Alright, so you may have noticed a huge decline in update frequency. For some stories, it's a complete and total stoppage.

Yeah, I noticed too. And there are reasons for each case, but I'm not gonna get into those. I'm gonna keep this simple.

The other day, I was talking to Saint about FF. More specifically, how I hated doing tons of Q&A chaps for MM&aDK, didn't know where LL was going, couldn't get any inspiration to continue STW?, etc. And then, of course, she asked the million-dollar question:

Saint: ...Here's my question...Do you enjoy writing FF?

Well, I thought about that for a bit, and (as you've probably guessed by now), I realized the answer is no. Not anymore. It's become more of a hassle, it's just not as fun anymore. That phase of my life has passed.

Since I've been dealing with depression and other fun stuff like that, the less hassles I have, the better. So, well, I'm not gonna write FF anymore. Plain and simple.

Now, I don't know if I'm done for good. I have plenty of ideas, I just don't have the inspiration or motivation to bring them into fruition. Maybe I'll start writing again someday, but for now, I'm done.

And now, so this doesn't make you depressed, here's a joke:

Why was six afraid of seven?

It wasn't. Numbers are inanimate objects and are as such incapable of feeling fear.


Alright, that'll do it. Thanks for sticking with my craziness for so long, everyone. See ya.