
It felt as if the weight of yet again another abandonment was causing her feet to become barely moveable. She hadn't want anyone to walk along side her afraid she'd begin to cry, once more. She had to be strong for this mission; the lord of her village had trusted no one else except Rin to protect his daughter. And protect her she will.

It was silent for the walk, though Rin wanted to speak and never be able to shut up. She couldn't… her voice seemed to dissipate with every knowledge of Sesshomaru she felt so much weaker. Rin looked up to the sky two birds were in flight with each other so in synchronization. As they fluttered silently away Rin felt a sort of happiness that over flowed her. Sesshomaru was alright… and that's all she wanted to know.

But then again Sesshomaru had said she was a human… he was a demon… Is that why he left? Because she was different… that she could never be as powerful as any demon. That's why he couldn't love her? Though this idea pierced her she paid it no attention… for she could never be what Sesshomaru wants… a demon.


The night fell upon them suddenly Rin peered on one side as she took a cloth to her naginata. Cleansing it from dirt and rubble that it earned during the voyage. They were to present themselves at the village by tomorrow afternoon. So that Princess Akane would be able to be married to the young prince there. Akane on the other hand trying desperately to be rid of that destiny, still continued to win Kohaku's heart.

Speaking of which whom decided to make an appearance, to the lovely Rin as she sat by her lonesome underneath a tree. "Kohaku." Rin said in surprise. He placed himself beside her before she placed Hyouri to one side. She looked to him before continuing. "What of Princess Akane?"

He shook his head. "Don't worry Rin, she's resting…" This time he gazed towards the night sky. "There sure are a lot of stars out tonight…"

Rin hummed in agreement gazing up as well, he took to the chance to look at her again. She paid no heed as she continued to gaze, hypnotized by the twinkling of lights across the blackness. "Rin, I'm sorry about…"

"Please don't apologize, no one's at fault…"

"I just- what he did to you, it was completely…"

"Kohaku please…" This time Rin looked to him sympathetically. Kohaku sighed softly touching her bandaged arm.

"Rin… I want to be able to take care of you." Though Rin sought this as an insult considering her hard work through these years she let it go instantly to listen to the rest of his words. "Not that you aren't already strong, it's just, I always want to be the person you'll look to when you need help." His hand slipped upwards at her shoulder. Rin felt slightly hesitant as he said. "Rin, I love you."

Rin wasn't able to reply before he roughly pinned her to the grass beneath them. Kohaku gripped both her wrist as he hovered above her. "I just cant help myself Rin."

"Kohaku." Rin whispered. As if that triggered a jolt of intensity he crashed his lips against hers. She felt helpless, Kohaku was a dear friend, he could never be her lover no matter his feeling so when the kiss broke instantly Rin spoke. "We cant…"

Kohaku shook his head softly before replying. "We can." letting go of one of her wrists he began untying her kimono, One hand still grasping both her wrist. Her heart started beating rapidly, Kohaku gazed at her as he examined her naked chest. She could have done something to stop him but something in her beamed telling her of her uselessness, of how she wasn't a demon, of how she didn't care anymore. Rin felt dead; nothing but an empty body, how she should be… if Sesshomaru hadn't revived her.

"Stop it Kohaku." Kohaku paused looking toward her brown eyes. It became silent he paused but for after a fleeting moment Kohaku's mouth intertwined itself around Rin's breast. Rin exhaled in pleasure as he hadn't ceased to stop. The throbbing will of wanting to not care and give herself to him was tempting. But for Akane's sake for a friends sake she said "Stop! Kohaku!"

Kohaku didn't pay heed before his hands began to snake away from her wrists and around her back prepared to slip the rest of her kimono off. "Please…" Rin whispered. Then a sudden shove and Kohaku's weight was off of her. Kohaku looked up angrily before realizing it was Akane. "Princess." he said in disbelief.

She shook her head in frustration. "I thought you were my friend Rin! And you!" Akane pointing towards Kohaku. "I thought I loved you…" With tears streaming down her cheeks Akane ran.

"Akane!" Kohaku said prepared to start running after her when he gazed at Rin's form. She was dressing her self. "I'll retrieve her…" Rin stated lifelessly.


It wasn't long until Rin caught up with Akane at a meadow under the moon light shedding tears uncontrollably. "You whore! You snake! And to think I trusted you!" Akane cried glaring at Rin as she stepped near her. Akane breathed heavily trying to clam herself as Rin halted only a few feet from her. "Take me to the village… so I may mar-marry my arranged hus-band… now." Akane barely stated.

"Anything to make up for what I did…" Rin said though it sounded as if it was said in cold blood. Where was the Rin she had befriended not so long ago? Where was her gentle support when Akane needed it?



Well this was different, hoped you liked it.

as i said i will update Everyday or at the latest once a week.

so take note of that. spread the luv :)