Disclaimer: Do not own.

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Grimmjow opened his eyes. 'Where am I?' He looked around; green grass and blue sky as far as he could see. He stood up, grabbed his sword and started to walk. He didn't know how long he walked but his path never ended and the sun never set. He looked at the sun and squinted. He couldn't even make out which way was north or south. The sun would be wherever it waned to be. After a while, as he couldn't figure out how time worked in this place, he sat down and took a break.

'Thirsty,' then he heard a sound that couldn't be anything but a running river. He smiled and hurried over and splashed his face with the refreshing liquid. Few hours later he was still walking the unending path but this time following the river. Soon he left behind the endless grass and the infinite skies and entered the dense forest. He couldn't get bored of it. Every moment, birds were chirping calling to each other, behind the bushes the animals prowled keeping out of his way, and the trees seemed to touch the sky.

'Hungry,' He stopped and looked around. He could hunt, he looked to his sword.

"No" it protested.

He sighed, he didn't understand but he could communicate with his sword. And now it was telling him that it wouldn't hurt others for no reason, it had only one purpose-to protect.

'Protect who?' he had asked.

"If you cannot remember, I will not tell you." Then his sword which kept his insanity at bay shunned him, would not reply to his questions at all.

"Remember," She would whisper, her voice wise and strong.

And he tried; tried so hard but his head hurt, the pain making him stumble and hold on to the earth praying for mercy. Those times she would relent and would softly sing; sing about forbidden love, heartbreaking love. He would get sad, his heart heavy; she would notice and stop. Then she would start to sing about chocolate, breakfast in bed, blue colored jealousy and he would laugh and sometime sing along—quietly of course. She would also sing a song about a rendezvous in the forest that would make his inside protest loudly, craving, craving for the smell of chocolate, craving for soft lips, expressive brown eyes and a whisper of love. He would stop then, sit down at a base of a tree and treasure those scarce memories. Yes, memories, his precious memories. He could tell they were of the same person; the soft lips he felt matched the smiles and when he remembered closed eyes opening he smelled chocolate. And he would question himself, "Who is that?" He asked out loud, "What am I feeling?"

"love", he answered himself. And he was about to give up, when he just wanted to sit down, close his eyes and never get up, he would remember those passionate eyes. He had a reason to go on, he would walk on until he ran into the person who made him feel this way and he would ask, "Who am I?" Maybe then, they could teach him how to be himself.

One day he heard a noise, some one was walking in the forest. He sped up his pace and shouted, "Who's there?"

The noise stopped. "Show yourself."

He met a big guy who had an intimidating look on his face and a little girl with pink hair and a wide smile, perched on his shoulder. They stared each other down.

"Who are you?" The little girl asked.

"I don't know." He answered hesitantly.

"Where are you from?" She asked, unfazed.

"I woke up and I was just here." He clenched his sword.

The big guy spoke up, "What's your sword called?"

He smiled gently before unclenching his hands, "She is called Ai."

"You know the name of your sword but not your own name?" The girl laughed, "You're weird."

He had to defend himself, "I know someone who knows me."

They looked confused. He started to explain himself. "I remember, I just remember…him." He smiled, the person he loved had a gender. "He could tell me who I am." He breathed out.

"Describe him," was the curt demand.

"He has brown eyes, like melting chocolate." He decided to keep to himself how the other guy smelled like chocolate too. "He has tan skin, like honey but lighter. And he has..he has.." Grimmjow concentrated. 'Orange hair.' Ai decided to help.

"He has orange hair; sticking all over the place." The two glanced at each other. They knew who he was talking about; there was no other person with sticking out orange hair anywhere else. They thought that the stranger was finished but they listened as he continued, surprise crossing his face, as if he was remembering for the first time also. They nodded, that was entirely possible.

"He is strong, lazy, blunt, determined, happy, sad…" he trailed off. Zarachi and Yachiru looked at each other again; this man seemed to know Ichigo well.

"But most of all, he is beautiful." The blue haired man seemed to be lost in some memory.

"We know him." Yachiru chirped, "We'll take you to where he is."

The blue haired man nodded.

"I'm Yachiru, by the way and this is Zaraki. He's quiet most of the time but he's softie inside." The big man grunted.

"Why don't we name you? What do you want to be called?" She said happily.

The blue haired man shook his head, "No, he will know who I am. He will name me."

Then they didn't talk anymore. Yachiru just hummed and sometimes broke out into a lyric or two. Soon, they were on a paved path and Grimm could see the houses and hear the people. The one he loved was in there somewhere.

"Tell me more about this person." Yachiru asked.

"You said you know him."

"I do, but how I know him and how you know him is different."She took a pause, "and anyway it might not even be the same person."

His inside froze at that and the beat him inside him got erratic, making him feel like everything was suffocating him.

"What's inside of here?" He asked the little girl, placing his hand over his heart.

"Why?" She asked softly.

"When I think that I will not find him, it hurts."

