A/N: BMIK and I wish to thank all our readers for their fantastic support and reviews. Sorry this chapter has taken so long to get posted but both of us have been rather busy lately. Damn real life. -_- Anyway, we hope you enjoy it and as always, please tell us what you think!

Part 17. Found.

Spent and emotionally stirred by the night's events, Loz gazed back down at his boldly seductive sibling on the floor beneath him, Loz wanting to say so much to his brother but not knowing how to put it into words. He wanted to tell Yazoo how much he adored him, how precious he was to Loz, how exquisite and graceful and elegant, even with his knees up around his ears and creamy goo splattered all over his delicate face. Loz wanted to express how grateful he was that Yazoo went along with his foolish idea of escaping and faithfully followed him here and he heartily wanted to thank Yazoo for every single thing he'd let Loz do since they entered the room – from the hand-kissing to the back-washing to the underwater touching. For the mouth-kisses and the dick-sucking, to the fingering and the fucking. For the tormenting and the teasing, the role-playing and the pleasing. For absolutely everything. There was not a single moment Loz hadn't enjoyed about this night. But most of all, he wanted to thank Yazoo just for choosing to be with him tonight over Kadaj. Or Mother. That act in itself meant volumes to Loz and he could never adequately explain how amazing that made Yazoo appear in his eyes and how he would never forget it as long as he lived.

So, instead of trying to say all that in twenty words or less, Loz simply drew Yazoo's legs back down to a normal human position, took his brother's face in his gentle hands and brought their mouths together, softly at first and then with more feeling and depth, tasting himself on Yazoo's sweetly caressing tongue. Loz kissed the second remnant deeply, thankfully and affectionately, conveying his tenderness and warmth with body language rather than actual verbal language.

Yet, being the creature of honest emotion that Loz was infamous for, he couldn't help brushing his lips over Yazoo's own one last time and murmuring, "I love you more than anything else on the planet, my dearest, prettiest brother."

Extending his hand and helping his slender sibling off the floor and to his feet, Loz grinned playfully at him, observing Yaz's shagged, unusually scruffy state – silver hair rumpled and knotted from rubbing back and forth on the carpet, streaks of come smeared on his cheeks, nose and chin like drying egg-white, the pungent male smell of sex-sweat oozing from his pores.

"But you stink like a pig and need another bath."

"I love you too." It was said with just the slightest, sarcastic edge and a tiny pout, but Yazoo was too exhausted to go on a full fledged sulking mode. Besides, this was Kadaj´s territory. Briefly sniffing at his own hair, Yazoo gave a defeated sigh and let Loz handle the cleaning.

Later, after they had both rinsed the semen and sweat from their fit, chiselled bodies and towelled off, Loz and Yazoo were lying naked and clean on the bed, Yazoo's head resting comfortably on Loz's broader chest, one large hand threaded in silken pearl-grey hair, slim pale fingers absently stroking over equally pale skin and relaxed muscles, the two brothers quietly enjoying their companionship, closeness and connection, their bond immeasurably deepened and strengthened by the intense love-making they had just shared.

Loz was almost drifting off to sleep when he noticed something odd out of the corner of his eye. There was black mist beginning to seep under the door, curling through the gaps and wisping around the frame of it, as though there was a fire outside in the hotel hallway. But when he sniffed the air, he didn't smell any smoke and there were no emergency bells or sirens ringing. Yazoo was lost in his own thoughts, gazing absently into the distance, and didn't even notice this peculiar occurrence. Loz stared at the mist as it grew thicker and blacker, wondering if he was dreaming or hallucinating and beginning to get creeped out by it.

He only realised what – or rather, who – it was when a familiar voice echoed into the room with the chilling, mocking announcement, "Room service…"

"Shit! Kadaj!" Loz gulped, grabbing for the sheets to cover his and Yazoo's damning nudity. "We are SO dead."

"Yes," Kadaj confirmed coldly from the other side of the door, unlocking it with a swift flick of his blade and striding inside. "You so are."

