by Pwnguin
Sam's POV

Will you remember your best friend in 20 years?

I chewed the eraser of my pencil and read the question off again. We were taking some kind of survey in English class for some unknown reason. There were questions such as, "What careers do you have in mind for the future?" and "What colleges do you plan on attending?" You know, stuff about the future. It was easy answering the first few questions, but this question Will you remember your best friend in 20 years? was just a little... iffy.

First of all, I had two best friends. The first thing I did to the question was add a "(s)" to the end of "friend". Why? Because "best" leaves all the other friends in the dust. Honestly, I only have two real friends, so I count them as my best friends. Take that you stupid survey.

Next, I didn't know if I would remember my best friends in 20 years. What if some alien decided to remove the existence of Carly Shay and ham (just kidding) and Freddie Benson off of the earth? What would happen then? Or what if I got dementia? See, there is not exact way of knowing if I'll remember them or not.

Okay, let's say aliens don't exist and I'm immune to dementia. What then? Well, I guess I would remember my best friends in 20 years. You know why? Because Carly and Freddie would never leave me and I would never leave them. So if they never leave, I don't have to worry about forgetting.

Okay, so let's pretend my mother decides to finally get a job in Idaho. Why Idaho? I don't know, she hates all 50 states except Washington and Idaho. So if we did ever move, it would only be in Idaho and Washington. Now, if we stayed in Washington, I could still see Carly and Freddie every weekend, and I would never forget them. As for Idaho, hello, the famous Lucas Cruikshank lives there and he just so happens to be good friends with us iCarly people. I could always drop by his treehouse and video chat with Carly and Freddie whenever I wanted. So yeah.

Don't give me that Carly and Freddie could die. I would remember them because I would cry every day about them. ... Just not in public.

I think we can conclude that I could never forget my best friends.

Carly, how can you ever forget a girl like Carly? She's random, she's lovable, and she doesn't hate on my violent and strange ways. She's a superstar on the Internet for Pete's sake. How are you ever going to forget Carly Shay? Her brother is going to be a famous artist one day, and even if Carly does get forgotten, her brother won't, and that will make her unforgotten. So I'm never going to forget Carly.

Freddie. Understand people that I will NEVER forget this dork. I torture him every day of my life. How can you forget someone like this? He's the most awesome tech-dweeb on this planet. Not only that, Freddie Benson was my first kiss. How in the world do you forget your first kiss? Not only that, he was my first boyfriend. OH BURN. You don't forget your first kiss and first boyfriend. So yeah. Take that.

I looked at the question one more time, Will you remember your best friend(s) in 20 years?

The only way I could answer that question was to write down everything I said above. But guess what, there wasn't enough room for it.

I chewed my eraser again and wrote down, "My family has a long history of dementia. I might catch it. So this question is not applicable to me."

I read off my answer and smiled. That'll do.

... Okay, so it was supposed to be a Seddie fic, but then I couldn't say best friend without including Carly. So it's now a friendship fic. =P
What'd you think?