Finally, an NCIS fic!! woot! It's McAbby, cause I just love that pairing soo much.

McGee left Tony standing there speechless, and walked into the elevator, an amused smile on his face. He knew that Kate and Gibbs were definitely going to hear about his new tattoo for sure now, but he didn't really care. For now he just focused on calming his nerves.

He was both excited and absolutely terrified to meet Abby, the mysterious forensics and firearms expert at NCIS.

He knew he liked the sound of her voice, and he knew that she was hilarious and fun to talk to. What he didn't know was what she was like in person, and if she would like him. She seemed to, from what he could tell from their phone conversations, but you never know. Maybe when they saw each other they would realize that they couldn't stand each other.

And, he couldn't shake what Tony had said about him not being Abby's type. He tried to ignore it, knowing that even if Tony was being serious, he was also just trying to give him a hard time. That's how Tony was. But it still lingered in the back of his mind.

The elevator doors opened, and he took a deep breath.

Moment of truth...

He stepped out of the elevator, and slowly made his way to the lab where apparently Abby spent about 18 or more hours a day. The automatic doors hissed open as he got close, and with a nervous gulp, he stepped inside.

He couldn't see anyone there, so he waited, and looked around. There were all sorts of little knick-knacks on her desk, and surrounding her machines. The art on the walls would seem out of place somewhere else, but in a forensics lab, McGee found them rather appropriate, and even pretty in their own way. And was that the Cure playing in the background? He smiled. He had always been a fan.

He was going over to examine a large machine whose function he couldn't begin to guess, when he heard the doors hiss open. He turned to the door he had entered before, but they were closed.

Confused, McGee turned around. The doors to a back office that he hadn't noticed before were the ones that were open, and coming out of those doors was who he could only assume was Abby.

She was tall, only just a little shorter than him. Her jet black hair was tied up into pigtails, which bounced as she walked. She still wore her lab coat over her clothes, which were dark and of the goth persuasion, all the way down to her badass boots. And as if that wasn't enough, she was absolutely gorgeous.

Usually McGee would be tongue-tied right about then. But for some reason, he was able to walk up to her and say hello with ease.

"Hi. McGee, right?" she asked cheerily, her green eyes shining.

He nodded, smiling. Jeez, she's perfect.

She smiled back, and said "Hey, let me just change jackets, and then we can get the hell out of here before they call me back with new evidence or something."

"Okay." he said simply, still smiling.

As she walked over to a coat-hanger and started changing from her lab coat to a long leather jacket, McGee thought that while Tony may have been right in assuming he wouldn't be Abby's type, it didn't matter anymore.

He was determined to do whatever it took to make her see that there was nothing wrong with a little geeky/gothy romance.

I'll admit it now, this one was a bit forced. I had the idea... but then I lost the inspiration... so about half-way through there, I was kinda just making myself write. I hope it doesn't show, and that you guys like it, but I just had to let you know. Reviews are appreciated!! =]