"Heart." The big man answered, "That's where your heart is. It makes you care about others." That was the longest sentence Grimm had heard him say.

"It makes you love." The little girl answered sadly.

Grimm smiled; a small one it was. "Yes," He answered confidently, "I love him."

They didn't talk anymore.

Zaraki and Yachiru couldn't take him to visit his chocolate right away. First they got him and his sword registered and he was put into Zaraki's Company. Then, he was taken on his first mission, they had to fight off some hollows; he felt sad taking them out of existence until Yachiru explained how shinigami's did not destroy the soul, rather purified it.

After she said that he felt as if his soul used to be dirty and now he couldn't find a speck on it. "Is that what happened to me? Am I a purified soul?"

No answer was given.

A week later, they made their way to an old traditional house. A lot of people were there, talking. They stopped their conversation after they laid their eyes on him. Sudden growls were heard.

"What is he doing here?"

"I thought he was dead."

"We're all dead."

"Stop being a smart ass."

Zaraki stopped their inane chattering with a glare. "He has no idea who he is, where he comes from, where he is currently, although I have explained about the Soul Society. All he knows is he remembers some Orange haired guys with chocolate eyes and honey skin." He finished.

"I'll tell him who he is!" A red haired guy shouted out.

"Renji." A calm guy with long dark hair quieted him, "There must be a reason why he is here."

"Yes," A short girl spoke up, "Nii-san is right. Look, no hole in his stomach."

Grimm rubbed his stomach through his black clothing. Why would he have a hole in his stomach? That was rather absurd.

"He must have been forgiven, purified." A short kid with white hair said.

His question was answered, he had been purified.

"I want to see him," Grimm spoke up, "I want to—" 'hold him, kiss him, love him, never let him go.' His body was heating up, needing to, needing to see his love.

Yachiru spoke up, "He says that Ichi can name him."

Ichi, was that his name? Ichi, Ichi; it sounded nice. It sounded cute. A picture formed suddenly in his mind, a pout gracing the pink lips, the brown eyes pleading.

"So can I." Renju or Renki said angrily.

"No," Grimmmjow stopped him, "Only he knows me."

He drifted into a memory, "Only I know you. Only I love you, love you like there's no tomorrow. I know you, I know you here," A kiss on Grimm's lips. "I know you here" A kiss on his neck. "I know you here and here and here." Kisses were everywhere and Grimm felt fluttery as if he was going to fly away.

"Only you know me." He whispered throatily.

"Take me to him." He ordered.

Some of them bristled at the thought of some Arrancar turned shinigami ordering them around. But a woman with blonde hair and big boobs said, "I'll take you to him. Although I'll doubt he'll want to see you. He hardly puts up with us anymore. He's been in depression since the war." She explained her situation.

"He'll want to see me." There was no doubt in his voice.

She took him inside, down a long hallway; everyone followed close behind.

She knocked at a door, "Ichigo I'm coming in."

Ichigo was his name; strawberry. His strawberry.

There was no answer. She slid the door open, her strength pushing open all the way so everyone could see inside the room. They could see a form at the bed, curled up.

"Ichigo, you have a visitor."

"Don't want to see them, who ever they are."

The shinigamis smirked, typical response. As if Ichigo would want to see him when he doesn't even want to see his friends or family.

Grimmjow spoke up. "Ichigo." His voice was deep and something akin to warmth invaded it.

The figure stilled from inside the covers. Then, an orange head peeked out, out came chocolate eyes as if to cross reference, to see if what he heard would coincide with what he would see. And his eyes went wide when he saw Grimmjow standing there. Grimmjow felt his mouth pulling into a familiar position, a smirk. "Surprised to see me?"

Ichigo jumped out of his bed, pushed Rangiku out of the doorway simultaneously pulling Grimmjow in and shutting everyone out. Then, he stuck his out of the door and said, "Get lost, everyone."

The shinigamis were confused. What had just happened?

Ichigo looked at the blue man in front of him. He wanted to touch to see if this was real or if it was another dream. But he was afraid, so afraid that Grimmjow would dissipate into thin air again.

"Ichigo?" Brown eyes met blue, "Who am I?"

Ichigo was floored. "W-What do you mean?" He managed to question.

"I don't know who I am, idiot." Grimmjow looked surprised at how he was acting towards Ichigo. Is this how you act towards your lover? Maybe this is just how he was. "I woke up in some field with a sword by my side and all I remembered was you, your smile, your eyes, and your smell. You just you."

"M-me?" Ichigo looked to be on verge of tears.

"You, chocolate, donuts, jam, forest leaves. You, just you."

"When did you become so mushy?"

"Since I love you." There was a silence.

"Since you are my world, my everything. Since I would do anything for you, to protect you."

At this exact moment, Ichigo broke down. He fell to the soft floor, tears flowing down his face, silent chokes escaped his mouth.

"Don't, don't love me that much. Don't love me so much that you would die."

Grimmjow answered seriously, "You feel the same way, yet I cannot stop you either."