When the door slammed shut with an accusing BANG, Loz gulped again, uselessly trying to shrink back into the bed and protect Yazoo at the same time. It was easy not to be scared of Kadaj when he wasn't in the room, when he was just a disembodied voice on the other end of the phone. It was easy to taunt him then. But now that their commanding younger brother was actually here in flesh and blood, right in front of them, his masculine scent dominating the air – a mix of leather, steel, bike fuel, male musk and mako energy – Kadaj glaring at him through shimmering silver bangs with eyes like green flashing chips of glass, Loz's bold bravado disappeared and he was suddenly very, very afraid.

In the centre of the hotel room, Kadaj coolly sheathed his Souba and surveyed the surroundings, including the bed and the two occupants in it, giving an unimpressed 'Hmph,' at the furniture that's been shifted out of position, the cold sperm staining the back of the armchair, the clothes lying on the bathroom floor and the tangled, twisted sheets hastily wrapped around his brothers' hips and waists.

"Well, I guess you weren't messing with me, after all. You really were fucking."

Loz winced and queried, "Are you mad? You're mad, aren't you?"

"Of course I'm mad, you thick lump of materia." Kadaj scowled fiercely at him and then at Yazoo. "I'm mad at both of you traitors. You abandoned me there in the forest while I was speaking with Mother and couldn't sense you leaving. That was very sneaky and cunning, not to mention incredibly disrespectful. Imagine how I felt when I opened my eyes and discovered you'd disappeared. There was no kind of farewell message left for me. No text on my phone. Not even a damn note pinned to a tree!"

In an effort to boost his little brother's ego and hopefully make him less angry, Loz offered, "You still managed to find us okay. Your homing skills are pretty switched-on."

"Unlike my bike," Kadaj retorted, slicing Loz with an annoyed glare. "I assume it was you who disabled the electronics."

The bigger remnant rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Uh…yeah. Sorry about that. I knew you'd be able to fix it, though," he added quickly. "You're smart like that."

"Oh, stop trying to kiss my ass," Kadaj threw back disgustedly. "I'm sure you've already done enough of that today, haven't you?" He arched a slanted brow pointedly at their silent middle brother.

"Having fun, Yazoo? I gather this whole little 'expedition' must have been your brilliant idea. What, did you get bored or something?"

"Actually," the long haired remnant replied languidly and pretty much unimpressed, "it was a joined decision." Of course he could have all blamed it on Loz and wouldn´t even have lied, because it really had been Loz´ idea. Yazoo had only encouraged him... But Loz looked nervous enough as it was. Through their emotional and mental connection, Yazoo let him know that it was all right and that he needn´t worry.

Facing Kadaj coolly, Yazoo added, slowly tilting his head. "You know, like people talking about plans and deciding together what to do. But you probably don´t, since you´re always so busy doing everything on your own, hoggishly keeping everything to yourself, whether it be information, mother or whatever." He made a dismissive gesture with his hand and let it fall back onto the messed up sheets. "So yes, I was bored, immensely and it was your fault. I must say that Loz makes a much better leader than you do. He´s fun."

A mean, suggestive smirk graced Yazoo´s lips, as he provocatively fluttered his lashes and threw Loz a sultry look. He wasn´t afraid of Kadaj and his tantrums, not one bit. Which didn´t mean that Yazoo didn´t respect Kadaj as his leader, but the little one had lost focus lately and needed a firm reminder of where his priorities should be. If they wanted to be successful in finding mother they needed to work together as a team and not with Kadaj behaving like a spoiled rock star.

After hearing those meanly-uttered words, Kadaj stood still for a moment, his expression tightly controlled. Then he stalked over with a few fast strides and harshly slapped Yazoo across the face, the sound loud and sharp within the quiet confines of the room.

"How DARE you defy my leadership!" Kadaj growled in fury, his pupils thinned to razor-edges, pointing at his own chest above the criss-crossed straps of his suit. "/I/ am in charge of us, Yazoo. Not Loz. Not you. Not ever!"

Before Yazoo could respond, Kadaj punished him with a second powerful slap on the other cheek, Kadaj's trim upper body twisting and Yazoo's hair flying out in a silver fan as leather met with pale white flesh and left it stinging and red.

"That one is for the phone call, bitch. I know THAT was your idea because Loz wouldn't have the brains to think of it himself."

Kadaj then swung to Loz who cringed and squinted his eyes at Kadaj's raised hand but didn't attempt to block it because that would only make his younger brother angrier. Loz took the open-palmed blow across his cheek and jaw like a man, the strength of the strike knocking his head to the side and making him see floating stars.

