A/N: Story revamp for 2017!

It was late at night and the Joker reveled in the fact that his heist had gone well. Much to his unsurprise, the Dork Knight had swooped in at the last second. Mind you, he had bigger plans than to be caught on that particular day. He left the lackeys to deliver the punch lines. He knew, however, that this wouldn't hold the hero for long. He needed some place to lay low. Head to the Circus in town? Nah, too conspicuous. The Joker continued his journey through the shadows of Gotham, when he heard the wings of the Bat. He was close behind. Without looking, the Joker dodged into the nearest building. He pressed against the door, and waited for the sound of footsteps outside. Something creaked behind him and turned poised and ready. It was some teenage blondie on a trampoline. Glancing around, the Joker observed he was in a large gymnasium, complete with all an athlete's little heart could desire. Yet it seemed only one athlete was enjoying it this evening. Not wanting to spoil his act, the Joker slid behind the bleachers.

The Joker, in need of some entertainment, decided to see what this blondie could do. Curiosity urged him to discover why she was alone here in the first place. Fragile little thing could be snapped like some twig if a big bad wolf came along.

The Joker chuckled to himself, 'Oh, I guess that's me.'

He looked on as she ran with agile speed, jumping on the trampoline and quick as a wink flipped over the pommel horse. She stuck her landing.

'Impressive,' the Joker mused.

He could hear her panting; she'd probably been at this for hours. He bet the trainer left before she did. Heh. The panting suddenly turned to crying and she slumped onto the floor. Uh-oh, he didn't like waterworks, perhaps he should find another locale.

"I'll show you!" she remarked with ambition as she stood up again, looking into the distance.

This comment caught the Joker off guard. Hah, this chick was too funny, was she bipolar or something? What had her pushing herself to her limits? Perhaps it was a complex. He noted the blonde pigtails on each side of her head and the innocence that practically wafted to him on the air. Daddy complex. He was fairly certain.

The Joker placed a hand to his chin and mused, 'Could I manipulate this to my benefit?' He glanced at her as she crossed her arms and stamped her little foot after messing up a trick. She must have been about seventeen, but her childish behavior made her seem twelve. 'Cute, but no. Maybe in a few years.'

The Joker continued to watch as Harley lay down to stretch on the gym floor. She placed her feet in front of her and began to reach, putting her head between her knees. She suddenly heard a low chuckle from behind her; it was so deep she could feel it resound in her body. This gave her stomach butterflies. She was about to snap her head up and look around when she felt two large hands on her back, keeping her head pressed between her legs.

"Hey!" She anxiously squeaked.

"Hay is for horses." The Joker responded with a smile.

The voice was smooth and charismatic, his palms where warm. "Watcha doin' mister?" She questioned as she attempted to wiggle out of his grasp. Her heart beat faster and he could feel it thumping through her back.

His smile widened. "I don't recall ever being referred to as 'mister,' not too shabby though." He chuckled.

"Just who are you anyway?" She questioned in a more age appropriate voice as she stopped wiggling.

"I go by many names." He responded. "But you can call me Mister J, if you like."

Her cheeks flushed as she awkwardly stated, "Mista… J."

He liked the sound of that, especially with her juvenile pronunciation.

She stayed still for a while before asking, "So why is it I can't see you, Mista J?"

He then recalled that he didn't want this twit blowing his cover. "I'm quite the famous guy." He replied.

She smiled and excitedly asked, "Like movie star famous?"

The Joker laughed, "You could say that."

She began to kick her legs with glee. "Wowwie!" She squealed. "Um. Mista J, is it okay to get up if I promise not to open my eyes? My leg's kinda cramping up…"

The Joker narrowed his eyes, who kept to promises these days? Then he thought of something that might work with this chick-a-dee. "Are you going to be a good girl…" He stalled.

"Harleen, that's the name. But you can call me Harley." She smiled to herself.

"Alright, Harls, will you be a good girl if I let you get up?"

She felt those butterflies tickle her insides again. "Yes sir, Mista J!" He chuckled with curiosity as he lifted his hands from her back. She could still feel the warmth on her shoulder blades. She slowly lifted her head, she could sense him watching her like a hawk and she didn't want to make any stupid moves. She rolled over so she was facing him with her eyes shut tightly. "See? I'm a good girl."

He noticed the glow on her face with those words. He began to undo the tie around his neck, just to be certain. She suddenly felt the silk glide across her eyelids, shielding them from the figure in front of her. He tied the knot tight around the back of her head. "Well, you sure are, Harley." He stated as he stepped back to observe her kneeling on the floor with a blindfold matting her pigtails. The sight elicited a grin. He couldn't help but laugh, what a loon! "Well little girl, it's time for me to step out and finish my big plans." He inched back towards the gym doors, those cops on his tail should be long gone by now. It was then that he saw her eyebrows crease behind his tie, as if he was leaving a puppy home alone.

"Will you maybe, come back some day, Mista J?" She whined. "I've got a big meet coming up, and maybe..."

He stopped moving when he felt the shadow slinking behind the door. It seems the Dork Knight wanted to pay a visit. The Joker hid before the door was swiftly kicked open.