TsukiyomiMoon: Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long. I've just been buggered down with school and life. Here is the rewrite of chapter 4. Be warned this chapter is a little slow. Action will show up in the next one. This one explains some things.

Chapter 4: Unknown Consequences and Shopping Reapers?

Ayaka's P.O.V

"I choose …… the second option." The tension seemed to leave the room as I made my choice. I looked over to Keket to see if she approved. She was emotionless as when she made her choice.

"Very well then, I will begin the paper work and begin the process. Now hold still."

I closed my eyes expecting some kind of pain. After several moments I opened my eyes to see a very short, pink haired lady standing in front of me.

"Uh, hi," for some reason she made me very nervous.

"What are you standing here for dimwit?!"

"What….?" I looked over to see Keket standing next to the door already.

"Are you coming are what? I don't have all day."

I followed after her wondering where we were going. I looked over to Keket. She seemed distracted. I wonder what was going through her head.

"My name is Genkai for those of you who weren't paying attention when I came in," I looked back to the short lady. So she was the woman we were going to be staying with.

"I live a little out of the way of any school districts and such, so you will have to take a train and then walk into town. Items that were deemed as most important by Koenma have already been sent to my house. You will need to go shopping to buy clothes and such. Which is why when we get to my house there will be someone there to take you shopping. Any other rules and such I will tell you later tonight any questions?"

"Um, when will we get to your house?" I was nervous about entering a new area.


"Wha….." I couldn't finish my question because I saw a white light and a feeling of vertigo took over my senses.

The light disappeared and before me stood a very large 'house', if you could call it that. Forest surrounded it on all sides and a large staircase was behind me.

"How did we get here so fast?" Keket must have been as curious as I was.

"Transportation spell, it's a rush for first timers. Now follow me."

We didn't get far into the house before I heard someone shout my name and was tackled from behind.

Keket's P.O.V

I looked over to Ayaka only to see her falling to the floor with another person.

"Ayaka, I was so worried about you!" Koneko, Ayaka's best friend, was crying on top of her.

"Koneko what are you doing?" I looked over to see another woman with long blue hair and pink eyes.

"Uh…Koneko what's going on?" Ayaka seemed to be as confused as I was. Koneko should not have evened remembered Ayaka.

"How do you even know who I am?"

"What are you talking about? You're Ayaka my best friend."

"Koneko, I think you need to explain to them why you haven't forgotten them. You know what Koenma told us," the woman with blue hair said to Koneko.

"Oh, yeah. Well, I'm a grim reaper!" Koneko explained this with a straight face. I had to look away or I might have laughed.

"You're joking right?" Ayaka looked as if she was about to laugh too.

"I'm serious! Tell them Botan!" Ayaka and I looked over to the blue haired woman named Botan looking for an answer.

"She's right we are grim reapers. We work for Koenma leading souls to the after life."

"So that's why you didn't forget Ayaka."


"So why are you hear?" Ayaka asked them.

"Well, we are here to help you settle in and get some new clothes and such," explained Koneko.

"Shopping?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes, now let's get going!" I could only shudder and we were pulled out the door by two hyper grim reapers.

Location: Mall

Keket's P.O.V

I wanted to die as I was dragged into another store by Botan and Koneko. I looked over at Ayaka and she didn't look any better. So far we had been dragged into two shoe stores, 6 clothing stores, 1 furniture store, a school shop, a make up store, 3 underwear stores ( ugh!), and many more.

I just wanted to curl up with a good book and hid from these people forever.

"Are we done yet?" Ayaka asked them.

"Almost, we just have one store left," said Botan. I wasn't sure I could carry anything else let alone survive another clothing store.

We kept going until they stopped in front of a quaint looking store. The store was called "Everything Books". I was so happy; I rushed in not saying a word to anyone. I grabbed a basket and was gone in a flash.

