A/N: thanx 2 any1 who reads this story in advance. it means alot to me if you do. this story is not based on real life AT ALL!! please dont ask me if any of this is true because it isn't. also thnx 2 my beta editor-4-edward-4-life00. she rocks my sockz!!

XOXO edward-4-life00

I woke up locked in the bathroom. I didn't know where I was at first. I fell asleep on the hard tile. Then, I remembered why I was there.

"Bella!" My dad roared as soon as I walked in the door. "Where's my dinner?!" Oh great! My dad was home early from work. His normally bad temper was sure to be threw the roof now. "Well Bella?"

"I'm sorry dad I don't have your dinner made. I just got home." Great here it comes.

"Oh well here's the thing," He said so nicely that it made it scarier. "I really don't care!" He yelled so loud I was sure the neighbors could hear. "You should have made it already! You should've known to make me a dinner!"

"Dad, I'm sorry I will make it right away."

"Now's not good enough! I wanted my dinner 5 minutes ago!"

"OK, well I will start it right now!" Now I was yelling back.

"No! That's not good enough! He grabbed a knife off the counter. Great now I was in for it.

"Dad, I'm sorry! Please just put the knife down!"

"Oh. You want me to put this down?" He waved the knife in my face.

"Yes! Please just put it down!" He walked over to the counter, and I let out a sigh of relief. Instead of putting the knife down though, he spun me around and held the knife under my throat.

"I don't take orders from you Isabella! You take orders from me!" He slapped me across the face and spit in my eye.

"Dad, dad, please stop!" I was really starting to panic now. I knew I wasn't getting out of this very easily. "Please just put the knife down!"

"There you go again! Telling me what to do! I will not listen to you!" He pressed the knife into my throat harder, and I could feel the blood starting to seep threw the cut in my throat. I couldn't breath. I felt woozy. It didn't help that blood made me faint, especially my own. I was loosing it. The edges of my vision were starting to become blurry. I had to get away. I twirled out from under Charlie's grip. At first, it made the cut deeper, but Charlie stumbled back and I got out.

I ran up the stairs. I went to my room and grabbed the knife I keep up there. Then, I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Charlie had lost the key years ago, and if I pressed my weight against the door he couldn't get in.

That's the last thing I remember. I must have passed out from the blood. This reminded me… I put my hand on my throat. I could tell it was a deep cut. It would probably need stitches. Too bad I can't go to the hospital. If they ever found out I was living like this …that would not be very good.

No, I couldn't tell anyone. I didn't really have any friends to keep the secret from (I could never hang out after school because of my dad and I never want to talk to anyone in case they found out), and I had no one else in my life. Renee was the worst mom anyone could ever have. She was a drug addicted, back stabbing, bitch who would probably sell my soul on her latest boyfriends whim.

I remembered I had school, so I heaved myself off the floor. I looked out the window. Charlie's car was gone. Thank heaven he already left for work. I got dressed, wearing a turtle neck long sleeve shirt so you couldn't see the bruises and cut on my neck. I put on cover up to hide the bruise on my face from when he slapped me.

School was school. I didn't even have friends to help me through the day. All I had to look forward to was the time away from my dad. I couldn't live this life anymore.

A/N: Please Review everyone!! question time:

1. do u like my story? why or why not?

2. is there anything i should change or add?

please read my other stories and review those 2!!

XOXO edward-4-life00