"And that is for making me fix my bike," Kadaj stated icily. "Do you know how much valuable time that wasted?"

Loz opened his bruised jaw, testing it and hearing it click back into place. It was a hard hit but not as hard as Loz expected. He'd expected to be thrown across the room and lodged halfway through the broken wall by now, blood dripping down his face. He glanced to Yazoo in concern and saw that his middle brother was similarly unharmed. Mildly offended maybe, but not hurt. For a vicious, vengeful person like Kadaj, this punishment was relatively soft. But perhaps he was just getting started.

Rubbing his reddened cheek, Loz began hesitantly, "So, is this the part where you beat the shit out of us and drag us home again?"

"That depends," Kadaj mused, his demeanour much calmer now that he'd gotten those slaps out of his system. "How much longer do you have this room for?"

"Um…All night if we want it. We gave them enough cash to stay until the morning." Loz frowned, puzzled. "Why?"

"Well, since you already paid for it and it's such a long way back to the lair, I was thinking I may as well remain here with you two until dawn tomorrow." The smaller remnant gazed around, walked across the thick carpet to the suede lounge and ran a gloved hand along its back. "I must admit you have chosen a very nice hotel to hide from me in."

Loz gaped at him in surprise. "What about Mother? And the Reunion? Don't you wanna keep looking?"

"Mother has been waiting centuries to be found. She loves me enough to wait another day," Kadaj said confidently. "As for the Reunion…that will happen exactly when it is supposed to. Us being here tonight won't change that."

Astonished at Kadaj's unusually calm and accepting attitude, Loz exclaimed, "You really want to stay here with us?"

"Sure." Kadaj shrugged. "Why not?"

Loz stared at him, wondering what the catch was. "But I thought you were pissed at us."

"I was. I'm not anymore. Do you want to know why I was so mad at you guys? It's not because you wanted to get away from everything. I understand that. It's just that you didn't discuss it with me first."

Challenging emerald cat-eyes rested upon Loz and Yazoo.

"You think you two have a difficult job? Well, try doing what I do every day." Throwing out his arms for dramatic emphasis, Kadaj carried on, "Planning, plotting, strategies and tactics. Investigating potential informants and maintaining a relationship with my enemy. Studying maps, researching topography and geology, sourcing underground locations where Mother's cells may be concealed, and trying to follow her insistent call on top of that. It's not easy. It consumes many of my waking hours, and sometimes my sleeping ones too. I would like some time out as well. But you never thought of that. Nobody thought of MY feelings. I do have them, you know."

Kadaj's expression turned disappointed, his voice also showing that emotion, becoming sadder. "I wasn't angry that you left, brothers. I was just upset that you didn't ask me to come with you."

Starting to feel bad, Loz mumbled, "We didn't think you would."

"You thought wrong. You don't know me as well as you think you do, Loz. I'm not an unfeeling machine or some kind of cold emotionless robot." Kadaj sighed, lowered his lashes, and then admitted in a pouting tone, "I felt unloved and unneeded."

Looking up at his gorgeous little brother – who he really did adore in spite of his demandingly bossy nature – Loz implored earnestly, "We're sorry, Daj. We only wanted to have some fun. We didn't mean to hurt you like that. Honest."

Glancing back up, Kadaj reached out to soothingly stroke over Loz's silver head, letting his sometimes childish older sibling know that he was forgiven.

"I know I'm a hard boss and that I'm tough on you sometimes. I know I'm very focused on the Reunion, to the point of ignoring your thoughts and needs completely. But that doesn't mean I don't care. Deep down, I am rather fond of you two troublemakers, even if I don't always show it." Kadaj's now-soft eyes travelled to Yazoo as well, admiring the naked beauty with his affectionate gaze.

"If you'll let me stay, I'll prove it to you both. No yelling or hitting. I promise."

Immediately, Yazoo and Loz glanced at each other, communicating in that silent, special way of theirs, Yazoo questioningly tilting his head and Loz frowning in response, shaking his head a little. Kadaj was unable to read their minds but he suddenly, desperately wanted to, envious of how close their bond was - the bond that somehow was missing between him and them. Perhaps he could begin to build one, if it wasn't too late.

