AN: So, I'm almost done with my other historical fiction, and I had so much fun doing it that I decided to do another one. Same era: Turn of the Century only in Paris. Think Moulin Rouge (cause thats what inspired this story). Also, I haven't quite decided what rating to do yet so the T is subject to change. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapter 1

Smoke flooded the room, and the scent of liquor and lust overwhelmed the nose. The music was loud, vibrant, pounding through the walls of the club, as beautiful women, clad in decadent lingerie, twisted their hips to the beat, while licking their vividly red painted lips, and fluttering their thick lengthy eyelashes in an attempt to entice a man to buy a night with them.

This was the seedy underbelly of Paris and, Chuck Bass, a wealthy American was more than happy to immerse himself in the sinful nightlife of the City of Love. He was running away, as far as he could get, from his life of responsibility back in the states, and he felt that there was no better way than to shed that responsibility, and indulge in his new found freedom than to spend every night drunk inside many a squalid nightclub where the drinks were cheap, and the women were cheaper.

As he made his way over to the bar, pushing through a sea of men enchanted by the dancing beauties, he was stopped by a leggy blonde with seduction in her eyes.

"You look like you could use the touch of a woman. Care to dance?" She asked, caressing his chest and pouting her lips.

"Not tonight, sweetheart," he replied, turned off by the woman's palpable desperation.

"Oh, well that's to bad, maybe some other time," she purred, as she tilted her head downward and stared up at him with her bright blue eyes.

"Maybe." He smirked.

"Well if you ever need someone to… fulfill your fantasies you know where to find me. The name's Serena," she told him, and with a flip of her freely flowing locks she disappeared into the crowd, leaving only the heavy scent of her perfume.

French women… magnificent, Chuck smiled to himself as he sat at the bar and ordered a scotch. While he drowned himself in the burning sensation of the amber liquid he looked up to the stage to watch a bevy of ladies provocatively lift up their frilly skirts, showing off their shapely legs, and inviting the men in the audience to revel in their lecherous thoughts.

"We have the best dancers in the world," said the bar tender to Chuck, as he refilled Chuck's drink.

"I don't doubt it," Chuck replied.

"Is it your first time at Victrola?" asked the bar tender in a friendly tone.

"It is. I'm not from around here."

"Oh, and where are you from?"

"America… New York to be exact."

"Ah, you speak the language of France quite beautifully… for an American. I hope you enjoy yourself in our fair city."

"From the looks of it I will," Chuck gave the bar tender a mischievous smirk.

The bar tender chuckled. "Don't get yourself into too much trouble. The women here are stunning, but they have a deadly addictive quality, and I wouldn't want you to fall into their trap."

"Trust me I can handle myself when it comes to attractive ladies."

"You certainly look like it. Can I ask of your name?"

"Chuck Bass."

"Well Chuck, it's a pleasure. My name is Dan Humphrey, and if you have any questions at all regarding the beautiful city of Paris feel free to ask. I might only be an impoverished writer supporting myself through bar tending, but I do know a thing or two."

"Will do," Chuck said with a nod, and then turned his head back towards the stage where the Master of Ceremonies was calling for every ones attention.

"Attention, Attention," he cried boisterously. "Now that you have all seen the myriad of lovely ladies and their many talents, I want to introduce you to someone new… someone delicate, ethereal, a gorgeous rose that I have discovered, and have decided to share with all of you lucky gentlemen. From the isle of Britain… I give you… for the very first time… Miss Blair.

She descended from atop of the stage, sitting like royalty in a swing, with a coy smile. Her silky pale skin glowed, and contrasted with her dark chocolate curls that bounced playfully off of her chest, and framed her elegant features.

As her heels hit the floor of the stage, she stood up, and the audience roared with applause. Chuck watched intently as she began to dance- slowly, fluidly, flirtatiously, she moved her body, showing off her curves. Although her dance was risqué she maintained a certain innocence about her, even after she began to shed her clothes exposing a lacy slip, and a pair of black thigh high stockings, and Chuck became mesmerized. In all of his years he had never seen someone so exquisite.


Three months earlier…

A young woman dressed in a hooded cloak tip toed out of a palace courtyard, followed by an older, larger woman also dressed in a cloak, lugging with her a large traveling trunk.

"Miss Blair, I don't think this is a good idea," cried the older woman.

"Dorota, I cannot stay here and marry that vile man," whispered the other woman.

"But you have been engaged to Carter Baizen since birth. It is only right that you marry him."

"I'd rather die," The young woman huffed.

"Well, you might die. Where will you live? The streets are no place for royalty."

"I'll figure it all out. I'm confident that I can find a way to support myself."

"I wish you the best of luck. It has been my honor to serve you these last eighteen years."

"Thank you," the young woman said as she hugged the older one, and with that she entered a carriage that she had arranged to help her escape.

"Goodbye Miss Blair." The older woman placed the traveling trunk into the carriage, and then waved as the carriage disappeared into the dark of night.

Inside the carriage sat a dutchess named Blair Waldorf. She was running away from the only life she knew, terribly frightened by the journey she was embarking on as a commoner, but even more frightened by the prospect of staying at home, and living the life forced upon her.

"So will everything go according to plan," she asked the driver.

"Absolutely, you should be in Paris by the end of the week," was his response.


AN: I know this chapter is short, but I just wanted to set everything up, and give you all a feel for the story... anyways please review and let me know what you think.