Okay, now that that's out of my system, I really can't believe that I actually wrote this. The song "Here Comes Goodbye" by Rascal Flatts was really an inspiration and song made me half cry. Or maybe it was the pink eye…

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Hamtaro or this song. Need I say more?

Well, thanks for all who reviews OR read my story "Ribbons of Change". And a little note: If you have not read "Ribbons of Change", I suggest that you go ahead and do so because this story would be a little confusing if you haven't read it… Trust me, I'll use a lot of foreshadowing with that story in this story.

Well, here it is! The sequel to "Ribbons of Change"! If you like it, PLEASE review! Actually, this is just the prologue… Review, people, review! Yeah, it's short, I'm sorry!

Here Comes Goodbye:


I can hear the truck tires coming up

The gravel road

It wasn't fair…

And it's not like her to drive that slow

Nothing's on the radio

But then again, life wasn't fair. Still, all the happiness seemed to just drain out of the sinister hush that cloaked the house.

Footsteps on the front porch

I hear my doorbell

It was a rainy day, the sky dreary with smog billowing slowly from the city's factories. Despite how gloomy and dreading it was, the atmosphere fit perfectly.

She usually comes right in

Now I can't tell

It was chilly. Eerie, really, but the heater turned off suddenly just a few minutes ago so he had an easy excuse. However, the feeling welling up in his stomach was already cold enough.

He had just turned on the radio for the heck of it and to distract him from a distressed mind.

Here comes goodbye

Here comes the last time

Here comes the start of every sleepless night

The first of every tear I'm going to cry

Outside from his door, music and voices could be heard. Not in hushed, unnerved whispers like anyone would think. Instead, they were eccentric, upbeat voices that showed a final goodbye should be happy. He couldn't help but smile at their attempt to cheer him up even through the terrible situation he was in. It was so like them, so like them to do all of this partying for him, but there was a darker secret coming from the porch steps.

Here comes the pain

Here comes me wishing things had never changed

She was right here in my arms tonight

He gripped the edge of the piano stool, gulping at the middle school picture of the two of them sitting on the desk.

But here comes goodbye

He had never meant to do this, never meant to cause these many problems. In his depression, he couldn't help but look at the music sheets piled up in an untidy fashion on the top of the piano and shake his head from taking them with him.


"What are those?" a girl asked when she had entered his room for the umpteenth time. It was now that she had just noticed them, probably because he now had more and more music sheets.

"Those? They're just my music sheets," he replied while tossing an old, frayed piece of Bach on his bed, making a mental note to laminate it to keep it in a good condition.

"Oh, they look really complicated," she said in an awed tone as she carelessly flipped the pages and looked at the notes curiously.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" he yelled and seized the booklet she was holding. Opening her mouth to say something, he quickly explained, "This is an expensive, rare copy of Beethoven. If I rip this, my parents would rip me in two and send me to Kentucky, I bought it for fifty dollars. I swear, you'll be the death of me someday!"

She looked hurt, a little red from embarrassment and he finally realized what he had done wrong. In a pathetic attempt to cheer her up, he suggested that they should go outside for a walk.

"You idiot," she murmured in a joking tone, but complied to his wishes and ran, almost danced, out of the door to leave him blushing and smiling a crooked smile as she beckoned him to come along with her.

I can hear her say, "I love you"

Like it was yesterday

He smiled at the memory of her, but it quickly vanished when he saw her face when he had told her what was going into effect right this moment.

And I can see it written on her face

That she had never felt this way

For some reason, he couldn't help but think of the darker memories, mainly when she had told him that she loved him. He didn't exactly say the right thing that night under the Milky Way and the stars.

One day I thought I'd see her

With her daddy by her side

Really, he never did anything on purpose to make Sandy happy, but for some reason that he couldn't explain, he made her happy anyway.

And violins would play

"Here Comes The Bride"

But even through all of this, he was sure that they were the perfect couple, practically made for each other… He might have finally been wrong.

Here comes goodbye

Here comes the last time

Here comes the start of every sleepless night

The first of every tear I'm going to cry

Cringing at the yells of her voice in his head, he closed his eyes and pictured his new life.

Here comes the pain

Here comes me wishing things had never changed

She was right here in my arms tonight

He couldn't do it.

But here comes goodbye

He couldn't imagine a life without her. What's the point of living then?

Why does it have to go from good to gone?

Before the lights turn on

Yeah, and you're left alone

If it was at all possible, he slouched his shoulders lower at the first thought of how many tears she shed, finally knowing that he was leaving.

All alone

And what was worse…

But here comes goodbye

He couldn't believe that he actually did this…

Here comes goodbye

Here comes the last time

Here comes the start of every sleepless night

The first of every tear I'm going to cry

He lied to her.

Here come the pain

Here comes me wishing things had never changed

She was right here in my arms tonight

Maxwell finally opened his eyes to hear a truck engine rumbling and it's tires against the gravel road outside of his front porch. He heaved in a deep breath and grabbed his coat to talk to Sandy in private so the ham-hams' merriment wouldn't have to see the conflicts coming. Once he was ready, or at least physically with his hair gelled in the same style all of his life, he made a slow walk to the door, hand trembling when he clasped his hand on the handle.

But here comes goodbye