"Who's the cutest baby in the world?"
Summary: "Who's the cutest baby in the world?" Sonny Munroe was sure that her baby cousin Ella was, indeed, the cutest baby in the world. Sonny and Chad take care of a baby for a whole day. Cuteness, fights, hate, love and Chad's soft point for babies and a certain baby girl's cousin. Channy
Disclaimer: I own nothing
A/N: I want to thank everyone who read this story and reviewed. I had never expected this story to have more than 10 reviews so I'm really happy with it. Unfortunately, this is the last chapter and it's really small comparing to the rest of them but it's only an epilogue.
"It's a girl!" doctor Ann said over the loud cries.
She cut umbilical cord and gave the newborn to the closest nurse.
The nurse wrapped the little girl in a pink blanket and handed her to a sweaty but happy Sonny.
"Hi there, sweetie." she greeted smiling at the baby.
A blond man kneed next to the bed and looked tenderly at his first kid and his wife.
"She's beautiful." he breathed.
"I think it's the CDC gene." Sonny teased.
"Absolutely, Sonny Dylan Cooper." Chad said kissing her forehead.
"What name should we choose?" she asked.
Chad's eyes stopped on his wife's wrist where a thin silver charm bracelet with a sun was and then to some people of their family outside their window.
"I was thinking of one..." he said blushing.
"What?" Sonny asked smiling.
"You'll make fun of me." Chad protested.
"No I won't, I married you, didn't I?"
"Yeah..." Sonny looked at him waiting "I thought we could call the baby Ella."
Chad and Sonny looked thought the window to a ten-year-old girl with blond hair and blue eyes smiling at them. That little girl was the reason they're satanding on that room in that precise moment.
"Ella is a beautiful name." Sonny whispered.
The newborn girl seemed to like it because she stopped crying and smiled at them. Chad hold her gently afraid she could get hurt.
"Hi Ella, I'm your daddy." he gretted smilling.
The End...
... Unless I'm lying...
... Probably not...
... Unless I am...
... See you later...
... And don't forget to check out my new story! :D
A/N: Sorry I couldn resist I loved that scene from Prank'd... ;D So this is the last chapter of my story. I hope you guys liked it as much as I liked to write it, I'm not sure if there's going to be a sequel but if it is I'll warn you.