You ever had one of those days were things just don't seem to go your way? Try the last like 2 months. I don't how I do but I always seem to be grounded and when I'm not grounded, my computer decides it's time to bitch. Congrats to me. I swear I was like almost down typing the story after I finally overcame like some major writers block then guess what? No my computer didn't break but it's pretty damn near to it. My flash drive that has ever important document I've ever written decided "Hey today I wanna feel like crap I wonder how I'm going to do that. Hummm…. I don't know lets go and get a virus. Plus, added bonus I get to piss Kenya off, my devoted owner and protector… yeah I like this idea. Let's put it into action."
You can imagine how pissed I am. Every story I have, the books I've written, the notes I have. I even lost my thesis paper I mean what the hell. Luckily some of the crap was salvageable. But every time I try to use all the documents kind of squash themselves together. So you're reading a story about Artemis then next thing you know where the hell did Stark come from? (From house of night)
Thankfully the writer's block eased up a little. I mean when you read the story you'll kinda get it. I kinda made her bipolar and I was freaking out cause I was like how am I going to fix this?
Anyway I know right no excuse right it's been like what four months okay one of those I had to share a laptop with six people who weren't all that eager to do that. Again the majority of my days are spent grounded for stupid things. But again no excuse. Congratulate me the youngest freshman in my school and I'm still alive… for now. If I don't review before Christmas someone really needs to get me off my ass.
LOLs (lots of love)
Fantasy's forever