AN: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I honestly didn't feel like it.. I think I lost a lot of readers or at least people stopped reviewing.. So I descided to write the last chapter.

I really hope that you will review and tell me what you thought about the whole story.. :)

Caitlyn felt the warm sunlight on her face and opened her eyes to a beautiful morning. A smile crept on her face as she turned her heads to see a sleepy Nate. His arm was heavily lying across her waist. She moved closer to him and buried her head in his chest. She was so happy. As she lay there she realized that she wasn't just happy, but blessed by having Nate. She closed her eyes and breathed in his smell.

The last couple of weeks had been great. After talking to Alice everything had lit up. Caitlyn had been meeting Alice for a coffee in town a couple of times and she had introduced her to some of Alex's old friends. They had all been very friendly to her and wanted to know everything about her and Alex's relationship. Alice was right; if she talked to people about all the good times she was able to stay positive and be happy when she thought back at him.

Everyday she got happier and happier, and her relationship with Nate grew stronger and stronger. He had been there for her all the time and she knew that he would do anything to keep her. He was always there if she needed to cry for Alex.

Caitlyn felt Nate move beside her and turned her head to look at him. He was slowly waking up to see a smiling Caitlyn.

Nate couldn't help but smile as he saw Caitlyn. She was looking at him with the most beautiful smile on her face.

"Good Morning beautiful." Nate said as he kissed Caitlyn's forehead.

"Morning." Caitlyn said as he snuggled into Nate's chest again.

He put his arms around her and buried his face in her soft curls.

"How are you feeling today?" Nate asked after a moment.

"Good," Caitlyn said and moved so she looked at Nate, "Very good, but a bit nervous."

"Of course," Nate said with a smile, "You have to be before your first performance."

Today was the day. The day Caitlyn was going to sing. At a Connect 3 concert. In front of all the screaming Connect 3 fans. In front of all her friends. In front of her parents. She had a good reason to be nervous.

"You'll be great." Nate said with a smile before kissing Caitlyn's lips.

"I love you Nate." Caitlyn said after they broke apart.

"I love you too Caitlyn," Nate said with a smile.

Caitlyn buried her face in his chest again as she said: "You're absolutely amazing Nate."

Nate couldn't help but chuckle before he tightened his grip around Caitlyn and kissed the top of her head.

"I know… I'm crazy." Caitlyn said with a small grin.

"Crazy in love." Nate whispered with a smile. (AN: sorry for the cheesyness!)

Caitlyn stood in front of the mirror in her dressing room looking at herself. Was she really going to go through with this? She stepped closer her own reflection and looked closely at her own face. She looked terrified. She looked herself in the eyes. They were big and round and looking like they were waiting for something terrible to happen. She quickly closed them and leaned her head against the mirror. This was just another one of those doorsteps. She could do it. She knew she could. This was her time to shine. She should just go out there and open her heart to all those people who loved her. She opened her eyes again and looked into them. They still looked the same, but when she looked deeper she saw a bit of strength. A growing strength. She was going to do this. She knew it.

Caitlyn lifted her head as she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said with a small voice.

"Hey" Nate said with a smile as he walked in.

Caitlyn hadn't spoken to Nate since this morning. It had been so busy all day between sound checks and getting ready for the night's show.

"You look great." Nate said as he walked over to where Caitlyn stood and embraced her in a tight hug.

"You'll be amazing out there," Nate whispered into her ear, "Don't worry."

He just seemed to know how she felt. Well he could probably also see it in her eyes. It was quite obvious.

Caitlyn looked into his brown calm eyes. She should do this for Nate. All he had done to make her feel better. She knew that, whatever happened Nate would still be there in the end. But something inside of Caitlyn told her that there was no ending. That this was a new beginning. That was the strength in her eyes. It was hope.

Nate bent down and kissed her. Caitlyn could tell that he had put a lot of effort into that kiss, and really wanted to make her feel better. When he pulled apart Caitlyn had a big smile across her face.

"It's gonna be alright." Nate said with a smile.

"I know," Caitlyn said and nodded, "It's gonna be great…" She whispered the last part, still with a smile on her face.

The song she was going to sing was about Nate. She owed him that. Only the band had heard it. Caitlyn couldn't wait to play it for Nate.

Before she knew it Caitlyn stood ready to go on stage. The boys were out performing and she knew that when the song they were playing ended she would be called on stage. A lot of thoughts flew through her head as she stood there waiting with a microphone in her hand. What if the crowd didn't like her? Of course they just wanted Connect 3 to stay on stage. She had to remind herself that she didn't do this for Connect 3's fans but for herself and for Nate.

Suddenly she heard Nate said: "...Now we would like to introduce you to one of our very best friends…"

"Caitlyn Gellar everyone!" Shane finished

The crowd had obviously expected someone they knew and not some random girl. Caitlyn just stood nailed to the place. Nate turned around and looked her straight in the eyes. The look he gave her made her move out onto the stage. She looked around and didn't know how she had ended up out there. The only thing she could see was the strong light in her eyes.

Suddenly the music started playing. Caitlyn closed her eyes and saw a picture of Nate. She started to sing. She sung to him.

I don't need a lot of things
I can get by with nothing
Of all the blessings life can bring
I've always needed something
But I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason
You're my only truth

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you

Caitlyn's eyes were now wide open. The crowd had started to cheer up a bit and it made her more comfortable on the stage.

You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds, rage
And it's so amazing
'cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
'cause you've brought me too far

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you
Oh yes I do
I need you
I need you

As she ended the song she couldn't believe that she had done it. The place was going crazy. Suddenly she saw her parents and some of her friends on the front row standing and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. Her smile grew. This couldn't get any better. She turned around and saw Nate in the back with the biggest smile on his face. He winked at her and motioned for her to look up. As she did she saw that her name was written all over the big screen in the back of the stage.

She ran of the stage very happy and satisfied. She stopped when she stood in front of Nate. He leaned in and whispered: "Amazing" in her ear before running off to the stage again.

Caitlyn walked back to her dressing room to try and calm herself down. She was absolutely flying. It was such an amazing feeling.

After the boys had ended the concert Nate went to find Caitlyn. He knocked on the door to her dressing room.

After a moment she opened the door and when she noticed that it was him she fell into his arms. Nate hugged her and moved so they were both inside the room and he could shot the door behind him.

"That was so amazing!" Nate exclaimed excited, "I didn't know you were that good!"

Caitlyn looked at him and tilted her head to the side: "Was it that good?"

"You have no idea." Nate said sincerely, "But one question."

"Yes…" Caitlyn said.

"Was it about me or him?" Nate said seriously

Caitlyn stared at him for a moment

"You of course Nate." She said even more serious.

"Good," Nate said the smile coming back to his face, "I just got really amazed that you would write such a beautiful song about me, but then I realized that I couldn't be sure that it wasn't an old song or something, from before I came along."

Caitlyn smiled. "I would never write something like that about anyone else than you." She said sincerely. I never loved anyone the way I love you."

"I never loved anyone the way I love you either." Nate said with a smile, "I'm so proud of you. And I'm sure our fans would like to see you again soon."

Caitlyn reached up to kiss Nate and the two of them ended up kissing very passionately. Caitlyn knew that this was a new start for her and she would go through everything with Nate.

I had to make it a happy ending ;P - Please make it an even happier ending and review..(:

Song: LeAnn Rimes - I Need You