Kira's Luck

Disclaimer: Do not own characters of Yu Yu Hakusho or anything of the sort. This is my friend's story.

Prologue: Running

Running, I will always be running from something. I run from my father, my past, but also where I am from.

Running is one of the only things I know how to do. I could have stayed and become a thief but I would have to run from bounty hunters and everybody else who is chasing me. I already have a lot of people after me I don't need anymore.

But is there someone I should not run from. Somebody I may care about.

Chapter One: Morning

I hear my alarm clock going off on the in table next to my bed. I free my hand from the tangle of sheets and hit the alarm off. Once I free myself from my sheets I look at the hated clock to see what time it was.

I get up from my bed and start looking for my school uniform. Once it was found I lay it on my bed and go to brush my hair.

While I brush my hair my mind starts to wonder. I hate mornings but I have to go to school. I like school personally but the other thing I hate about it is the fan girls that roam the school ready to do anything for the one they like.

I really do feel sorry for Shuichi having crazy fan girls chasing him. They rarely leave him alone and they usually bug me.

While I was thinking I had finished brushing my hair and went through the other things to do in the morning to getting dressed. I finally look at the time again to see that I am running late.

Sighing Man now I have to run to school. The other thing that was wrong was that I live on the other side of town from the school.

I walk out of my room to then run down the hall to the stairs to run outside.

While I run to the school on the other side of town, I start to think about my life.

Nobody knows me as well as I stand out from the other people at school other that from Shuichi. With my dark red hair, dark silver streaks with dark metallic green eyes. I am not human but not all demon either. I am what people would like to call complicated.

In my demon form I have dark silver hair, white streaks with dark gold eyes with a pair of silver fox ears and a fox tail.

At school I have no friends. Only one person has tried to talk to me and I didn't want to talk to them. I don't want friends. As the only person who has tried I try to ignore Shuichi Minamino as much as I possibly can.

Tsuyako: Well here is the rewrite of chapter one I hope you like it. Please review I like to know what you think of my story.