I know I shouldn't be typing this, because my other fics aren't completed yet, but I had the strangest dream last night, and I had to get it on paper. I changed a few parts from the original dream, and if I'm copying anyone's ideas I really don't mean to because I think I might have read a few things the other night that I totally forget now *of course* that influenced my dream. So, my apologies if I offend anyone.

I don't own any characters in this story (I don't think) and I'm going to try not to put any of my own in here. And I don't own gundam wing. This fic is strictly for entertainment purposes. *don't take that the wrong way, because you know VERY well what I meant*

Ok, this fic takes place in medieval times, when magic and dragons and such existed. There's no such thing as gundams, I'm only using the characters.

Uh, the first few chapters might be a little short, but I'll introduce the characters (our beloved pilots and their foes) one chapter at a time, one per chapter that is. So, yeah, the first few are gonna be a little short, but once I figure out what the plot is, they'll get longer. Sorry for any inconveniences. Hehe. Short chapters are evil, I know, but I'll get them up quick and then they'll get longer, I promise.

Ok, on with the fic.


Chapter One The Dream

*~* In the Maxwell Church *~*

"Tell me again about the magicians, Father Maxwell!" a four and a half year old pleaded.

Father Maxwell laughed and picked up the braided boy, setting him in his lap. "They aren't magicians, Duo."

"But you said they had magical powers, right?" Duo's violet eyes looked up into Father Maxwell's old and tired ones.

"Yes, Duo, but they aren't magicians, they're angels." He smiled his kind smile as Duo snuggled up in his arms.

"Well, can you tell me about the angels again then please?" The other children, or orphans, who lived in the Maxwell Church crowded around. Even Sister Helen joined the crowd.

Father Maxwell laughed again. "Well, if you all insist....."

The children immediately spoke up. "We do! We do!"

"Alright then." Father Maxwell started his tale. "It all began a long time ago. When God created man, they flourished, becoming stronger than the other species."

"What's a spicis?" Duo interrupted.

Father Maxwell smiled again. This young trouble maker managed to lift his spirits. "Let's just say that humans became stronger than the animals, ok?"

"Alright." Duo agreed, and snuggled himself deeper into the father's arms.

"So, humans started to fight with each other." Father Maxwell was interrupted again.

"How come?" Duo asked.

"Because they wanted to be the strongest, and they wanted to prove it." The old man explained.

"That's not good." Duo said in his little voice.

"No, and God knew that humans needed help understanding how to live with each other in peace, without fighting." Father Maxwell paused for breath. He could hear the rain splattering against the windows of the small church. Duo's eyes were begging him to continue with the story. Most of the younger orphans had fallen asleep by now. "So, God sent his angels to teach humans of Peace."

"What did they look like?" Duo asked through a yawn.

"They all had beautiful feathery wings. The feathers were tinted a light shade of purple, to match their mysterious eyes."

"Just like mine!" Duo said, his own violet eyes beaming. That was his favourite part of the story.

"Yes, just like yours." Father Maxwell said kindly.

"What could they do?" Solo, Duo's best friend asked.

"They could do lots of things, but they only used their powers for good. They could move things with their minds....without touching them." He added the last part as he saw Duo open his mouth to ask the question. "and they cast spells to protect people."

"wow." Duo said, amazed and hanging on the father's every word.

"Couldn't they make fire, and not burn anything, and read people's minds?" Solo asked.

"No." Duo knew the answer to that question. "That's what mages do." He explained to his friend the further details of magery until he drifted off to sleep in Father Maxwell's arms.

*~* Deep in the Forest *~*

A fifteen year old Duo awoke with a start. His dream had been peaceful, but he knew what happened next. On his fifth birthday, he would sprout wings. Father Maxwell had sent him off to be trained properly so he could protect innocent people, to fulfill his destiny.

He'd had to go with another angel, when he was five years old. He'd had to leave the church and the people he'd known as his family.

Duo stood up and stretched. His fire had gone out a few hours earlier. He was in the middle of the woods, In a clearing where he'd set up a little camp for the night. He stretched his wings, the moonlight catching the purple-tinted feathers and making them appear to glow.

Duo then folded up his wings and covered them up with his light purple shirt. His white pants were dirtied slightly from his lonely travels, but something told him that they weren't going to be lonely for long. He slung a deep purple pouch over one shoulder, and took some water from the nearby stream to douse the coals, preventing further damage that might have occurred. The pouch contained medicinal herbs which he could use for healing. He then braided his three foot long chestnut brown hair, and headed east, towards a small village where he could sense trouble. It would take another day of walking, but he would make it there soon enough.


Please let me know what you think!!!! I've never written anything in this style before, so let me know if you like it better, or worse. Our other favourite characters are coming up soon enough. I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say that none of them are very normal at all......
