Author's Note: I'm glad that you like this story. The kiss will be told from Freddie's point of view now. When it's the third chapter, the actual story is going to start there. I'm just putting Freddie's and Sam's point of view for what they thought and feel about their first kiss. Then, it's starts days later with Sam going out with Pete and Freddie having a tinge of jealousy in him and Carly's wondering about their behavior that they're fighiting more often and stuff like that. Please be patient about that coming chapter. Please read and review!

Accidentally in Love

Chapter Two

Okay, so I did the craziest thing that a person could ever do. I handcuffed Gibby to Sam. It really was payback. I was just trying to get her for all of the things that she had done to me in the past.

So we're even.


It turned out to be worse and gotten way out of hand. Somehow, she knew that I never had my first kiss. I thought the only person that knows about it was only Carly, but she knew it too. She probably overheard, but I really don't know how she told my secret to every single iCarly viewer. Yeah, can you believe her? She revealed my secret before the show ends. I was shocked and devastated.

When she revealed my secret, she left and Carly went after her saying that she ruins my life (which she did). I dropped my camera and my mouth hanging open. I still couldn't believe that Sam would do that, but I should know that's just her. She would always tease me for whatever reason that I don't know why. Well, I know she does it to get herself amused, but it still tortures me everyday. That woman causes me physical and mental pain and I'm her friend. She can be nice to as long as you don't get on her bad side, but I'm her main target to constant tease and pick on all the time.

I went home after she said my secret. I felt like a coward for doing that, but kids at school watches iCarly so they might pick on me too. So I told my mom that I'm sick. She was checking my temperatures and giving me medicine, but I repeatedly told her that I'm fine and that I only need sleep. She bought that and went to work and promised me that she would fly home if I need anything. I told her a thousand times that I was fine. She finally left. I couldn't tell her that Sam told my secret to everyone on the internet because she asked me what was wrong and I lied to her. I always don't like to lie, but this time, it was an exception.

I stayed at home for a few weeks until I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw it was Carly. I was surprised to see her. Usually, I wouldn't be and feel happy about it, but right now, I'm not in the mood to see anyone. Even if it is her, my beautiful crush. She told me that I should come to school the next day and I really didn't want to. She begged me alot and when she said, "Please for me?" That's when I caved in and went. I don't know why I always give in whenever says that, but I do everytime. I promised her that I will and she got happy about it, but I'm sure that I wouldn't be that happy to go to school.

I told mom that I felt fine and was ready to go back. I wore a disguise to school so no one would recognize me as Freddie Benson. Sam told me to show my face to the audience when she was going to tell my secret, I did because I didn't know what she was going to do at that time. So everyone knows who I am, but they won't if I'm wearing a disguise.

I walked over to Carly's locker and she gave me a shocked expression. She sighed and told me. "Oh come on, Freddie. No one cares that you never kissed a girl. Now take off that stupid disguise."

"Fine." I took off the stuff and hand it over to her.

I regretted taking off the disguise when I saw a group of guys stopped walking when they saw me. "Hey Freddie!" They said and I turned my head around wishing I didn't and could ignore them. They started to make kissy faces at me and I felt completely humiliated and this is all because of Sam.

I became more upset when I first entered the school. I hung my head down not wanting to look anyone anymore. "Ignore those guys. They're being immature." Carly tries to cheer me up, but it's not working, though I agreed with her because they're also making a fool out of themselves.


"Hey, Freddie." The history teacher with a British sounding accent came walking over to us. What does he want, I thought having no clue. "I must say, you should not be embarrass about the fact you never kissed a girl,"

"Well, thanks for stopping by!" Carly says trying to push him out of the way, but he pointed his finger at her and he put his arm around my shoulder walking away from her by a few steps.

"You should stand straight with your head cocked and just shout out 'I am Freddie Benson and I have never kissed a girl!'" He announced. I looked around and saw there everyone in the school heard. They started pointing at me and laughing. I thought that was the dumbest advice a teacher ever given me in my life. They were suppose to help with your problems not make it worse! He walked away defending me, but they ignored him.

"Okay, so far things don't seem to be going well," Carly said with a sad voice. We heard giggling and turned around only to look at little girls taking pictures of me with their digital cellphones.

...I want this day to end...I sighed and closed my eyes. I looked at her reaching hand out wanting my disguise which is no use anymore to put it on because people already know me and my secret. "Can I go home now?"

"I would." She said handing it back to me and I left.

I stayed home for weeks and weeks again lying to Mom saying that I got sick again from someone at school. I told her again that I just need some sleep so she didn't worry about me that much like she did when I first told her.

I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for Sam telling my secret to the whole world. I felt like staying at home doing nothing all day and not seeing anyone. I've been missing iCarly and the rehearsals. I'm not sure if Carly and Sam found a new technical producer or not. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't use Germy like I had picked out for them the last time when I was dating Valerie.

One night, I watched their show. I still don't go to iCarly and the practices, but I watch it. When they were about to start their Meatball War, they stopped and the music turned off. I wonder what they or doing.

She looked at the camera and spoke. "On the last iCarly, I told everyone that Freddie never kissed a girl. That was really personal and I shouldn't have said it on the show." She leaned to the table and pulled a serious face on. "And you people out there who were teasing Freddie, better lay off. Cause I bet a whole lot of you never kissed anyone." She sighed. Wow, I can't believe she's doing this. This is the first time I ever heard her apologize. That's something...different. I thought. "Including me." I felt my jaw opened and she looked at Carly who was pretty shocked at the truth too. "Yeah, that's right, I never did," She took another glance at Carly and back at the camera. "So go ahead and make fun of me...Unless you live next to a hospital." She added quickly to get her tough side back on. Typical Sam.

