Lose Leads to Love

Chapter one


Author note: Sorry this chapter is short. The others will be much longer. Read and review please!

I sat silently on the hospital bed, waiting for the doctor to come in. All I really wanted to do was go check on my parents; I knew they had to be in worse shape than me.


I was sitting in the back seat of my parent's station wagon. Mom and Dad were in the front seat discussing plans for my seventeenth birthday. "Bell," My mom, Renee, said, turning around in her seat, "Do you have anything special in mind for you gift?"

"Not really mom," I answered, "You know I hate getting gifts." My dad, Charlie, sighed from the driver's seat.

"Bells, you are so weird. What kid doesn't like getting gifts?"

"Me." I answered simply, he laughed just ass headlights appeared by the side of the car.

"Charlie!" My mom screamed, just as the other car rammed right into us, causing everything to go blank.

End of flashback

A doctor walked into my room then, he was tall, probably mid thirties, with light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. "Isabella Swan?" He asked me.

"Just Bella." I whispered.

"Well Bella, I'm Doctor Cullen. So I see you already got the cast fit for your arm, and the stitches in your forehead." I nodded and he continued, "Okay, can you sit up for me. It say's you hit your head pretty hard so I'm just going to check some things out. Okay?" I nodded again, sitting up in the bed. Dr. Cullen shone a light in my eyes asking me to follow his finger with my eyes. After a moment he said, "Well everything looks okay. Just be careful and don't sleep through the night, wake up every two hours just to be safe."

"Okay, so how are my parents? Can I go see them?" I asked nervous. Dr. Cullen looked away, not meeting my eyes.

"Bella, is there anyone you can call that would come down here with you?" I looked at him confused.

"Um, Well I could call my brother, Emmett. He's living with a family in Forks while he is in college. That's only about ten minutes away." Dr. Cullen looked up interested now.

"Emmet Swan is your brother?" I nodded, "Well that's interesting, Emmet is living with my family while attending college." I knew the name Cullen sounded familiar.

"I'm sure I can get him to come, but why does he need to be here?" I asked, I felt a knot forming in my stomach. Dr. Cullen sighed and sat down on the small bed next to me.

"Bella, when the drunk driver hit your car it hit more towards the front of the car which id why you aren't severely injured. But your parents, um, Bella when the car hit your father died almost instantly and you mother died when we brought her into the hospital." I felt my blood run cold in my veins.

"Both of them?" I whispered. Dr. Cullen nodded, and placed a comforting hand on my back. "I-I need to call Emmett." I said, Dr. Cullen wordlessly handed a cell phone over to me. I dialed the number I knew by heart and prayed that my brother would answer.

"Hello?" I heard Emmett's voice.

"Em? I need you to come down to the hospital." My voice cracked.

"Bella? What's wrong?" I heard Emmett's voice automatically go into protective brother mode.

"There was a car accident, Emmett. I'm okay, just a few stitches and a broken arm. But mom and dad they- Emmett they died." I heard Emmet's sharp intake of breath on the other end.

"I'll be there in five minutes." I hung up wordlessly, tears streaming down my face.

"Emmett is coming." I said, handing Dr. Cullen the phone. He took it and silently wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I cried into this strangers shoulder as the realization hit me that, in about one hour, my world had fallen apart.