"How do you know I feel the same way?" Ichigo yelled.

Grimmjow got onto his knees also, "Because my heart says you do."

The orange haired man nodded, "Grimm" He whispered and tugged the blue haired into his arms. "Grimm, Grimm, Grimm" He chanted.

'I am Grimm' he thought.

The others stood outside Ichigo's room for a moment, no knowing what happened. Most likely a thought going through all their minds was "What the fuck?"

They stayed long enough to hear Grimmjow as, "Ichigo, who am I?" in the softest tone. Their eyebrows raised, they shared a look with each other.

Byakuya ushered them way, "Ichigo requested privacy."

"Requested?" more like ordered." Renji grumbled.

"Ichigo let him in." Rukia said softly.

"Thank god, for what ever reason." Rangiku stated.

"I wonder about their history." Toshiro said and they wandered out to the back garden.

"What is their relationship, you have to wonder…"

"I do hope they don't break my house apart." Byakuya sighed.

They waited, chatting to pass the time, for hell to break loose. But no such thing happened. The house may have creaked once or twice but they blamed it on the old structure.

But they really couldn't ignore what was happening inside when they heard Ichigo yell out Grimm's name and the house rocked one last time.

"There's the answer to your question, Rukia." Rangiku said, a smirk gracing her face as a scream of pleasure was heard.

Then their lips were together, moving in a harmony; soft and slow. They were exploring each other finding each other once again. This time they could take it slow, couldn't they?

The air became heavy and soft sighs, moans and groans escaped into the air. Grimm closed him eyes and pressed his lips harder against Ichigo's. Under the pressure, Ichi opened his mouth and soon started a dance, a lazy dance of two pink tongues. They were reassuring each other; 'I am here now, I am here forever.' They didn't take their hands off the other as they got to the bed; 'I am never letting you go, never, never.'


Ichigo arched into Grimm, their erections pressing together, as Grimm moved on to his neck. Treasures, There were treasures everywhere. Every moan, every sound from Ichigo was a treasure and he caused and he had it. Oh he had it. He grinned devilishly into Ichi's skin before biting the juncture between the neck and the shoulder. Ichigo loved a bite there. Ichigo grinded, pulsing his body faster and fast against Grimmjow.

"Grimm, oh please. Unn…"

Grimm panted, not taking his eyes away from the form of Ichigo, so thoroughly turned on by what he was saying. " Ichi—uhhh—what do-ahh—ask for it!"

"Dammit, Grimm—oh yes right there—this is—ummm—not the time."

Their clothes were off and they were pressed against each other, oh so close. Yes, they were so close. Ichigo opened his eyes and took in Grimmjow, the blue haired man was delicious. He licked his lips which were promptly attacked once again.

Grimmjow pulled away reluctantly, "Tell me you have lube, oil, lotion, something!"

"Second drawer." He continued kissing Grimm, feeling the hard muscles up and down the adored body. His hands found Grimm's length and pumped it; up and down, slowly.

The lotion almost fell out of Grimm's hands as Ichigo ministered to him, it was an exquisite torture. He was close, so close to coming.

"Stop that-I want to come inside of you." was the abrupt order.


Grimmjow started to lather his erection with a generous amount of lotion.

"How do you want me?" Ichigo spread his legs further.

Grimmjow choked, "Dammit, I wanted to go slow. You are making this so hard."

Then, he took hold of Ichigo's hips and plunged himself into the waiting heat. It was as he remembered it, but better because he had thought he would not be able to make love to his strawberry after the war. A stroke, two, and they lost the concept of time. It was them, the two of them, Ichigo and Grimmjow, Ichi and his Grimm, Grimm and his Ichi, just them and their bodies and they soared and they flew. Then, they fell.

They lay there, entangled together, their breaths mingling, their heart beating for the entire world to hear it seemed. Grimmjow pushed himself up and kissed his strawberry again. He couldn't get enough of that. Then, he groaned.

"What's wrong?" came the sleepy question as Ichigo snuggled into his lover some more.

"I wanted to go slow."

"Grimm, we don't do slow, remember?" Ichigo sat up and hissed up in pain. Grimmjow pushed him back into sleeping position, stroking the soft skin of his lover.

"Yes, I remember." A small kissed was placed on pink willing lips, "that's why I wanted to take it slow. Because I—I love you." It was a question, do you love me too or am I mistaken?

Ichigo sighed, reached up to wrap his hands around Grimmjow's neck and brought their lips to a close again, "I thought you knew?" was the teasing question. "I love you, you big dummy."

"I love you here." A kiss on the lips.

"I love you here." A kiss on the jaw.

"I love you here." A kiss on his clavicle.

"I love you here." A kiss on his stomach, which bore no hole. Another kiss here again.

"I love you here." One on his thigh.

A growl was issued, "Stop, you tease."

Ichigo looked at his love straight in his blue, blue eyes, "And most of all, I love you here." A trembling kiss was placed above Grimm's heart.