I don't own InuYasha.
Chapter un-betaed.
Chapter 14
Worried friends
Sango watched Kagome walk away towards the woods. When she was sure that the young Miko was out of hearing range she turned her worried glance towards the sitting Monk.
"Houshi-sama…" She started, biting her bottom lip.
"I know Sango." he said, the previous goofiness completely evaporating from his tone and his face as soon as the young Miko was away.
"When she is ready to speak about what is wrong, she will. Don't worry so much."
Sango sighed. " I know, it's just… "
"Just be there for her and when the time comes, she will open up. Everything will be fine." He told her, reassuringly.
The young slayer nodded and hurried after Kagome. After one last glance towards the young Monk, Kirara followed her mistress.
Miroku sighed and turned to watch anew the fighting duo. As Kagome predicted, they didn't even realize that the group lost members during their bickering. He was looking at InuYasha and Kouga, without really seeing them, lost in his thoughts.
Like Sango, he had immediately remarked the strange comportment of their Miko friend since her return from her last trip to the future. He was as clueless as Sango on what could have happened though.
He tried to relativize. It should not be something grave. After all, Kagome came back in one piece without a scratch on her so it mustn't be serious, right? Miroku sighed.
It was not right to assume all was well only because she was not physically impacted by what was tormenting her. Miroku knew that all scars and injuries weren't always physical and that a mental one could be as difficult if not more difficult to heal from. But what could they do? Until she told them what the problem was, they could not do anything to help her beside staying available for when she will finally open up.
They don't really know how the life is on the opposite side of the Well also. The young Miko doesn't often speak about it. Maybe her life on the other side of the Well was more complex than they think. It was frustrating to not know.
Once before, the young Monk had asked her why she was not talking more about what was her life in the future. But she stayed vague and just said that she didn't want to influence too much the past. When he tried to insist that he did not want to learn about what will happen in the future but more about her everyday life she evaded again and closed up. After that day, he never asked anything about the future again.
In a last-ditch effort, Miroku had tried also to question InuYasha. However, it was almost impossible to get anything out of the hanyou. Beside commenting about the bad smell of the air and that things were always loud and strange he could not get anything more significant out of him.
Miroku knew at least one thing: the problem was not with her family. It's the only thing that Kagome concede to tell them.
He felt eyes on him and glance towards Shippo. The young Kitsune was effectively looking at him. It was evident that the little youkai was really worried too.
"What do you think is wrong with Kagome?"
"I don't know Shippo. Maybe she will talk about it with Sango today. I'm sure it's nothing to worry too much about."
Both looked towards the woods, in the direction where the two women disappear to.
"Well." Miroku made a move to rise. "Maybe I should-... ouch! Shippo!" He exclaimed falling back on his butt, rubbing the spot where Shippo hit him and looking at the young kitsune in surprise.
"I was made responsible to ensure that you will not spy on them while they are bathing." Shippo said in all seriousness in his childish voice, crossing his arms.
Miroku fought a smile. The serious expression on the young youkai and his posture was funny coming from such a young boy and sooth the tense atmosphere.
"I'm so misunderstood."