Title – Bored
Co-written by BMIK & Rina
Pairing – Loz/Yazoo
Rating - M
Warning – Yaoi, M/M, Remcest
Disclaimer – I do not own Final Fantasy VII or any of the characters from the games or anime. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
Why? Just an excuse for some hot, steamy Lozoo fun!
Enjoy! :)
Part 1. Bored.
Yazoo sat on a rock by the forgotten city, his eyes boredly wandering over the glowing trees and the still water´s surface of the lake nearby. Kadaj had gone off to one of his important mental sessions with Mother, leaving him with nothing to do except staring holes into the air. Tilting his head and leaning back against his rock, Yazoo kept staring at nothing in particular, when a small sound nearby suddenly caught his attention.
Picking out another pebble from the small collection in his palm, Loz flung it in a wide arc across the lake, observing its descent into the water where it landed with a 'plop', just like the first one had. He glumly watched the resulting ripples spread out over the surface of the water, disturbing its stillness. "Bored too?" he muttered to the quiet figure sitting on the rock, more of a statement than an actual question. With a sudden frustrated motion, Loz hurled the remaining pebbles into the lake all at once, the sound of the tiny falling stones like a short burst of rain. Heaving a deep sigh, he turned to his middle sibling.
"Yazoo...Why doesn't Mother ever talk to us?"
Yazoo watched the small waves rippling on the surface, moving the calm, quiet water, forcing it aside, stirring it just for a moment, before it would embrace the offenders, stone by stone, embrace it with it´s cool indifference again... He moved his head to watch his oldest brother, forcing himself out of the numb state of mind he was drifting into and that held him occupied most of the time. The restlessness Loz radiated was a welcome interruption to his aimless staring, so instead of shutting him up with a cynical 'Don´t cry, Loz', he surveyed him from out of the corner of his eye and replied smoothly,
"Who knows... She probably doesn´t love us as much as she loves Kadaj."
The corners of his lips twitched up just the slightest bit. Getting a rise out of Loz was something that came close to being his favorite diversion. Not that he did not appreciate the presence of his brother, he mostly did, but right now he was dead bored and no other activity was available...
Loz grunted, unimpressed.
"Figures. Everyone loves Kadaj more then they love us. Hell, even /you/ love him more than you love me."
He ran a hand through his short silver hair and sighed again, already accepting of this fact. He didn't expect a reply from Yazoo and he didn't get one. With a pensive frown, Loz gazed out over the forest. It was so boring here. Nothing lived in amongst the dead trees; no birds, no animals, nothing. Nothing ever happened here. Nothing moved except for those little balls of white light that floated around and eventually faded. Occasionally, when he needed to distract himself or pass the time, he'd come here and try to shoot at them but he lost interest in that game quickly. He never did have a long attention span. His thoughts turning back to their absent brother, Loz felt a fresh wave of agitation rush through him.
"Why's Kadaj get to be the leader of us anyway? I should be the leader. I'm older than him, bigger than him and stronger than him," he ranted. "But no, he gets to make all the decisions. That's why we're here with nothing to do, waiting like useless morons for him to boss us around. It's like we can't do /anything/ without him telling us to. I fucking HATE that!"
Truthfully, Loz adored his little brother to death but sometimes Kadaj made him so...what's the word...? Pissed? Annoyed? Exasperated? Yeah. That's the one. Sometimes Kadaj just exasperated the shit out of him and when that happened he just wanted to punch things. Instead, he savagely kicked at a rock on the ground, making it splash into that annoyingly placid lake again, hating how quiet and still and frozen it was.
Just like Yazoo. Silent. Unmoving, like a statue, except for a few strands of his long hair, lifted by the gentle breeze. It's as though he was made out of ice, like he didn't even have any emotions.
"I dunno why I'm telling you all this shit anyway. You don't care. You don't care about anything." Demoralized, Loz turned away from where Yazoo was sitting, starting to walk back the way he came, muttering bitterly to himself.
"Especially not about me."
Yazoo blinked at the sudden outburst and tilted his head, wondering what had triggered that rant. Usually he was pretty precise in his manipulations and whatever he desired he got (though, ironically, there was not much he desired at all). Instead of following the script and bursting into a mass of tears and snot that Yazoo could soothe with a few well placed words and even lesser tabs on those broad shoulders, Loz seemed to have decided to throw a hissy, jealous fit...
"Stay." He eventually said slowly, his gaze still drifting over the water, but the noises of Loz´s footsteps stomping the ground, starting to become more distant, told him that his brother was still in earshot range. "It is impolite to ask questions and not wait for the answer, hn?"
The footsteps might have stopped; Yazoo didn´t know because he was listening to the silence again, but then he shifted a little. "Contrary to your belief I do care," he informed his older sibling in a languid fashion that wasn´t all that convincing. He believed that he could feel the heavy, strong, and somewhat reassuring presence of his brother falling on the ground beside him in a still sulky manner, but he was too lazy to turn his head. His inner senses never failed him anyway, and the mental bond he shared with Loz was especially strong, stronger than his almost nonexistent bond with Kadaj. That probably was the reason why he had to talk more with the youngest, he had to ask questions (something he wasn´t always particularly fond of). With Loz it was easier, more intense. They didn´t need to talk much, because important things were just passed on to the other via their mental connection. A quick look and a nod or headshake in return was all they needed to converse, and Yazoo was fine with that. Loz, however, apparently wasn´t.
"So, big brother," the ghost of a smirk graced his impassive features again, as he laid a small emphasize on the second word, and finally rolled his head over so his green eyes could be locked with equally sharp ones, "what would you do if you were the leader?"
