah, SOMETHING of a parody) while several friends of mine were performing in the play version of 1984. Yes, O'Brien was played by a girl. And Winston's actor was…well. Extensive background knowledge of 1984, Bowling for Soup, and possibly my high school will come in handy in understanding the following masterpiece:


Winston just hit the wall

He never had it all

Smokes three packs a day

Dumbs down words to earn his pay

His dreams went out the door

In 1984

Taken down by one man

What happened to his plan?

(He's being played by an actor

Who is going to be a star

Who winds up skipping class

--or would if he had a car)

He's staring at the screen

Hating at the Enemy

Looks at his 'plusgood' life

And nothing has been all right

Since O'Brien, hosanna! (she's such a prima donna)

And you too, yeah blondie, next Hate Time you'll be on the screen

And we kids in high school

And think Winston Smith is a fool

Because he's preoccupied

With '2+2 makes 5'

He's read all the classics

He's changed every line

If from this job he shrinks

He's lucky if he just get's fired

He want's out but wham!

O'Brien's an Inner Party fan

Now she's got her hands

On a rebellious man

"Where is Julia?--And where is my skin?

And will you please please please please please not let those rats in?"

Why is reality viewed from a sreen?

And what is up with all the sitcom hate shows on the radio?


He hates time…make it stop…

When did 'bad' become 'ungood'—this really sucks!

And when did 'double plus' become a modifier?

Please make this stop…stop…stop!

And bring back--