Disclaimer: XME isn't mine.

This is a missing moment from my AU story 'All's Fair in Love and War', but can be read alone. All you need to know is that Gambit joined the X-Men after the events of 'Stuff of Heroes' and Rogue learnt to control her powers around the same time; her real name's Anna and everyone knows that; and they have a two-month-old daughter named Lorelai Katherine LeBeau. If you want to know more, check out my other story!

Dedicated to my lovely new baby cousin, Charlie!

Chapter One – Proposal

Summer in New York is said to be paradise. And it could be, with warm evenings, sunny afternoons, laughter and joy ringing out everywhere.

But, for Rogue, it was the winters that she loved.

The grounds of the Xavier Institute seemed to go on forever and, when it snowed, the ground seemed to take on a white blanket, while the trees sparkled with white lights, interspersed amongst snow and icicles.

This year, snow had come early to Bayville. Of course it may have had something to do with Bobby's slight power surge a few days beforehand, but, nevertheless, the winter was as beautiful as ever.

On this particular day, Anna and Remy had ended up walking with Lorelai out to the lake, talking about a subject that had come to annoy them over the last few months.

"I just don't see the point of having Lorie christened when we're not religious." Remy shrugged. "I mean, I'll pray to the Lord all the time, but it seems a bit hypocritical of us to stand there and promise to lead her into the church when we don't go ourselves."

"I guess you're right." Anna sighed, adjusting her daughter's blankets in her pram. "But I feel like we should do something."

"How about a party?" Jamie asked.

"Well, that…" Anna stopped. "Jamie, how long have you been there?"

"I followed you out." Jamie admitted. "No one ever notices me."

"Sorry, squirt." Remy ruffled his hair. "What did you mean?"

"Well, why don't you have a welcome to the world party?" Jamie elaborated. "Like a birthday party, but not."

"You know what, kid, that's a good idea." Anna admitted, smiling at him.

"I'm not a kid!" Jamie protested, predictably.

"Of course not." Anna agreed, humouring him. "Listen, Jamie, you mind giving us a bit of privacy?"

"Kay." Jamie tweaked Lorelai's cheek and jogged off.

"I think he likes not being the youngest anymore." Remy commented, slipping an arm around her as they began walking again.

"I don't blame him." Anna shielded her eyes and looked across the frozen water; on the other side of the lake, nearer the house, a couple of people had begun an impromptu ice-hockey match. "Hey, where's Bobby and Jubes? It's not like them to miss a game."

"Good point." Remy joined her as they paused in their movements, scanning the walkway around the lake. "There they are; over by that bench."

Anna followed his gaze; sure enough, Bobby and Jubilee were strolling round the lake as well, arm in arm, deep in conversation. As she watched, Jubilee raised a hand and wiped at her face, apparently crying. Bobby stopped and brushed her hair from her face, kissing her softly.

"I think," Anna stated seriously, "that if we spent too much time with them we'd get cavities."

Remy laughed and pressed a kiss against her forehead. "You've got an interesting way of looking at things, chérie."

"No more interesting than yours, Swamp Rat." Anna commented absently. Unlike hers, his name had begun as an insult, but slipped into a pet-name when they began dating.

Remy chuckled and cupped her face. "Je t'adore, mon ange."

"I love you too." Anna met his kiss for a few minutes, still thanking every higher power that she could think of that she could now do this and feel his skin on hers.

As they continued to walk, their steps took them around the edge of the lake and passed the bridge that crossed over the small stream that ran into the larger body of water.

For those who bothered to wander down this way – which consisted only of Rogue and Lexa – they found a peaceful haven where the stream originated from a small forest spring.

Despite the cold weather, the spring was still bubbling and Remy pulled a blanket from underneath Lorelai's pram and laid it on the ground so they could sit down.

Hearing Lorelai start to fuss, Anna lifted her up and rocked her gently. "Good girl, Lorie."

"You know, I never pegged you as the maternal sort." Remy admitted, kissing his daughter's forehead.

"Neither did I." Anna laughed quietly. "I guess it's an instinct thing."


Remy's voice was quiet and his tone even, but it caught Anna's attention immediately.

After her powers had emerged, her thoughts and memories had been so jumbled with everyone she had absorbed that she couldn't even remember her own name. When she finally did, she kept it quiet; as far as she was concerned, the closer a person was to you, the easier it was for them to hurt you.

She had told Remy before anyone else and that was because she trusted him above all others. He was the one who had helped her finally control her powers. He was the one who had helped her through her power surge. But, despite this, he very rarely used it.

"You haven't listened to a word I've said, have you?"

Anna shook her herself out of her thoughts. "No, sorry."

Remy chuckled. "I said, when you do you think we should hold this thing?"

Anna shrugged. "Not yet, that's for sure. What with Scott and Jean planning a wedding and all; I don't think we need to add to the chaos."

"Mon dieu…" Remy shuddered at the thought. "She'd kill us."

"How about August?" Anna suggested. "That gives us two months to recover from the wedding in June."

"Okay, but on one condition." Remy told her.

"Oh?" Anna raised an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

Remy grinned at her. "That we change your name first."

"What's wrong with my name?" Anna asked blankly. "Wait a minute … Did you mean …?"

Remy lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. "I love you, Anna. Will you marry me?"

"Oh God …" Anna reached up and kissed him. "Yes. Yes, of course."

Lorelai made a small noise from Anna's lap; not quite a cry, but a noise nonetheless. Remy chuckled and lifted her into the air. "I can't keep your Momma's attention for more than a few minutes with you around, can I?"

Lorelai gurgled happily as Remy pulled Anna closer to him as well. The young couple stayed there for the rest of the day, just happy to be with each other and the little girl once thought impossible.

AN: Short, I know, and my first attempt at a solely Romy fic. Review please!