After a drunken night, and a mistake Emmett's parents tell him he needs to grow up and send him to an all boys military style school. Where he meets the principals daughter Rosalie Hale. All Human! Later lemons.


" Emmett get your ass down here your missing all the fun" my friend Mike yelled at me through the phone.

" Look dude, I want to go down there, but I'm grounded coz of last time. My rents were so mad I don't know what they will do if I sneak out and they catch me" I said

Mike laughed " Dude your scared of your parent, your such a pussy" he said. Oh no he didn't just call me a pussy.

" Fine! I'll be down there in ten" I hung up the phone. God Mike was a dick. I got up off my bed where I had been laying and locked my bedroom door. I put on a tight black T-shirt and baggy jeans and then jumped out of my window. I had had plenty of experience with sneaking out, this wasn't any different.

I got into my car, which I parked far enough away from the house the my parents wouldn't hear it if I started the engine. I drove down to the pub, where me and my friend were regulars. The last time I had come home drunk on a school night, which was a rule that my parents had set as something not to happen. They grounded me and said that there would be huge consequences if I snuck out and came home drunk. But Mike called me a pussy and I wasn't just going to take that/

I parked my car and walked into the pub, all of my mates were sitting in our usual table, I went and joined them. " Hey Guy! Ready to be out drunken..who wants to beat against me tonight?" they all knew that I could hold my alcohol a lot better then any of them, plus I was like twice there size, I wasn't fat it was all muscle.

They guys looked at one another and shook there heads, I laughed and looked at Mike " Now whos the pussy?" I said.

" I'm not a pussy!" Mike said trying to defend himself " I'll take on the challenge, what do you have in mind?" he said.

I chuckled, I knew that I could beat his ass at this, I always did " First one to finish 6 shots, wins"

" Whats the prize?" Mike said.

" If I win you buy all of my drink for the night, if you win I buy all of yours" I said.

" Your on!" Mike said.

A crowd of people had started to gather around the table now, we ordered 6 tequila shots each and set them out in two rows. I looked a Mike trying to intimidate him, I think it worked because he looked shit scared.

I looked over at a hot girl the was standing by us watching " Hey Sweety, do you think you can gives us a count of three to start" I said.

She nodded " Sure", and moved closer to the table.

" Ok Boy, one….two….three….DRINK!!"

I picked up each shot and downed them.




" DRINK, DRINK, DRINK" the crowed encouraged us.


I looked at Mike, I was two drinks ahead of him.


" Give up Mike, I've won this!" I said.

Six! I threw the shot glass down on the table

" And that's how it's done Mike!" I said.

I turned to the girl that counted us in, " Thanks for your help"

" No problem, You want to go somewhere quieter?" she said.

I nodded " sure"

She lead me out the back of the pub, and into one of the toilets, I pushed her up against the wall and we made out.

Half an hour later I went back to my mates, who were still all sitting around the table.

I looked over at Mike " Mike I'll have a beer" I said.

Mike grumbled but got up and came back a minute later with my beer. After the 6th beer I lost count of how many I had. I heard a guy talking about how good his car was and how fast he could get it to go. I got up and drunkenly walked over too him,

" Yo! Dude! I bet my car can go faster then yours. Coz yours is a piece of crap" I said.

The guy looked at me " You really think that? How about a race and I'll prove you wrong" he said.

" Your on!" I said.

" EVERYONE OUTSIDE THERE'S GOING TO BE A RACE!!" someone yelled. Me and the other guy headed outside.

" How ever can drive the fastest up to the old church and back wins" the guy said.

" Ok, I hope your ready to get an ass kicking" I said, and got into my car.

The girl I had been making out with before, I don't even know her name, stood in between our two cars with her bra that she was using as a flag.

" On your marks!"

" Get set!" I revved my engine.

" GO!!" she screamed, dropping her bra to the floor.

I raced through the town, trying to think of the quickest way to get to the old church. The quickest way I knew was going past the police station, surly the police wouldn't notice me going past.

The other guy turned his car to go the other way to the old church, Hell yeah! If I get past the station I would win this! My car screamed past the station, and no cops came out, I didn't hear and sirens. Yep I had definitely won this!

I got about another 5 miles down the road, then I heard them, FUCK! You have got to be joking me. There was a police car right behind me. SHIT! SHIT! I was so dead. Mum and dad were defiantly going to find out now.

I pulled my car over to the side of the road, and the police officer got out of his car and came over to my window, I rolled it down. " Do you realise how fast you were going?" he said.

" Err, about 200" shit shit, my voice sounded all slurred.

"Driving while under the influence of alcohol, I'm going to have to take you down town, please step out of the car" I got out of the car, and the officer put hand cuffs on my wrists. Then he lead me back to the police car and I got into the back. When he got me back to the station the questions started.

"How old are you? Whats your name? where do you live? And who are your parent?" the officer said.

" 17, Emmett Mcarty, 12 Huston Street, Marie and Jason Mcarty" I said.

The officer nodded and wrote the details down, he then made me take a breath test to see how much alcohol I had.

" Twice the legal limit" he frowned and shook his head. He then lead me to a cell and locked me in it. " I'm calling your parents" he walked off.

I sat on the uncomfortable bed in the cell, shti what was I going to say to my parents? I was going to be grounded for life an they are going to take everything away from me.

About half an hour later the officer came back and unlocked my cell. " Your parents have come to pick you up", I nodded and walked out of the cell. Out in the front office of the police station my parents were standing there both with very disappointed looks on there faces. " Get in the car, now" my dad said in a very stern voice. I looked down and walked out to the car.

They both got in the car after me and didn't say anything. When we got back to the house I got out of the car " Emmett, wait in the lounge for us please" my dad said using that stern voice again. I was in shit. I went into the lounge room and waited for them.

About 5 or so minutes later they came into the room and sat down on the couch across from me, " Emmett we are very disappointed with what you did tonight." my mum said.

" I know, I'm really sorry" I said really meaning it.

" Emmett we don't know what to do anymore, we have tried everything to get you to see reason. We didn't want to have to turn to this option, but you have to grow up son. You need to stop acting like a kid. We decided that you can't do that in here with your reputation. So we are sending you to a military school, you will be coming back here in the holidays. But your mother and I think this will be the best thing for you" my dad said. Was he serious, did he just say they were sending me to military school? Shit yes he did.

" Dad you can't be serious, I'll try to do better I promise, just give me a chance" I begged, there was no way on earth I was going to a military school.

" We have given you a chance Emmett, in fact we have given you a lot of chances to improve, but this is our last option" my dad said.

" We're doing this because we love and care about you Emmett" my mum said, bullshit if they loved me they wouldn't send me to military school.

" Whatever" I got up and walked upstairs to my room, went into it and slammed the door shut. Fuck this, they couldn't seriously be sending me to military school. This was a load of bullshit.

I lay on my bed and fell asleep dreading the next day.

OK, I had this idea come into my mind about the whole military school thing. And I hope you all like the idea!

Please review and let me know what you think!!