Loz lay there on his back next to the rock his brother was perched upon, gazing up at the night sky and thinking quietly for a moment, surprised by Yazoo's direct question. He'd been so occupied wishing he was the leader, he never really thought about what he'd do if he had that kind of authority. Honestly, he was not sure he could do any more to find Mother than what Kadaj was doing right now. His smaller sibling was doing all within his power to locate her and every day they were getting closer and closer to pinpointing Jenova's remains. Since he didn't have the mind-link with Mother that Kadaj had, Loz was not sure he could do any better at that. No, that particular job was best left to his younger brother.
Pondering what else he would change if he was in charge, Loz plucked a blade of grass out of the ground, sniffed its fresh, green scent and then twirled it in his fingers.
"You know what I'd do?" he eventually replied, his voice unusually quiet and serious. "I'd leave Kadaj. Not for good, just a couple of days. I'd tell him to stay here and wait for my instructions, just so he knows what it's like to be us. Then I'd grab you and get the hell out of here. We could turn our phones off so he couldn't contact us, make him figure out how to do stuff on his own. I'm so sick of all these orders, all this searching and questioning and fighting. Sometimes it's enjoyable - especially when we get to hurt people - but most of the time it's just plain hard work."
Loz let out a long, tired breath, his large chest deflating. "I'm sick of it all. I want a damn break."
He pushed himself up with both arms and glanced sideways at Yazoo. His middle brother was looking at him with his head cocked in that familiar manner of his, not saying anything, but his eyes held a glimmer of mild curiosity. Encouraged by Yazoo's interest, no matter how small or fleeting, Loz continued, growing more enthusiastic with each word.
"You and me could just get out of here, Yaz, just get on our bikes and ride as fast as we can until the sun goes down. We could book into a real fancy hotel somewhere, order room service, eat in bed and watch movies, maybe drain the mini-bar and get a little drunk. Man, I don't even remember the last time we took some time for ourselves and chilled out, just relaxed. Had some fun, you know? Acted like normal people."
He shuffled nearer to Yazoo, needing his brother's closeness. The rock his slimmer sibling was sitting on was low enough so that he could lean over and rest his head on Yazoo's lap. Even if Yazoo wasn't replying to his suggestions, Loz knew he was listening. And he wasn't making fun of Loz or mocking him which was even more encouraging. He nuzzled into the front of Yazoo's trench-coat, secretly hoping Yazoo would stroke through his hair soon. He loved that.
"I mean, I know we aren't normal people but it'd still be nice to act like them and not have to worry about finding Mother's cells and the Reunion and all that crap Kadaj keeps going on about. I'd love to ditch him here while we went and did what WE wanted to for once," Loz said defiantly. "Kadaj probably wouldn't even notice we're gone. He's always got Mother to keep him company, anyway."
Gazing out over the deep, dark lake, Loz laid his hand on Yazoo's knee which was showing through the slit in his long coat, gloved fingers absently circling through the warm leather. Yazoo didn't push him away so he kept doing it. They were both quiet for a few minutes, thinking about what it would be like to escape, even if only for a weekend. When he spoke again, Loz's tone was soft and wistful.
"I know you need a break just as much as I do. I can sense it. If I was the leader, that's what I'd do. I'd take you away from all this, Yazoo."
Then Loz gave a snort, a self-depreciating expression skewing his lips. "I know that sounds stupid. You probably think it's the dumbest idea on the planet, huh?"
"Yes," Yazoo affirmed from above, chuckling a little at Loz´ disappointed face that went angry and indignant after being mocked. Before he could withdraw or go off again though, Yazoo let his gloved fingers lazily slide through his older sibling´s short hair, fingertips barely scraping over the skin underneath. His own expression had become neutral again, but his eyes were somewhat pensive when he looked down in the other´s face without really seeing him.
He could understand Loz´s stress very well, partly because it was radiating from him in waves. Another part of him not only noticed, but even shared Loz´ rebellion, though. Usually Yazoo was fine with Kadaj taking care of everything, it only would have troubled and burdened him. He´d rather watch from the sidelines and do his job when he was called for. But the waiting even started to get on his nerves. Well, maybe not so much the waiting in itself, but that he was /ordered/ to wait. Yazoo wasn´t just a spineless puppet, he had /chosen/ to forsake a greater role in the whole ordeal. Kadaj seemed to forget that at times though... Maybe it was time to remind him again. Remind him that Loz and he weren´t his underlings, but equal parts of the same thing, each with their own talents that built the perfect wholeness. Kadaj might be the brains and organizations, but he relied on Loz´ strength as well. Loz, with his tense, broad body that was their tower of strength. He wasn´t as lean and delicate as either Yazoo or Kadaj, but actually Yazoo appreciated the change. Loz was their protector to shield them from physical harm -even though that had never been put to test as of yet. His fists had proven to be some pretty convincing devices where negotiating was concerned, though. Yazoo came in when strength and cruelty failed, or when more tricky tasks had to be taken care of, mostly such that involved making people do things without them realising that they were more or less forced to do it. Kadaj just didn´t have the patience to attend to the finer mechanisms of social contact. If Yazoo wanted to, he could summon the sweetest words and charmings to get people bent to his will, so that was his job. Manipulating, deceiving people. Or do a quick, unceremonious kill. They were perfect together, the three of them. But Kadaj seemed to somehow have forgotten that recently.
"You know..." Yazoo pondered suddenly, still staring down into Loz´ face, but this time really focusing on him. "We should do it."
The fingers that had caressed Loz´s scalp stopped, and the younger one sat up from his relaxed posture, indicating that he was about to stand up, so Loz better get his head off his lap.
"Get your bike. We will go right now."