A/N: Instead of studying for exams like I should be, I wrote my first semi- fluff Chair piece. It's all dialogue (my first ever.) I'm not good at the whole witty banter thing that Chuck and Blair have going for them, but I did try. And I know that some of the things they say might not be very clear, especially what happens at the end, but this is my first so... sorry. One- shot.
Gossip Girl does not belong to me because if it did Chuck and Blair would get over themselves and just say that they love each other.
-- "Unforgivable."
-- "Blair, I said I was--"
-- "Unforgivable."
-- "Why do you care, anyway?"
-- "...because... she's my friend, that's why."
-- "Just because you smile sweetly at her in the same living conditions, doesn't make you actual friends. Your exploits at Constance should at least have taught you that."
-- "That's your excuse? You don't think its a big deal because you're opinionated that we're not actually friends?"
-- "That's the idea. I don't really understand why I owe you an apology. And why are you making it your business to be so invested in my private life, anyway?"
-- "Trust me, Bass, its not that private. And you made it my business when you started tearing through my friends like paper."
-- "Still, the actual boyfriend with the best friend must have been worse. You seemed to have forgotten and forgiven that particular incident. Need I remind you of the Shepard Wedding?"
-- "That was different."
-- "Why?"
-- "Because. That was a long time ago. And I don't lo..."
-- "You don't... love him anymore?"
-- "Ugh! I hate you!"
-- "Actually, it sounds like you do a lot more than hate me."
-- "You're heinous."
-- "Agreed. And for the record, it was never my intention to sleep with your roommate to be overly malicious."
-- "For once."
-- "You think so little of me."
-- "You give me no choice."
-- "You don't need one, as I recall. You chose the backseat of the limo every time, for instance."
-- "You nauseate me."
-- "Then why are you smiling?"
-- "..."
-- "..."
-- "Stop looking at me like that."
-- "Stop being so appealing to look at."
-- "What are you doing, Bass?"
-- "I thought I was coming on to you. You seemed to be responding well enought."
-- "I can see what you're doing... not to mention feel it..."
-- "Really? Because for a second it seemed that you completely forgot how this works."
-- "Don't worry. There are things about you that will be engraned in my brain forever."
-- "Thank you."
-- "Not a complement."
-- "It is coming from you. Speaking of coming..."
-- "Don't try to flatter me."
-- "Is it working?"
-- "... You're going to have to not do that."
-- "I wasn't aware I was doing anything."
-- "You know exactly what you're doing."
-- "..."
-- "..."
-- "...ow."
-- "That's the price you pay for seducing me in such a cramped space."
-- "So it is working."
-- "I'm not having sex with you on top of the bar."
-- "Why not? I own the place. And you dno't have to worry about anyone walking in, its closed."
-- "I told you, its cramped, and cold... Oh yeah, not to mention probably the least classy thing I've heard of in my life."
-- "That's what the conveniently placed stage is there for. You know, the one you've had so much fun dancing on. And I wasn't aware that class was a value high on your list. Does that mean you don't think my limo is classy?"
-- "... I never said it wasn't..."
-- "..."
-- "..."
-- "Okay."
-- "Okay."