Hi, guys whats up? I know I have said this in the last two chapters but I NEED A BETA-READER I'm not the greatest at grammar and spelling (making part of McGonagall's letter seem rather hypocritical) and I would love to have someone proof-read my stories, preferably someone who is familiar with my writing style. Also I rewrote the first chapter so hopefully it's better (if anyone has read both versions can you tell me how much of an improvement it is, I would love to know!) Also, I am taking requests for people because frankly after this I'm starting to run out of ideas and I want to put people you would read! Also if you didn't see it last time- I made a one-shot for Sirius' List so check it out! Enough of me rambling on with the story!

Disclaimer: Sadly this wonderful cast of characters do not belong to me, as I am just their sectary, typing the letters.

Dear Fanfiction Writers,

Hi, my name is Ginny and after seeing Harry write a letter to you I thought that I would try a hand at it too. While I do enjoy some of the fan fictions, I would just like to correct some of the mistakes you make that give me more nightmares than the Chamber of Secret Incident (though some stories categorize under both.) One of the more major things would be the pairings;

Me/Malfoy, I honestly cannot comprehend this pair and why it is so popular I have only talked to Malfoy a handful of times and they all ended with him insulting me in one way or another. If you are going for that muggle romance, Romeo and Juliet style, where the parents disapprove and they have to keep it a secret then you are out of your mind! Hermione lent me the book and need I remind you how it ends?

Me/Voldemort, I don't get this one at all, I am TRAUMATIZED by the entire incident, not falling in love with the..CREATURE who possessed me! Also for the people who theorized that because of the incident that Voldemort had a fascination with me then let me remind you that Riddle was 16 and a memory so therefor would have not had any contact with current Voldemort.

Me/Neville, Neville is a great guy, don't get me wrong, and yes we did go to the Yule Ball together, but that was only because I would't have been able to go otherwise and Neville confessed that he only asked me because he was too shy to ask anyone he didn't already know (we talked before and I was Ron's little sister) and Hermione already said no. Our relationship is no more than friendly. Just a random side note why is this pair usually a side pairing with Harry/Hermione as the main pairing?

Me/Zambini, I only knew this guy from the slug club and while he wasn't't a foul mouth git like Malfoy, he was still very arrogant and rude to 'Mione and myself.

Me/incest EwEwEwEwEwEwEwEwEwEw EwEwEwEwEwEwEwEwEwEw. Disgusting!!!! Words fail me on how wrong and gross it is.

Me/Dean, I went out with him in an attempt to forget about Harry, who would have never felt the same way and I wasn't planning on making any long term plans around him! He was way too pushy and old fashioned. Not something a girl with 6 older brothers appreciates let me tell you. (Or better yet, let HIM tell you.)

Me/Hermione, She's my brother's girlfriend,(or will be, they've danced around each other for too long.) We are like sisters, and I am not a lesbian! (Not that there is anything wrong with them of course, but I'm strait.)

Also another thing, why do you make me out to be a Mary Sue? I know I hero-worshipped Harry at first but once I got to know him better in my third year the hero-worship changed to a crush of Harry the person not the Boy-Who-Lived. I was lucky enough that he felt the same way.

On that note why do you think am I such a jealous prat that it would put Ron to shame? I do have self-control you know, if Harry didn't like me that way, dumped me, and then dated someone else, yes, I would be sad and angry, but I think I would have the self-control to not curse his girlfriend with a dark curse (Bat bogeys for the both of the though) and I definitely would not put love potions into his drink (while Ron does the same with Hermione) in some twisted scheme where Dumbledore has payed us to befriend the Boy-Who-Lived and promised us Harry and Hermione respectively, so he can use Harry as weapon in the war. It's just wrong and I am deeply offended.

Just out of curiosity why is almost everyone I'm usually paired with people in Ron,Harry and Hermione's year, and is either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin? It is sort of makes me seem like a tag-along with no friends in my year. (Though actually not that many are friends with be because of first year, but I do still have friends like Colin and Luna.) Also why the two extremes as far as houses? Are the 'Puffs and 'Claws too weak to handle the 'high-matenince, short temper, six brothered, all-mighty Ginny Weasley?' (Harry's exact wording not mine.)

I guess that's all for now, I hope to sleep more peacefully knowing that I've tried and you all sleep fitfully know that you have given me life scarring nightmares. Stick to cannon or I'll curse you all!

Remember This,

Ginny Weasley soon to be Potter.

[insert awards won here]

P.S. However, the more Harry/Ginny romance the better ;)

What do you think? Loved it , Hated it, Currently building a shrine to it? Let me know! Up next will be Fred and George but I'm wondering if they should be done together or have separate letters (George's would be post war if apart.) Let me know! Until next time.