Warning: This is something new I want to try. One new idea I have about Peter and Claire. It is still a CANON. However, I want to explore what would happen if they knew each other and grew up together. Would they fall in love... still? Since I'm Paire fan I believe that this is an inevitable.

Still, I think it's gonna be good story. Hope you like it!



Chapter 1 The Perfect pair

Claire looked at the clock hung above the blackboard. Now. The damn bell had to ring now!

'Miss Petrelli?' Her teacher asked her and Claire looked at him with annoyance. 'Is the clock more interesting than me?'

'In this moment?' Claire rose up one eyebrow. 'Yeah.' She answered cockily and her classmates burst into laugh.

'Miss Petrelli…' Her old teach was about to say something else, but the bell saved her.

'See ya!' Claire grabbed her books and passed beside him. She was bored, so bored that even one smoke could not fix her mood.



Two of her friends stopped her by the door. Claire made a face, but then smiled. It was so face that even they knew it. Mandy and Elisa hang out with her only because of her money. Claire knew that. Thanks to her name and her family, she had bunch of friends, which was not friends at all. They just used her, but she used them also when she need some excuse for skipping classes.

'Are you going home?' Mandy asked her and Claire threw her one look.

'Yup.' She answered and walked out of her classroom. 'I have to… study!'

'Study? You?' Elisa laughed.

'My dad said that otherwise I'm not going to use a limo.' Claire crooked her face. 'Plus my phone and my Platinum Card.'

'Oh crap!' Elisa frowned, demonstrating compassion, but Claire knew that it was fake feeling.

'Yeah.' Claire said and they walked out of the school. The limo was waiting for her, but there was a surprise too. Claire stopped and one smile appeared on her lips. 'Look who is here…' She said and her eyes fell on the tall dark man, leaning on the car. He wore black pair of jeans and his open jacket revealed his dark blue sweater. His arms had crossed around his chest and his hazel eyes wandering. He looked bored.

'If that is not your hot uncle…' Elisa said and her look slipped up and down over his body.

'My hot uncle?' Claire bit her lip.

'He is Claire.' Mandy nodded.

'Stop drooling.' Claire ran down over the stairs. 'See ya in Monday.' She said and leaved the two girls behind. 'Peter!'

Her voice made him look at her and his bored face turned into joyful one.

'Hey, beautiful!' Peter spread his arms and Claire literally threw at him. He insisted to call him Peter. Despite the fact that he was her uncle, Peter insisted to act more like her friend. Nathan frowned every time when Claire called his name and she loved to tease him. Peter loved that too and they had their own little teasing game. Nathan hated it. 'How was your day?' Peter asked and helped her get into the car.

Claire frowned and waited until he sat beside her. Soon as he closed the door, the car leaved Claire's high school.

'It was boring.' She pouted and fixed her skirt over her knees. She crossed legs and threw her bag on the floor. 'I need smoke.'

'You need someone to give you good spanking.' Peter rose up his eyebrows and Claire narrowed her eyes looked at him.

'You are offering?' She licked her lips and he burst into laugh.


'You think?' She grinned against him.

'Nathan would be thrilled from your attitude!'

'You think?' Claire untied her hair and the blond curls fell over her shoulders. She looked Peter over her shoulder. His hazel eyes gazed her. 'You wanna show you something?'

'What?' He reached and fixed one curl behind her ear.

'I show you when we get home.' Claire said and leaned back on her seat. Peter followed her example and stared through the window. Claire threw one hidden look at his profile. She had to agree with her classmates. He was hot. And he was her uncle. Fuck!

Claire knew him whole life. They grew up together and she was closer with him than with anyone in the family, including her father. Peter was her friend. He was her salvation when she was sad. He was the one helped her when she felt frustrated. He knew what she needed even before she could open her mouth. He was… her uncle.

'Come on, beautiful!' Peter pulled her out of her thoughts and she felt that the car stopped. They were already home. Peter got out of the car and opened her door, helping her got out too. 'I wanna see your surprise.' He said and pinched her nose.

'Okay. You'll see it.' Claire smiled and they both walked into the mansion. 'It's very quiet.' Claire looked around as the climbed the staircase.

'We are alone.' Peter answered and opened the door of her room, making her way to enter first.

'Oh?' Claire threw him one look and saw him lay on her bed with hands crossed under his head.

'Yup. Family vacation and we are not invited!' He said and Claire turned around just before she could walk into the bathroom.

'We?' She asked and saw him crooked his face.

'I don't like such snobby places. You know that!'

'I know, but thank you, anyhow.' Claire winked at him and finally hid in the bathroom.

'Hey, anything for you!' Peter said aloud and Claire giggled. So, what do you wanted to show me?'

'Just a minute.' Claire said and put on her new outfit. She smiled at the mirror and fixed her blond hair. 'I need your opinion and I need you to be honest.' She yelled and heard his laugh.

'I'll try.'

'Are you ready?' Claire asked and pinched her lips so they could go red.

'I'm still here…' Peter answered with the same laugh as before.

'Ok.' Claire said and walked out of the room with her new cheerleading uniform. It was red and white with the colors of her school. 'Ta-daa!' Claire lifted up her hands and twirled in front of him. 'So?' She looked at him intensely as he got off the bed and took a few steps towards her.

'Isn't it too… short?' He looked down at her bare legs and short skirt. Claire pouted.


Peter took her hand and twirled her again. His eyes stared at her body and Claire felt nice warmth.

'It is.' He insisted and narrowed his eyes, releasing her hand.

'It's not!'

'Claire!' He spread his hand and pressed his palm on her thigh. 'Look! There are two spans, before your knee.'

His hand on her thigh made her winced barely noticeable.

'So?' She still pursed her lips.

'It's too short!'

'Screw you!' Claire cursed and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind.

'Claire, don't do this!' She heard him at the other side of the door.

'What?' She brushed her tears furiously. 'I just wanted to show you and… and… share with you my success and you… ' She sniffed.

'Claire, open the door!' Peter insisted.

'No!' She answered stubbornly.

'Come on, beautiful.' He said again and Claire winced. His voice changed. 'I'm sorry, okay? I want to apologize.'

'Fine!' Claire opened the door and turned back on him. She went and sat on the edge of the tub, still sniffing a bit. Peter crouched before her and reached hand, slipping fingers under her jaw.

'Hey. Why are you crying?' His thumb caressed her chin and Claire sniffed once again. 'Because of me?'

'I thought that you are going to support me, but you…'

'I'm sorry, okay?' Peter said and sat beside her. 'You looked beautiful!'

'Really?' She sniffed for the last time and her eyes shone against him.

'Really. I was little surprised to see you like that.' He said and wiped out her tears. 'You looked more like a young woman than like a girl.'

'But you like me?'

'I like you!'

'Thanks Peter!' She hugged him over his neck and he smiled, wrapping arms around her waist and pulling her closer. She moved closer and sat over his lap. She used to do that when she was a kid and she searched his protection. His hands hesitated, but then wrapped around her waist.

Claire closed her eyes and kept silence. He kept it too. His hands rubbed her back calmingly and she felt nice. She felt something that she should not have to feel. She felt something forbidden.

My bday present for me.:P I wanted to start it today b/c of that.

Stay tuned for more.
