Alrighty, so many that have this story favored are probably like, wtf what is this? I havn't updated this in three years so I wouldn't be surprised. I have completely updated all of the chapters for this story and have written them all out. You can't have them all yet, only a new one for today, and then I'll upload a new one every day if I can. This should also be the only notes that I add until chapter 10 and 12.
So without further ado, I don't own any of the characters, only the story line I forced them threw and this is:
Chapter 1 Just Maybe..?
The white clad Espada sat straight in his seat, stoic mask in its place. He seemed to be listening intently to the meeting his leader had called. In reality though, he was truly dozing, letting his mind run rampant, wonder why exactly, he was with all of the other Arancar surrounding him...
"Death, it happens to everyone. In fact, in my opinion, that everyone is already dead. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Everyone is doing nothing except thinking the same thoughts, doing the same things. Never acting out. Always in line and following the rules set before us.
His rules.
Hoping to never catch his attention, or maybe the stupid ones who did want to catch it. Only two options available. But this once choice did actually depend on the person. They all either want to be promoted so they could live a different dead life, or not to, so that then they could continue to keep living the same dead, yet some what safer life. This was the life they were assigned..though..I live this way too, don't I?
"Alright, your all dismissed." The Ex-Shinigami announced, rising up for his seat. Ulquiorra snapped out of his inner rant, realizing that he had missed about the last fifteen minuets of the meeting with his musings. He stiffly rose from his seat, starting to walk out of the conference room with his fellow Espada. The Curto only got a few feet down the corridor before he was stopped by a firm grasp on his shoulder. His head turned back slightly to gaze up at the owner of the offending hand.
"What do you want, trash?" The raven questioned, taking not that the sadistic grin on Grimmjow's face slightly wavered.
"Spar with me, emo!" he taunted, the grin on his face returning tenfold.
Ulquiorra in turn glared at the other for a few moments before giving a slight nod, changing his direction.
They walked together in silence, both secretly cherishing it. Eventually they entered one of the least used training rooms that they had grown accustom to withing the last few weeks. Both of them used to the routine, Ulquiorra moved to one side the the room, his green eyes fixed on Grimmjow, who was taking the other. They both stared at each other, analyzing one another, The Curto's facial expression staying as passive as ever, the Sexta's though, was full of determination, not a hint of his mocking tone left in his features.
Then Grimmjow charged.
Green eyes saw the predictable move that was aimed towards him, swiftly flashing behind The blue haired male. A kick was aimed for his spine, only for the other to block it, turning around to grab Ulquiorra's jacket. The Curto's fist rose up to the others face, a cero forming. This caused the blue eyes to widen considerably, his own leg reaching to kick the ravens legs out from under him in attempt to stop it. At the last moment though, Ulquiorra flipped quickly, bouncing on one hand before blasting his cero at the other male, slamming him into a nearby wall. Grimmjow glared up at the green eyed raven before him, spitting out some blood while standing, taking a fighting stance again.
They carried on like this for a while longer, marking each other with cuts, bruises and burns, both switching from offense to defense. Grimmjow, the one who had more damage dealt to him, was slightly bent over, though still holding his standing position. His uniform was covered in blood from the shallow cuts running along his chest, the top half of it almost shredded beyond recognition.
"Finished for today?" Ulquiorra asked, his green eyes studying his opponent.
The Sexta's glare found his face for a few moments before he plopped flat onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, "For today? Yeah I guess..." he sighed out.
The raven nodded, walking towards the exit, only to be stopped by a firm hand grasping the back of his hamaka. This caused him to stop for a moment, turning back to face the other, "What is it trash?"
"Mm...well what are ya gonna do now?"
He couldn't help but pause at the hesitant gaze focused on him ' He actually wants to know?' Facing him fully he replied, " If you must know, I will go check in with Lord Aizen to see if he needs my assistance."
Ulquiorra took note of the others nose twitching in disgust before he questioned him further, "What if he doesn't need you?"
It was the Curto's time to twitch."Then I shall probably read or something."
"Then what are ya' gonna read?"
' Alright, am I imagining things? Hes acting odd..' Ulquiorra sighed softly "That's none of your concern, now is it, trash? What I do shouldn't matter to you."
"Oh..." Grimmjow looked slightly hurt before his face twisted into a smirk " So it's a private matter?"
"Yes it is," the Curto confirmed, starting to leave again before-
"It's porn!"
Ulquiorra turned around fully to glare into Grimmjows electric blue orbs, unable to stop from retaliating " It is most certainly not."
"Then it must be gay porn!" Grimmjow exclaimed, seemingly excited about his new revelation, making it seem as though it was more obvious than Aizen being insane.
The glare fixed on his face intensified, the Sexta seemingly oblivious." No, its defiantly not anything like it, the furthest thing from it."
You could practically hear the grin in Grimmjows voice." Well, if it's defiantly not gay porn, the it must be straight..Maybe it has something to do with this woman you were supposed to be caring for, Orihime?"
It was highly amusing to see the normally stoic mans face to look at him so. His eyebrows seemed to twitch ever so slightly. It was obvious that it was taking all of Ulquiorras restraint to resist a fierce battle cry and beat the man in front of him within an inch of his life of such notions.
Grimmjow seemed to notice this and chuckled softly " Relax, I'm joking. Someone like you has to big of a stick up their ass to do anything like that,unless Aizen ordered you too...but it is interesting to see how pissed it makes you."
Green met blue, staring blankly, before the owner of the green huffed in irritation, turning around to leave the other for the third time, heading towards the exit again.
"Ah..wait!" The bluenette sat up staring after the Curto.
Ulquiorra paused mid-step, turning his head, an irritated "What?" leaving his lips.
"Uh..nothing...never mind" Grimmjow glanced down, a slight flush on his cheeks.
"Trash" the raven stated simply, more then called him.'Was he really blushing? must have been from the exertion.'
"I will surpass you, then you won't be able to call me that again." Ulquiorra heard him say softly, causing him to slightly pause before continuing on.
"Possibly, and just maybe one day, I will reign over Hueco Mundo." he replied as he left, no hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah, but it will be more then just maybe.." Grimmjow replied, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.