There was silence for the two of them. I still couldn't believe that she had done that. I never thought that she would apologize for something that she was the one who caused it. Carly came in a clearer view and took one look at Sam and then back at the camera. "Uh, our Meatball War will be happening soon, but for now enjoy this photo of a man with shrimp up his nose." Sam looked at her going away and then I saw the picture of a weird man with shrimp up his one nostril. Talk about weird and not something you see everyday.

A few hours later, the show didn't come on quite a while. I put the music up louder and looked at the night time sky. Thinking about how Sam revealed my secret and many other things that are...personal. I sighed and heard someone knocking on the glass sliding door. I turned around from what I was sitting which is a folding chair. I was surprised to Sam there and I told her that she could come in.

When she walked outside she asked me. "What's up?"

I slowly shook my head to her reply. "Nothin'."

I stood up stepping quietly toward the exit to turn off the music. and sat where she was sitting. Somehow, she got a meatball a in her hand. "Meatball?" She offered me. It's like she finds and gets food out of nowhere.

"No thanks?" I said confused. I saw her toss it over the fire escape. There was silence and I looked around. Then I smiled and said to her. "That was really brave. What you said,"

"You heard?" Sam stuttered. I turned to grab my laptop and grinned how her bewildered expression looks.

"You didn't think I'd miss iCarly?" He asked shaking the laptop slightly and sat on the windowsill next to her.

It was different. Seeing this new...this side of Sam. I never thought that we were able to have a conversation without having to fight or argue about pointless and stupid things.

"I'm sorry," She said. "About telling everyone you've never kissed anyone." I was thankful for that and gave a little and small smile at her. "And about putting blue cheese dressing in your shampoo bottle." I remember that and the only time I discovered there was the dressing when I was about to use it. "And about sending your cellphone to Cambodia." I had to get a new phone because of what she did on EBay. "Everything."

"So this means you're not going to mess with me anymore?" I asked hopefully. Kind of hoping that she would and that she wouldn't.

"No, I'm still gonna mess with you," Sam promised. "I'm just gonna apologize every few years so I can start fresh again."

"Good," I said.

"Good?" She repeated questionally.

"Yeah! It'd be too weird if you didn't make my life miserable all the time," I admitted. "But maybe you could pull back just a little bit--"

"Yeah, I don't think so," She said quickly.

"Yeah, I didn't either," I said at once. Should've thought of that.

"It's so dumb," She sighed.

"Whadda ya mean?" I asked.

"Y' know, how people get all freaked out over their first kiss," Sam explained. "Stupid."

I was taken aback and looked at her in the eyes so she could tell me the truth. "So you weren't lying? You've never kissed anyone?"

"Nope." Sam answered.

Hmm...if Sam and I never had our first kiss maybe we would never do that and I don't know why I even thought of that. I must be crazy to come up with that idea.

"Sometimes I wish I could just get it out of the way."

"I know me too." I whispered.

"Right?" Sam agrees. "Just so I could stop worrying about it!"

"Yeah," I murmured still thinking of that idea. Sam would probably hate me forever for it. Who knows what kind of things she could do to torture me because of that? If that would happen, both of us would have to wash our lips with soap. I made a small laugh at that shaking my head. That would never happen.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, it's..." I muttered trailing off. I don't think she would want to know.

"Tell me!" She demanded and I'm getting the bad side of now, but she would think my idea is stupid too.

"Naw, it's dumb," I said and smiled again.

"Say it!" She's very demanding so I gave in.

"Okay!" I relented. "I was just gonna say..."

"That we should kiss?" She finished my sentence and my eyes were wide. She wanted the same thing?

"You're gonna break my arm now, right?" I gulped at the pain of it that she sometimes would do to me every now and then out of amusement or something that I had done.

Sam shook her head. "No."

I was surprised, but gulped again. Really unsure of her response. "Well...should we? Just so both of us could get it over with?" Since Sam and I didn't have our first kiss yet, I figured that we should...kiss. I can't believe that I want to do this, but I it's not like I actually love her and she's my crush. This kinda makes sense.

"Hmm...Just to get it over with."

"Just to get it over with." I repeated moving a little closer to her.

"And you swear we'll go right back to hating each other as soon as it's over," She demands.

"Totally! And we never tell anyone." I agreed. We tell anyone, not our friends from school, not our parents, not Spencer, and not even Carly. This has to be a secret.

"Never," She says reluctantly. I waited for to do the first move, but she told me. "Well lean."

And so I did. Our heads tilted slightly and we both swallowed. Then...that's when I felt our lips touched. I closed my eyes knowing that's what all people do when they kiss. I see it sometimes out in public and in movies; tilted heads, eyes closed, and enjoying it. My first kiss...I would never imagine you would...feel a lot of emotions. Especially in your stomach.

I could've sworn we kissed for a minute. We broke apart and she stepped away from me slightly and I was puzzled. "Well, that was, um..." I started out, but trailed off again. I have no idea what to say how that was.

"Nice?" She said the word.

"Yeah, nice, uh..." I agreed with that vocabulary.

"Good work?" She said. Not sure if it sounded like a question or a compliment.

"Thank you, you too," I nodded.

I saw Sam swung her legs over the windowsill really slowly. Before she left, I quickly called out to her grinning. "Hey. I hate you."

"Hate you too." She mumbles but I could still hear her perfectly.

I watched her go then stared back up at the twinkling stars.

Never in a billion years would I ever think of kissing Sam that lasted way more than half of a second.

Now I did.