Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible nor do I make any claim to any of Disney's copyright or property.

Ron looked up from his math homework and yawned loudly. "Remind me again how you talked me into this KP?" He asked as he reached for his third bottle of Bawls that night.

Kim stopped her acrobatic 'workout' after landing from a series of back flips. "Because some ninja looking guy has been stealing these monkey idols from museums around the world. The other three are gone, leaving us to guard the last one."

"I got that, I meant talking me into sitting next the thing. You remember what happened at Camp Wannaweep..."

"Ron, get a grip," she sighed. "That was six years ago and the monkey you're next to isn't even alive. It's jade. Rock. Inanimate object," The last part Kim punctuated her point by using the sign language she'd been studying to sign the last two words out.

Ron just unclipped his book light from his math book to the book he'd picked up on Ned's suggestion, Mistborn: The Final Empire.

"Ron, I think you can put your book down," Kim said looking at the ceiling.

"Why?" Ron inquired as he replaced the bookmark he'd just taken out.

"Because our monkey loving friend is here," Kim stated and hit the remote she'd kept in her pocket to turn on the lights. Sure enough, hanging from an air vent was a man dressed completely in black. Other than that he was white and was male the teens couldn't tell much given his posture and clothes.

The man dove from his perch, grabbed a round support column, kicked of from that and aimed himself like a missile at the redhead. Rotating as he sailed the ninja extended his right foot to kick at her. Stepping into the kick Kim grabbed the ninja's leg at the knee and ankle, spinning to use his momentum to throw him into a wall. With a grunt the masked man landed face first on the floor after leaving a sizable series of spider webbing cracks in the wall. Kim took a pair of restraints she'd been given and walked over to cuff the man when he sat up, snatched the cuffs from her hand and deftly managed to lock them around her right wrist. Then after a quick series of fist and knee jabs to her stomach twisted her left arm behind her back. Holding her arm back he grabbed her right arm and pulled it to match the left before clicking the handcuffs into place on her formerly free hand. Gripping her hair in his left hand he yanked her head to the side and pushed four fingers into a pressure point just under her neck, causing her to pass out without a sound.

"KP!" Looking up from his handiwork the ninja pushed Kim to the floor. With one hand the mystery man grabbed the charging sidekick, spun on his heel, and using the boy's momentum against him, hurled the him into an exhibit across the hall.

Ron landed hard into the display of a fist sized yellow-grey stone, shattering the glass with his back. The glass clattered to the floor as Ron and the display case quickly followed suit, the stone being jammed against the small of Ron's back.

With the duo incapacitated the man jumped from display to column to banner and finally back to the air duct where he had hidden the other monkey idols. Once back on the ground he placed the idols in a circle around him and began chanting.

The chants slowly brought Kim back to consciousness. As he got closer to finishing his chants the monkey idols began giving off a soft blue glow. Thinking quickly Kim got into a sort of crouch and shoulder rushed the distracted ninja right out of his circle. Right as she did four beams of light shot from the monkey idols into the center of the circle, striking Kim but completely missing the ninja.

Cursing under his breath the man turned to watch Kim rise in the air. With a quick jerk of her arms Kim freed her arms, her handcuffs breaking like rice paper. "Oh bugger me," he said, turning and running while Kim was distracted.

Unfortunately for him that was when Kim noticed him. Crossing the room in the blink of an eye she grabbed him by the back of his shirt and hurled him into a wall. "I missed a dance to be guard that stupid statue. Do you know how much of my babysitting money on spent on a new outfit for that dance? I'm afraid that you're going nowhere until I work my frustrations out," Kim said to her quickly recovering opponent.

Grabbing a weapon, a ji to be exact, from a near by display the nameless man attempted to rush the glowing Kim. As he swung down Kim stepped into the Chinese halberd's arc and caught it just under the blade. Curling her fingers around she pushed back, the steel tip knocking into the ninja's stomach with each shove. When she was done, the ninja lay groaning on his side, just in time for Kim to notice the flashing lights of the Middleton police department outside the window.

