Hello my friends! This AU story picks up after "Mother, Leave the Light On". I highly suggest you read it just to get an idea what emotional baggage Olivia brings to this case. Although this will be heavy with angst I do promise Bolivia. Also, if you have a few minutes, listen to "Mother" by Tori Amos—it's haunting and captivating, but also the skeleton of this story. As always, your reviews are greatly appreciated!

I do not own Fringe or Tori Amos.


Standing in the field, eyes dazed and unfocused on what recent tragedy lie beneath her, Olivia realized the heavy weight of the rain. Droplets fell unnoticed on the agent's head and migrated their way down the tip of her nose to the grooves of her repellant jacket. She hadn't realized someone had walked up beside her. Looking to her right, there stood Peter with a large black umbrella shielding the both of them from the rain. Catching his eyes she spoke.

"I'm sorry. Did you say something?" Olivia asked her tone void of emotion.

Peter looked at her quizzically and spoke up, "No, just wondering why you'd choose to get drenched when all you had to do was whistle." Cute. References to childhood movies. How fitting.

As if she didn't even hear him, she cut him off and started rattling off more details of their latest case. "Unidentified victim, approximately ten years old, female, signs of trauma, no form of ID."

"Doesn't seem like a DHS or Fringe case to me. What gives?" Peter asks, staring at the too small black zip bag at their feet.

"Check the bottom of her back."

You're kidding me right?

Peter had certainly seen turmoil and tragedy in his life but this was just painful. Cautiously, Peter dropped to his knees, handed Olivia the umbrella to shield them, and unzipped the bag. Moving the small body over, he silently pondered if her present peaceful expression was any indication of the manner in which she died. His conscience could only hope. There on the small of her back was a small branding of some sort of initials.

"It's Latin. I called Astrid. Stands for ZFT…that's why it's our case," Olivia spoke her voice trailing off at the closing of the sentence.

Peter stayed in his current kneeling position staring at the nameless girl. A myriad of thoughts drifted across his mind like heavy stratus clouds. Given the ill specifics of this case, the weather, and his whirl-wind of emotions, the weather metaphor seemed ironic yet fitting. Realizing he had been staring too long Peter quickly stood. Looking around he realized he was alone; the black umbrella lay forgotten next to him.

Taking off the plastic gloves Peter could only imagine the likely impact this case could have on any female with a family of her own. Peter made a mental note to keep a closer eye on Olivia during this case.

Worth continuing? Let me know what you think. It only takes a second!