A/N: Bonus Links to accompanying pictures and Audio Drama in Profile

[Some may know how our dear Sally Sue had the notion a while back to transport Vegeta to Care-A-Lot while sleeping and kidnapped cartoons to make them sing Kum-by-ya around a campfire…but this time she had another idea…she wondered what would happen if Hiei woke up in RainbowLand!]

Hiei: [holding head] Ouch! That must have been something powerful to knock me out of my tree…

Rainbow Brite: [rides up to him on Starlight] Hello ^_^

Twink: Where did you come from?

Hiei: [brushing self off] I don't really see how that matters to you…

Starlight: He looks rather dark, do you think this is the working of Murky and Lurky again?

Rainbow Brite: Twink! The Star-sprinkles! [throws Star-sprinkles on Hiei, he glows rainbow colors for a while then turns black again]

Hiei: -_- I know not of such nonsense you speak! I don't have time to play, I'll be on my way [zips off, but finds there is no way to escape the place then notices the rainbow leading out so he goes towards the castle where the rainbow is coming from]

Starlight: [from behind] You seem pretty fast! Perhaps we could race sometime. After all there isn't a creature in the universe that can outrun me, Starlight, the most magnificent horse in all the universe!

Hiei: -_-; Thinks: not to mention the most humble

Rainbow Brite: Not now Starlight, I think our friend may need our help!

Hiei: OO; Friend? Huh, friendship doesn't come that easily, it has to be earned!

Color Kids: [running towards him from the castle] Yay! Another friend!

Rainbow Brite: Everyone, meet Black Night! The long-lost Color Kid!

Hiei: O.O;;; You can't be referring to me?!? I'm no Color Kid! I hate color, that's why I wear black, and I'm over a hundred times your age!

Red Butler: [pats Hiei on the back] ^_^ Nice of you to join us!

Buddy Blue: [shaking Hiei's hand] yes we definitely needed more guys around here!

Hiei: -_-+

Canary Yellow: [thinks: I'll say since Rainbow has dibs on all of the guys already]

Shy Violet: [whispering to Patty O'Green] teehee, he's kinda cute isn't he?

Hiei: -_-+++ [pulls out katana]