Hey everyone!

This isn't a update I'm afraid, and I'll keep this short because I know how annoying these AN's are.

I have received such amazing reviews and messages from you, my lovely readers, so first of all just a message to say thank you so much!

Secondly, I have received numerous messages and reviews asking for me to continue with this story and after a lot of deliberation, I have decided to do so. It's still summer (somewhat) and I'm not yet up to my eyeballs in coursework and exams so I would really like to continue.

Down to business...

1) I would really appreciate a BETA reader. I don't want to be too discriminatory and I'll be so grateful if ANYONE whatsoever would be willing to take this on, but I think it'll be great if you are American, only because the story will be set in Forks and I'm English, so not only do I know nothing about American culture but I also write in English and I just feel it shows a lack of continuity if a story supposedly written by an American is written from an English person. Does that even make sense? It's a bit confusing and long-winded even for me to understand!

2) As we speak, I am trying to figure out exactly where this story is going to go exactly. I have a few ideas and plotlines floating around in my head, but nothing concrete. If anyone has any ideas, PM me. I am a fair person and any ideas used will be credited thoroughly and fairly. I will not take credit for anyone else's work or ideas.

That's all for now, folks!

Depending on the feedback I get, it usually takes me 2 days max. to write a chapter so if I sort things out super quick, you'll probably get an update by the end of the week. No promises though!

Lois xo