His hand leaving Loz's hair to cup Yazoo's cheek, Kadaj used his thumb to caress his middle brother's smooth white skin and trace around a soft pink mouth. Gently he turned Yazoo's chin towards him, wanting Yazoo to look back at him with those large, Jenova-green eyes, eyes that were so strikingly beautiful they could halt his heart mid-pump - that is when Kadaj actually stopped dashing around long enough to gaze into them. Yazoo, who looked so much like Mother, and who possessed her ruthless coldness too.

"What have you agreed, Yazoo?" he asked softly and yearningly. "Can I stay, brother?"

Yazoo eyed Kadaj for a long moment, not saying anything nor giving any expression that would have betrayed his thoughts. His jaw still hurt, what was mildly annoying, but otherwise of no interest. It seemed that Kadaj might have learned his lesson, all right. Well, if not they would have to teach him again.

"We will allow you to stay with us," the silver haired remnant replied finally.

"Truly?" Kadaj questioned, his face lighting up like the teenager he really was. "You mean it?"

"Yeah, of course," Loz seconded. "Dude, it'll be awesome! We got a hot tub, beer and free movies and everything! But uh-" Here Loz glanced to Yazoo sitting beside him.

"We only have one bed…"

Kadaj's full lips quirked. "I'm small. I'm sure you can make room for me. We'll just have to snuggle very, very close together, won't we?"

Loz flushed slightly as he realised what that meant but it was a flush of excitement. He was more than willing to play with Kadaj, just as he had been playing with Yazoo all night. Kadaj was equally as alluring as Yazoo was. Especially since he wasn't screaming or throwing things as Loz had expected him to. And the kid sure did have a hot little body. Firm. Tight. Compact. Loz'd be lying to say he never thought about touching it, kissing it or feeling that sleek, energetic figure writhe and buck underneath his bigger frame. Loz'd be lying to say he never thought about Kadaj panting in pleasure and issuing commands of a different kind – to go harder, faster, deeper, rougher. Now, those kinds of commands Loz would gladly obey. Any day of the week.

The sheet across his lap suddenly tightened. Loz discreetly covered it with his forearm.

Kadaj looked shrewdly and slyly at him, as if he guessed exactly what Loz was thinking. If he knew Loz imagined fucking him, he certainly didn't appear to mind at all, smirking deviously from beneath a layered platinum fringe and making Loz's awkward blush deepen. The youngest remnant efficiently removed his sword sheath, slipping it off his shoulder and laying the double-bladed Souba over the nearest chair, stretching his arms high over his head and arching his spine, making his travel-cramped vertebrae crack back into alignment. His nipples were still erect from the cold wind outside, Loz noticed.

"Now, after all that exhaustive riding, I think I need to hop in that hot tub of yours." Peeling off his gloves to place them on the bedside table, Kadaj cocked his head inquiringly at his two wayward brothers, hair swingingly fluidly and silkily around his face. "If you really want to make amends for your atrocious betrayal, you can help me out of my suit. And then wash the dust off me. Any objections to /that/ order?"

Loz looked to Yazoo again. Debating. Then slowly, in unison, they smiled. Not nasty, vindictive smiles of cruelty but ones of genuine anticipation and wicked playfulness. There would be no more anger, jealousy or envy here in this room. Those emotions were unnecessary and unproductive. If they were going to succeed with the upcoming Turk battle, first they had to stop battling each other. Their existence on this planet was short. All of them knew this. They could be dead tomorrow – just little green specks floating in the Life Stream - and there was no time for bitterness, or sulking or holding trivial resentments. They were all brothers of the same blood - the same cells - and though they fought and argued and got pissed off sometimes, above all that they were a family.

The only family they had.

So, in perfect agreement for once, the three silver-haired remnants headed into the bathroom, Yazoo graciously guiding Kadaj along by the elbow while Loz steered him from behind, his strong hands on Kadaj's shoulders. It was decided. Yazoo and Loz would undress Kadaj together and then bathe him, from top to toe. They would touch him all over, stroke him, caress him. They would share little brother. Please him. Love him, as they had been loving each other.

As for who got to wash Kadaj's hair, or the parts that he couldn't reach himself…well, that's a whole other story…

And here's where this one ends.