Ayaka's P.O.V

When we got to the bookstore Keket left in a flash. I don't think I've ever seen anyone move so fast.

"Whoa, she's fast," said Koneko.

"I figured you guys would like this store," explained Botan.

"You got that one right." I walked off grabbing a small basket and heading toward the romance section. I always pretend not to be interested in the stuff but I truly loved it. I secretly always wanted a man to sweep me off my feet. However I knew that was never going to happen. All the good ones were either gay or taken or a jerk.

I picked up a couple of books I needed to catch up on. I spotted Keket as she passed by quickly and I almost dropped my books. Her basket was already full and she was working on another.

"Do you have enough Keket?" She looked over at me like I was dirt on the road.

"Okay then…" I sweat dropped. I thought she was going to eat me. I just learned an important lesson today: never get between Keket and books.

I put my third basketful of books on the checkout counter. I looked over to Botan, "Who is paying for all of this stuff?"

"Well Koenma wanted you guys to be confortable so he's fitting the bill," she pulled out a gold credit card and smiled. I looked at all of the stuff and started to feel bad.

"I feel bad about spending so much of someone else's money."

"Well, I don't," Keket dropped off her 5th cartload of books. I looked down at my three baskets worth and paled. How many books did one person need?

"Are you sure you need that many books?" asked Botan.

Keket looked over at her and smirked evilly. "It's his fault we're in this mess so he can pay for a small amount of books." I shuddered to think of what a large amount of books was to her. I think Botan got the message too because she didn't ask anymore.

Location: Genkai's Temple

Keket's P.O.V

I smiled at my completed pile of books. I fell back onto my bed, sighing at the completeness I always got around books.

"You seem happy." I looked over to see the familiar black blob known as Kuronue.

"It's been awhile."

"I've been here the whole time; I just didn't want to distract you from your friends."

"It's fine I enjoy talking to someone of equal intelligence."

"I appreciate the complement. I see you like to read a lot."

"Yeah, I just had to replace a lot of books."

"Most of my books had to be left in Egypt and even more got destroyed when the demon attacked."

"Ah, I loved to read in my time."

"Really? If you want you can read mine if you get bored."
"I appreciate it and will do." I stared at Kuronue as he scanned over the piles of books or what seemed to be scanning. He was a blob so he didn't have any eyes.

My concentration was broken as I heard shouting coming from the kitchen. I opened my door and walked toward that direction. I saw Botan and Koneko arguing about who was going to cook tonight.

"Both of you get out of the kitchen! Neither of you can cook! I'll do it myself!" Genkai threw them out of the kitchen then proceeded to slam the door shut.

"Man she's tough." I looked over to see Ayaka standing next to me. She must have heard the commotion too.

"Hey old hag, are you here!" I looked over to see a boy with slicked walk in the door followed by a boy with orange Elvis hair, a smaller boy with spiky black hair, and then……Suichi?!

"Suichi?" I looked over to see Ayaka staring at him.

"Ayaka…Keket? What are you doing here?"

"How do you know who I am?"

"What are you talking about we go to school together."

"Well isn't this a coincidence." We all looked over to see Genkai staring at us smirking.

"Well, it looks like we have some explaining to do to them seeing as Koenma didn't."

"Explain what?" asked the boy with slicked back hair.

"A lot of things, but that can wait till supper."

"Ayaka, what is she talking about and how do you know her?"

"Well, that is an interesting story, and I'm not sure you will believe me," she looked down as she said this.

"Trust me, I will most likely believe anything you tell me."

"Everyone get in this dinning room now or there will be no supper for you!" We all heard Genkai shouting for us. I quickly walked into the dinning room not wanting to miss anything. Everyone else quickly followed. Tonight was going to get interesting.

End Chapter 4

Tsukiyomi: Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update again soon. Also on my profile is a pole to see if people want me to update this story more or my Death Note story. Please let me know if you like this and there will be action coming in the next chapter. Thank you all. Please review.