* * *

Kim walked to Ron's room in the hospital. The doctors last night had looked him over and had found a cut on his back along his spine they couldn't identify. A series of x-rays later the doctors found a rock that was somehow fused to his spine. She opened the door to his room, "Hey Ron, you awake toda-" Kim trailed off seeing Shego leaning over her sleeping best friend. "Shego," Kim said as if she could chew the word and spit it out. "You have until the count of five before I throw you out that window. One. Four."

"Hello to you too Princess," Shego replied. She then walked towards the door, grabbing Kim by the hand. "We need to talk." Pulling the door closed Shego pressed Kim against the wall. "Do you know what's fused to Ron's spine?"

"No but I assume you do," Kim answered, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Actually, yes, I do. My lovely emerald skin tone and energy blasts are the result of a comet hitting my family's backyard. My brothers and I gained different powered glows from the radiation that washed over us. When the rock fused to your sidekick's spine last week I felt the yellow glow activate. Spent the last week dodging my way over a few borders. By the way, did you know how horribly easy it is to sneak into Alaska from Russia?"

"Why are you here? To find out if Ron's going to be able to throw around yellow flames like your green ones?"

"No. Frankly it's because I was curious what the yellow power was. As for him throwing fire, not likely, each glow is different so I could be wrong. My older brother has the blue glow that gives super-strength, little brother has purple which allows him to shrink, and my youngest brothers who both gained the power of duplication," Shego explained. "And for the record, I hurl around plasma not fire. There is a difference."

"So what's yellow do?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him use the ability yet," Shego sighed. "When he wakes up we'll find out."

A sudden cry of surprise from the room caused Kim and Shego to rush back into the room to find the bed empty, IV lines and a hospital gown laying in the semi-made bed. Ron pulled himself out from under the bed. "Okay, that was weird," he said not noticing his lack of clothing. Both girls quickly covered their eyes.

"Two hands there Sport," Shego stated simply.

Ron looked down at himself, quickly turning nearly as red as Kim's hair. "What the hell? Why is Shego here and how am I still alive since she is here and my clothes are not?"

"Looks like we found what the yellow power is," Kim commented to Shego.

"Yellow power?" Ron questioned after pulling the hospital gown back on. He looked at his hands, "I don't have a Sinestro Corps. Ring..."

"The rock you have fused to your spinal cord is part of the meteor that struck my brothers and I giving us our powers. Though we don't have chunks of it stuck within our bodies, my brothers and I just got a massive dose of radiation...," Shego explained.

"Okay. So what, I'm a male Kitty Pryde? Hold on, you have brothers?"

"We can talk about them later," Shego said quickly.

"That or the yellow glow grants the ability to fall naked through hospital beds," Kim said.

"Well, I feel great. And a draft but I think that's due to the gown more than anything else..."

"It doesn't matter how you feel right now Ron, I'm afraid we're going to have to keep you for another few days for observation. You've been in a coma for a week, we can't just let you leave without making sure you're okay," Mrs. Doctor Possible said as she entered the room.

"A week? Why didn't you tell me KP?"

"Too busy trying not to stare at your nakedness after you fell through the bed," Kim said.

"Honestly, I could stand to see a little more," Shego said with a smirk.

"Great, my arch-rival thinks my best friend is hot. That calls for brain bleach..."

"I'll have a bottle and a steel wool pad when I get home Kimmie," Ann said in a very deadpan voice. "Now both of you, shoo. Doctor-Patient time."

* * *

Author's Notes:

This story was inspired by a piece by Minnestotamutt called Struggle.

I'd also like to take this chance to thank Love Robin from the KP Slash Haven board. She gave me some great advice and thanks to her this chapter was finished. Please, go check some of her stuff here on the site. *does his best Robert Englund impression* Tell her Freddy sentcha!

I'm already working on the second chapter so until then, I await any reviews.